
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Para el desarrollo rural de Perú
A project of irrigation tecnificado

For the rural development of Peru

Rosalía Pérez07/11/2002

7 November 2002

A system of filtered and of a system of irrigation has developed in four communities, with a total of 120 hectares of terrains irrigated.

The company Resintet, distributor of Azud in Peru, has realizar in this country a project of irrigation tecnificado beside the NGO Spanish "Help in action".

The project has been part of an integral project of this institution for the development of the Andean communities of the saws of Peru. The base of this project is grazier, by what this NGO has of professionals in the field to attend to the peasants and graziers, has built stables, has purchased livestock lechero of race and realizar agricultural works for the development of new pastizales in the zone.

Is in this last point where Resintet and Azud took part. In these zones does not exist technology of irrigation any, by what depend only of the nature. Although during roughly six months to the year there are rains and is not necessary system of irrigation any, in the rest of the year does not have said rains. In this period the graziers have to realizar long travesías with his animals in search of pastizales in high zones of the mountain range, what generates a wear in the animals and therefore a merma in the production, in addition to comporting a big physical effort for the grazier.

Helps in action resorted to Resintet to realizar the works of design and implementation of a network of pipes to feed from a source of distant water until a reservoir in the zone of the project, the placing of a system of filtered and of a system of irrigation. This diagram has developed in four communities, with a total of 120 hectares of terrains irrigated.

Incidentally to the main work netamente grazier, have realizar plots demostrativas of other crops of vegetables and frutales where the climate allows it. Of this way also promotes in the zone a technological change and teach them new technologies so much of irrigation as of other unknown crops for them.
The products Azud that used in these projects were the systems of filtered Azud modulate 300, pipe with gotero flat Azudline and accessories of microirrigación Azudfit.

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