
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El valor agronómico de las variedades BIRES
Pepper with genes of tolerance to TSWV

The value agronómico of the varieties BIRES


7 May 2001

The use of varieties of pepper with genes of tolerance to TSWV (Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus) is a novelty for the majority of the producers of pepper. The commercial introduction of these varieties is fruit of years of investigation and selection in Syngenta Seeds to offer a range the widest possible, that cover the needs that require the plantations that the company realises. The TSWV in himself same, is so only consequence of a main problem fitopatológico, the travel, an insect whose capacity of transmission of this virus is widely studied and ascertained. His control is necessary to avoid so much the direct damages that ocasiona the travel on the fruit, like the reactions of hipersensibilidad that, in determinate circumstances could observe on varieties that possess this gene of resistance; hipersensibilidad that could appear when the pressesure of pertinent inoculum of sensitive crops very affected and transported by the travel to crops of varieties tolerantes to TSWV, was very high. Syngenta Seeds Has realised this new work of introduction of tolerance to Spotted respecting a very necessary resistance in cultivated them of this company, the resistance to PMMV (=TM3), giving place to varieties that designate BIRES, for contemplating both virosis. For more information:

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