
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Esto está escrito sin sustancias dopantes

This is written without doping substances

Ibon Linacisoro. Director of Interempresas22/12/2010

22 December 2010

More and more often we speak in Interempresas footprint of carbon, it is a wine cellar, it is a country club. Logical that we want to contribute to the reduction of emissions of CO2 by putting on the table the fact that others do. We can require the use of renewable non-emitting CO2, we can require the planting of forests so they neutralize or we can buy rights of CO2 that allow us to deliver it. What we cannot, under any circumstances, is reducing the consumption of heating or air conditioning at home or in the Office, use fewer lights at home, not go for bread in car, eat the toast unroastedwatch less TV, less recharge the mobile phone, camera, mp3, mp3 speakers, computer, without the elevator to go home, put the washing machine and dishwasher safe every day. This is impossible, because it depends on us. It is far more possible that there are others which reduce their emissions of CO2. The industry for example... what people. But if they are all day with the chimneys at the top. That I throw several kilos of paper away per week does not give right to the trash spitting such smoke by the chimneys and far less right to pollute gives one of these chemical industries the fact that I fill my gas tank every weekthat wash with detergent every day or that it comes from the Super lined with plastic bags.

Recommended, if we really want to do things right, is that in our identity card, chip, also come our carbon footprint. Clear that posts to think, this could be much more complete if we recurriéramos to the total footprint. I.e., with carbon footprint, the chip would incorporate the biological passport, that it would clear our footprint of doping, and, of course, the football team of our love and our knowledge of the world of the heart, our intellectual footprint, so that a single-chip we define with regard to the important values. Knowing the importance of the chip in our image, we preocuparíamos to keep it pristine.

All of this because somehow we must improve the image of Spain abroad. The runaway crisis, the threat of the rescue, exacerbated unemployment, doping of our best athletes, the closure of airspace by the dire illness of the drivers, jewels of WikiLeaks on Spain... A horror that only a wash of image can be solved. A chip with the total footprint.

And this is written without doping substances it shows the chip of my identity card.

Comments on article / news piece

#4 - Sra. Rocio Rodriguez
19/01/2011 16:45:01
Yo por ejemplo estoy a favor del uso de sustancias que hagan que el desarrollo de cualquier actividad aunque sea deporte sea más alto. Asi se sabría por ejemplo hasta donde puede el hombre llegar realmente.
#3 - Sra. Rocio Rodriguez
19/01/2011 16:41:46
Pues a mi me parece que la hiprocresia y la incultura son las causantes de opiniones distantes
#2 - Pepe - León -
28/12/2010 20:32:03
Decía Baltasar Gracián, que la calidad bien entendida, empieza por uno mismo, pero cuando se trata de responsabilidad, nadie, quiere saber nada, es uno de los principales problemas de la idiosincrasia nacional, la culpa siempre es de los demás. si no tomamos conciencia a nivel particular y después obramos como una piña, no hay nada que hacer.
#1 - Tu ex-vecino
27/12/2010 12:11:42
De verdad que no habias bebido nada?????

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