
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Del primate al racional, del racional al espabilado

Of the primate to the rational, of the rational to the espabilado

Ibon Linacisoro. Director of Interempresas25/11/2010

25 November 2010

Any of the hundreds or billions that we live in the cities of the civilized world live totally unrelated to the animal world, especially if we consider that the dogs are no longer part of the animal world but rather bugs that are with us andonly sometimes leave us the mined streets. But we were apes and it shows. To some it shows them when they eat, others will note when take advantage of privacy exposed to the public of a car you expect to the traffic lights change to green for cleaning of nasal internal walls and others when they talk about. In fact, is to speak when paradoxically more note us the animalism. We always have a moment of the day to demonstrate that we were animals, because we cannot take away the burden of our gene. It is something very our.

Perhaps why let them less and exert to them when the thing is complicated. Namely: in Hojomachi station in the city of Hyogo, Japan, have applied for two monkeys are heads of the station. The monkeys, always eager to help his cousins, have accepted because after long meetings with their employers have come to the conclusion commonly accepted that it will thus attract more customers to the railway line. Receiver, overwhelming logic is: If there is a monkey's head of station, more pulls us the train. Not to mention where are train drivers or when airlines reactivate business hiring monkeys as pilots.

In difficult times like these, it is good to devote efforts to know well the animal world, because knowing about them more than we know. There are studies determinants for the future of the rational animal, reason by which society is thrilled to pay studies like the one done by a British scientific team with some Blackbirds of South Africa. According to the same, some flocks rivals of birds behave like soccer fans, chanting songs guerrillas during clashes or comforting after a defeat, smoothing the feathers to one another. Birds alisan feathers each other after a situation of extreme stress. For example, after a defeat front to a rival flock or after a long fight.

Monkeys are heads of station is something that sooner or later it had to happen. That someone devote their time and resources of other to verify that a common Blackbird is like a hooligan, also. What is not acceptable is that rational animals are put to work, more and more for less, to get out of this hole, while the 'clever animal' species looks from your Chair to their lower counterparts.

Comments on article / news piece

#1 - Oscar
30/11/2010 13:22:18
Por eso yo a mis hijos, a parte de intentar educarles para que sean buenas personas, con respeto por los demás, por sí mismos, por las normas, etc. etc., no les dogmatizaré; me explico: también les enseñaré que con el siglo XX se inició (oficialmente) el RELATIVISMO, anteriormente sólo reservado a los dirigentes políticos, religiosos, militares, económicos, etc. etc., que utilizaban (manipulaban) a las masas para que remaran hacia donde ellos quisieran dirigir el timón, basándose para ello ¿en qué?, pues en la ignorancia de la mayoría. Actualmente pienso que el nivel de formación integral en España está bajando de una manera preocupante: no se educa a los niños para que piensen luego y desarrollen por sí mismos, sino que se tiende a "adiestrarles" de cara a que realicen una labor para la sociedad (como los monos del artículo vamos)pero que no utilicen el raziocinio "relativista" (bueno, en mi opinión el raziocinio siempre es relativista, pues te hace ver las cosas más objetivamente, no en base a consignas para las que te hayan adiestrado previamente); los partidos políticos a su vez dirigidos (casi todos) por personas de alto nivel socioeconómico tratan a través de la educación que los jóvenes operen en base a consignas pre-aprendidas digamos "mecánicamente", que luego se traducirán en los necesarios votos que mantendrán el orden "vigente" en España que asegura la estabilidad de la nueva casta política manipuladora y chupóptera. Estamos ya en el S.XXI y me parece tremendo que la mayoría seguimos operando en base a consignas de finales del S.XIX y principios del S.XX (lo que les interesa a ellos), y los jóvenes igual. Yo a mis hijos pienso enseñarles que aún adaptándose a esta sociedad nuestra que acabo de describir, de lo que se trata es de analizar las cosas internamente y con espíritu simpre crítico y desconfiado, que hay que ser (por qué no decirlo) por lo menos igual de listo y despabililado que los que los gobiernan, y que para conseguir llegar a eso hay que partir de tener la mayor formación (pero integral, de verdad) posible.

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