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Onubafruit, University of Florida and Rústicas of the Guadalquivir regularizan the crop of cranberries


5 March 2014


The company onubense Onubafruit has signed an agreement with the University of Florida and Rústicas of the Guadalquivir to achieve regularizar the crop of cranberry in the province of Huelva. By means of this agreement, the agriculturalists of the five cooperatives that conform Onubafruit (Cobella, Cartayfres, Coast of Huelva, Freslucena and Sat County) guarantee the use of the best varieties of this fruit that, by his special characteristics, allows to arrive to the markets when it does not exist competition of other producers. The consumption of cranberry is very implanted in the European markets because of the recognised profits that has for the health like his high content of vitamin C, his antioxidant properties, the potenciación of absorption of ironinging or the prevention of some types of cancer. In virtue of this agreement, Onubafruit also will set up a plan of actions to boost the consumption of this fruit in the national market, where is less known.

The production of the cranberry has suffered a considerable increase of production in the last years in the province of Huelva, turning into a complementary product, for the moment, to the strawberry. Only in the case of Onubafruit, the production of cranberries experienced an upper growth to 100% in the two last campaigns, happening of 2.000 tonnes in 2012 to more than 4.000 in the past campaign, copando almost 50% of the production of this fruit in the province of Huelva. Besides, Onubafruit has gone in to form part recently of the International Blueberry Organization, an association that gathers to the most important companies and influential to world-wide level in the field of the cranberry, turning into the first and only included Spanish company in the same. Definitely, the signature of this agreement supposes a big news for the more than 800 families that form part of Onubafruit, company that the past campaign moved more than 70.000 tonnes of fruit and that increased his turnover in 5 million euros.

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