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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Interfresa recomienda seleccionar la calidad de la fruta comercializada en fresco de Semana Santa y destinar un porcentaje a industria

Interfresa Recommends to select the quality of the fruit commercialised in fresco of Saint Week and allocate a percentage to industry


10 April 2014


The Interprofesional of the Andalusian Strawberry, Interfresa, has gathered  to treat to relieve the ‘cap' that every year produces in Saint Week, when there is an excess of offer and a decrease of the demand of red fruit, when producing the closing of the markets during several days. Gathered in assembly, the Interprofesional has recommended to producers and trading companies that select the quality of the fruit that allocate to the market in fresco in Saint Week and allocate a percentage to industry. With this pursues that the strawberry of Huelva follow standing out by his quality.

Like this has explained it the president of the Interprofesional, Alberto Garrocho, the one who has argued that “the sector has to be intelligent and follow offering these days a fruit that is the queen regarding quality, as well as be able to hold prices and not going in in the war that diminish them”.

Has remembered that these assemblies “collect the opinion of all the sector” that is the one who has recommended this measure, that pursues that the fruit that arrive to the market in fresco do not lose value neither quality. Garrocho Has aimed that, traditionally, “in Saint Week live a worrisome situation, with an excess of fruit, a fall of the consumption and the shrinking of the prices until limits that do not allow us cover the costs”.

Besides, has added that “what occurs in this week marks the result of the campaign because it affects to back weeks”. Therefore, Interfresa has treated today to anticipate to what is a constant in the sector.

On the other hand, Garrocho has remembered that the census of producers and trading companies is completed only to the 70 %. “It is the sector the one who has to facilitate the tools to the Interprofesional to work”. The agreement forces to all the members of the sector to facilitate the data since, of not to do it, would be sanctioned according to decree and law.

The Interprofesional is conformed by Freshuelva, Asaja and Faeca, representing to all the sector fresero in Huelva.

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