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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Joaquim Nadal afirma que el futuro de la construcción pasa por su estructuración

Joaquim Nadal says that the future of the construction through its structuring


January 26, 2010

The Counsellor of Política Territorial i Obres Públiques of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Joaquim Nadal, has made a strong case of the restructuring of the sector of the construction in Catalonia and stated that "If this adaptation to new market conditions do not occur"", difficulties can last for longer than is necessary".

These manifestations of Joaquim Nadal have occurred on the day - symposium 'Infrastructure 2010', organized by the Guild of builders of works in Barcelona and regions, in which the Counsellor of Política Territorial i Obres Públiques and the President of the trade union organization, Néstor Turró, have done a review of the challenges facing the sector of the construction at the current juncture.

The Minister stated that the strong slowdown in the housing of new building and the "extremely competitive" market between companies in the sector, which manifests itself in mass attendance in the processes of bidding, they necessitated a restructuring of the sector.

The Minister Joaquim Nadal has also stated that "the maintenance of an important portfolio in the field of civil engineering is essential" and that "it invests more than ever in Catalonia, despite the fact that from a budgetary point of view it is not easy because the income of the public administrations are being reduced". The Minister has been encrypted in 6.2 billion euros investment planned for 2010 by the Govern de la Generalitat, which will go to the areas of housing, water, sanitation, health, Gisa works and performances by mixed public-private funding cycle.

In 2009, between January and November, the notice of works by the General Administration of the State and by the Generalitat de Catalunya fell a 52.4% and 51.1 per cent, respectively, compared to the same period of 2008.

Joaquim Nadal also wanted to emphasize the commitment of the central administration investment and said "by way of the provision additional third of the Catalonia statute will 4,260 million euros in 2010".

Comments on article / news piece

07/02/2010 12:47:58
Mientras este gobierno siga en el estado y el tripartito en Cataluña, y sigan "jugando", en la incoherencia más completa, sin aplicar el sentido común, y la responsabilidad en las decisiones que tomen, sin temer, perder la poltrona, no saldremos de la crisis. Cualquiera, lo haría mejor.Ineptitud, cobardía, servilismo(al funcionariado, a los sindicatos, a las autonomías que más votos les dan, etc., son lo único que pueden dar. Que se marchen, es la primera medida para salir de la crisis. ¿Y que luego a parte del voto cautivo(funcinariado, sindicalistas,subsidiados perpetuos, y apoltronados),les voten más gente?. TENEMOS LO QUE NOS MERECEMOS EN ESTE PAÍS.