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Chinese pollster

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/10/2004
With the aftermath of the fair K'2004 in our bodies, after checking in Düsseldorf there that China and other Asian countries are indeed and that there are so much that to just continue giving us a few trouble in the coming years, have known of an initiative that, the easy game of words, it's worth a priori seems a work of Chinese. Knowing of the qualities of his subjects in these tasks in the West we don't easily, have begun to tell companies that exist in that country. Among more than a billion inhabitants, with a density of unbearable population in some places, China is a country of unknown business reality. No one knows how many companies operating there. We know that many requests are being made, we know that their products we invade, we know that once will terminate it this "bargain", because they will go their labour costs, will be the quality requirements and is approximate to this Western standard which both seem to be harming us now. But we do not know how many companies have. Don't know anyone.

More than 20 years that the Communist Government had authorized the first business private initiatives in China. Since then, is the number of projects and businesses that have been born on Chinese soil that today is not the number of companies that have their company name in this country. For the first time China held a survey throughout the country to include data relating to the type and number of companies competing in your market. Interviewers must convince Chinese entrepreneurs that made public their data to have a true vision of the economic situation in the country. Us seems, however, that someone should convince an interviewer earlier so that it is, put that it seems not a priori that the Chinese entrepreneur you will do especially excited to be controlled. Versatile and daring pollster must therefore first find Chinese companies and then convinced by peaceful methods to those responsible that is not the Swedes. In the plastics sector, at least, the thing has its merit, but we would know more in detail to this newly promoted first Galactic countries is pushing in check.

That said, a work of Chinese.

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