Abus Grúas, S.L.U. - Overhead and gantry cranes

Abus ELV / ELK / ELS

Cranes bridge monorraíles: even for ships of low ceiling

Picture of Cranes bridge monorraíles

The cranes bridge ELV, ELK and ELS of Abus solutions in problem of the transport of materials with capacities of load until 12,5 t and lights of 36 m, even in ships of low ceiling. Besides, since for bridges crane monorraíl does not require a distance of hygiene until the ceiling, inside this range of capacities, can take advantage of to the maximum the space circumstances.

The bridges crane Abus adapt of individual form to the architecture and space, with variants of special setting, attaining the maximum height of possible hook. The program of accessories of Abus allows, besides, all a series of specific solutions with special equipments.

Like road of crane, Abus uses beams of profile laminado robust for the bridges ELV. For the models ELK and ELS uses beams of resistant soldered drawer to the torsion. The lateral car of the bridge crane monorraíl Abus offers, besides, an aprovechamiento optimum in height of hook.