FY58 - FuturEnergy

Eficiencia Energética: Hoteles | Energy Efficiency: Hotels FuturEnergy | Marzo March 2019 www.futurenergyweb.es 44 real, de los parámetros frigoríficos de las enfriadoras existentes, de dos circuitos cada una. Como resultado, se obtiene la evolución de las variables de consumo y demanda de la instalación. Como dato curioso, se pudo observar cómo, a primera hora de la mañana, se produce una contaminación del circuito de frío -mediante agua caliente procedente de las calderas de ACS- lo que provoca una carga térmica adicional a la instalación. ¿El resultado final? Gracias a todos los datos obtenidos, se pudo calcular la curva de distribución horaria de la demanda. Los resultados de ésta se pueden ver representados gráficamente en la Figura 1. La auditoría por horas También se analizó la distribución horaria de la demanda, lo que permitió modelizar el resultado para calcular la potencia máxima simultánea de la instalación mediante métodos estadísticos, según un modelo de regresión múltiple. Gracias a este método se puede alimentar el modelo de Daikin con temperaturas exteriores superiores a las medias durante la auditoría y ocupaciones del hotel del 100%. Como resultado, se obtuvo la demanda del edificio con exactitud, lo que permitió tomar decisiones concretas sobre la solución más idónea para la instalación. Consumption audit An energy audit was first carried out by recording minuteby-minute operational data over the period from July to November and analysing the results. Thanks to the data collection system of the auditing system, the Carnot evolution cycle of the coolant can be constructed in real time, in order to calculate the demand and efficiency of the chillers being monitored. Real time measurement of the cooling parameters of the existing dual circuit chillers was also undertaken. As a result, the evolution of the consumption variables and the demand of the installation is obtained. One interesting detail is that it was observed how contamination in the cooling circuit occurred first thing in the morning, -via the hot water originating from the DHW boilers- causing an additional thermal load on the installation. The final outcome? Thanks to all the data obtained, the hourly demand distribution curve could be calculated. Its results are graphically depicted in Figure 1. Hourly audit The hourly demand distribution was also analysed, enabling the outcome to be modelled in order to calculate the maximum simultaneous capacity of the installation using statistical methods in line with a multiple regression model. Thanks to this method, outside temperatures higher than average during the audit and 100% occupancy of the hotel can be entered into the Daikin model. As a result, the building’s demand was accurately obtained, allowing specific decisions to be taken as regards the most appropriate solution for the installation. This is when the first major advantage of the energy audit carried out can be seen. Thanks to this analysis, the installed capacity could be reduced by 40% – maintaining the necessary redundancy to guarantee operation in the event of stoppage Figura 1 | Figure 1