FY54 - FuturEnergy

Energías Renovables | Renewable Energies FuturEnergy | Octubre October 2018 www.futurenergyweb.es 15 economía (-22.694 M€) del cual el déficit energético supone el 85% (-19.269 M€). Las energías renovables en sus distintos ámbitos, generación eléctrica, energía térmica y biocarburantes, evitaron en 2017 la importación de 20.068.185 mtep, un ahorro equivalente a 6.951 M€. Las emisiones evitadas alcanzaron las 56.850.744 t de CO2, valoradas en 332 M€. Menores ahorros en el pool por comportamiento atípico del mercado A lo largo de la serie histórica analizada se ha observado que cuanto mayor es la entrada de renovables en el sistema eléctrico, más se reduce el precio de casación. El descenso en la generación renovable por la sequía, unido al comportamiento de la interconexión, como consecuencia de la baja disponibilidad de las nucleares francesas, y los precios récord de casación experimentados en enero lastraron los ahorros que las renovables producen en el pool. En 2017, las renovables produjeron ahorros en el pool por valor de 2.584 M€ y percibieron en concepto de retribución regulada un total de 5.674 M€. El sector continuó siendo contribuidor fiscal neto, aportando 1.089 M€ a las arcas del Estado. The fall in hydro generation and the increased energy consumption in 2017 were covered in their entirety by fossil generation. The increase in all types of fossil imports took energy dependence to 76.1% according to APPA calculations. This not only makes Spain fall short of its renewable energy objectives but also means that the Spanish economy remains in a weak position given variations in the price of oil. Record exports and strong savings in fossil replacement Exports of goods and services in the renewable sector set a new record, achieving €4.564bn and resulting in a net export balance of €3.117bn. This renewable trade balance strongly contrasts with the trade gap for the economy as a whole (-€22.694bn) of which the energy deficit represents 85% (-€19.26bn). The different fields of renewables, power generation, thermal energy and biofuels, avoided importing 20,068,185 Mtoe in 2017, a saving equivalent to €6.951bn. The emissions avoided achieved 56,850,744 tonnes of CO2, valued at €332m. Lower pool savings due to atypical market behaviour Throughout the period analysed, it has been observed that the more renewables enter the electrical system, the further the matching price falls. The fall in renewable generation due to the drought, together with the behaviour of the interconnection as a result of low availability of French nuclear power and the record matching prices experienced in January, all impacted on the pool savings achieved by renewables. In 2017, renewables produced pool savings amounting to €2.584bn and received a regulated remuneration totalling €5.674bn. The sector continued being a net tax contributor, bringing €1.089bn into the State coffers.