FY43 - FuturEnergy

Eficiencia Energética: Hoteles | Energy Efficiency: Hotels FuturEnergy | Septiembre September 2017 www.futurenergyweb.es 120 Jung de la instalación y una copia de seguridad de la programación. Asimismo, proporcionará el manual de funcionamiento de la instalación, en el que se incluye un esquema con los dispositivos instalados, así como de las funcionalidades e instrucciones de uso de los diferentes equipos: teclados, pulsadores, pantalla táctil, servidor web, termostatos, etc. be controlled from a smartphone or tablet. In any event, the user can control the lighting, blinds or HVAC in every room individually or via centralised functions and alarms. Lastly, the type and amount of the remaining conventional electrical material has to be selected (plug bases, TV inputs, TLF, etc.) as necessary. Using the Design Pad, Jung personnel evaluate the SD Home Automation Solution installation required by the client. The package supplied by Jung includes the SD solution material, along with the equipment programming, installation and operation manuals for the end client, as well as advisory services provided by the technical help team, etc. As such, once on site, the installer only has to lay the cables, assemble the conventional materials and automation systems and connect them up. Once the installer has finished, they will check its operation and give the client the Jung certificate of guarantee for the installation and a back-up copy of the programming. They will also supply an operation manual which includes a diagram of the installed devices, as well as the functions and instructions on how to use the different devices including keypads, push-buttons, touch screen, web server and thermostats. Toni Cuello Director Comercial de Jung Electro Ibérica Commercial Director, Jung Electro Ibérica