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Vigo, of the 1 to 3 October

Conxemar, more international

Editorial Interempresas13/09/2013

The Spanish Association of Wholesalers, Importing, Transformers and Exporters of Products of the Fishing and Aquaculture (Conxemar) organises between the 1 and on 3 October in Vigo the XV International Fair of Products of the Sea Frozen products. It treats of an international event that this year has 32% more than companies expositoras international, pertinent of 36 countries.


Conxemar Celebrates his fifteenth edition with 100% of his space expositivo sold, some 31.500 metres pictures. The big event of the sector, headed to wholesale, importing, exporters, transformers, manufacturers, distributors, refrigerators, machinery, auxiliary industry (cold, packagings, plastics, etc.), has producing countries and consumers of products pesqueros of prime importance like United States, Italy, Germany, Chile, Argentina, South Africa or Vietnam, among others. Besides, the pavilion of Peru goes back to the fair, after his participation the year happened in the Seafood Barcelona. By his part, India, Yemen and France participate for the first time in this edition with an own pavilion, whereas Portugal and China expand surface.


Fulfil with the aims

For this edition the organisation foresees to increase the number of meetings scheduled for the display units with the managers of shopping of the main chains of feeding and of the channel Horeca, especially south of Europe. As it explains the organisation, 100% of the buyers participants of the past year described as “very good” the organisation of the commercial missions, and 90% recognised to have fulfilled the aims with which came to the fair. By his part, the display units participants stood out the quality of the retailers invited and the possibility to expand the knowledge of new markets.


Conxemar Improves the services

To facilitate the arrival to the enclosure, the organisation of Conxemar puts to disposal of visitors and display units lanzaderas free from the airports of Santiago and Port wine, of agreement to the schedules of arrival of the main international capitals. Besides, as it comes being usual, there is lanzaderas between the Ifevi and the main hotels of Vigo during the three days that lasts the fair.

World-wide Congress of Whitefish

After the success of the World-wide Congress of Molluscs of 2012, FAO and Conxemar organise the World-wide Congress of Whitefish. Ministers of fishing, experts of FAO and directors of the international industry will analyse in Vigo the resources, markets, supply and utilisation of the main species of white fish.

The program includes a complete signpost of experts of the main producing countries: Russia, Norway, Iceland, Canada, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Namibia, South Africa, New Zealand and China.

The event, that the past year gathered to more than 300 delegates of 25 countries, celebrates in the Social Centre Novacaixagalicia of Vigo on 30 September.


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