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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La UE corrige el requisito ‘impermeable’ en envases de pescado por ‘resistente al agua’

The EU corrects the waterproof ‘requirement' in containers of fish by ‘resistant to the water'


27 June 2013

The Official Journal of the European Union has published today different corrections of errors of the Regulation (CE) number 853/2004 by which establish specific norms of hygiene of the foods of animal origin.

The Spanish and Italian version of the legislation, as they already did the versions of other languages (English, French, German, etc.), collect now that the containers in which they conserve in ice the products of the cool fishing will have to be ‘resistant to the water' substituting to the waterproof previous ‘term'. Flame nevertheless the attention that the correction has not produced in the Portuguese version.

This change supposes a greater unification of the acervo community with regard to the requirements to the materials of containers for cool fish, including the ones of an alone wooden use, by part of the European Commission and of the countries members.


Fedemco Has promoted the change and given follow-up to this subject after the formal application of the Spanish Agency of Alimentary hygiene (AESAN) to the D.G. Sanco (European commission) in 2009.

For this also has had the support of the Permanent Representation of Spain in front of the EU, members of the European Parliament, as well as of other organisations of the sector of the wood: Confemadera in the national field and GROW, FEFPEB and CEI-Bois in the international.

In Spain, Agriculture, and specifically the General Steering of Ordination Pesquera, also promoted in 2011 the correction of the different norms and guides of hygiene for the products of the fishing that collected the error.

According to interpretation of the AESAN the Regulation (CE) number 853/2004 does not establish specifically material allowed or forbidden for the packaging of products, but the general conditions of the containers so that they fulfil with the aims of the same: ‘guarantee that they are not source of pollution' and if they are reusable -is not the case of the wood (R.D. 888/1988), that are ‘easy to clean and, in necessary case, to disinfect'.

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