Maquinaria Curvaser, S.L.U. - Automatic welding equipment

Varo ISA 3D

Soldadora Automatic: of meshes of wands

Picture of Soldadora Automatic
The soldadora ISA 3D of Varo, represented by Machinery Curvaser, S.L., it is of high technology, extremely versatile and able to realise a wide variety of meshes and wands of small and average measures.

It is available in several models, monofásica or trifásica, with loaders for automatic load of transversal wands, longitudinal and of freamers soldered.

It treats of a soldadora controlled with electronic signpost for the management of the necessary parameters.

It has computer with active software in environingingment Windows, therefore easy to use after a short time of learning.

The ISA 3D allows with big ease the adjust and short times for the change of toolings (set-up), and is indicated for the realisation of half and big batches of production.

It offers, besides, the possibility to be combined with other automatic lines for other works such like recortado lateral of wands and stamped with presses.