Maquinaria Curvaser, S.L.U. - CNC numeric controls

Tauring CNC-i

Numerical control computerizado: with the axles interpolados

The CNC-i of Tauring, company commercialised by Machinery Curvaser, is a revolutionary numerical control computerizado with the axles interpolados. The system uses a computer industrial PC of last generation for the management and memorisation of the programs and also, for the management of the axles and of the entrances/gone out.

The CNC-i can manage all the axles of the machine contemporáneamente and can expand until comandar until 16 and more axles.

The system of interpolation adapts automatically and without the intervention of the operario regulates the speed of each individual axis to way to obtain easily the form wished with the links established before in base to the type of profile.

The programming realises of an easier way and fast and is drawn directly on the machine and corresponds exactly with what achieves really the machine. It allows the realisation of geometrical forms to variable rays of geometrical forms variables of chassis anti and postcristal, rigorously joined up between them. It has a program antideslizamiento that controls in each moment the advance of the bar to curvar. In case that the profile slip, the control adapts the advance of the roller to the one of the others axles, so that it avoids any error of curvado.

A program of CAD-CAM customised allows to design directly to video the form that want to obtain with the possibility to modify, lengthen and raise with few operations. Nevertheless, if the operator prefers to use his program of CAD comfortably seated in the office, the machine is able to matter the archives DXF and transform them directly in programs of curvado.

With the machine CNC-i supplies the arquímetro electronic for the direct measurement on the display to LCD of the radii of curvado. The arquímetro, on request, can be connected to the CNC-i with technology wireless for the automatic creation of the fimbriated, the correction in percentages and the control of the radius of curvado in execution.