Maquinaria Curvaser, S.L.U. -

Varo PTE

Dobladora Of wand: versatile in the realisation of pieces of two dimensions

Picture of Dobladora Of wand
The dobladora of wand model PTE differentiates by the ease of management and the versatilidad in the realisation of pieces of two dimensions. Instrumented properly can realise freamers with square forms, rectangular, oval, rings, etc., weldings of tope and irregular pieces.

The advance and the shrinking realises by means of an electromechanical group accionado by an engine controlled type brushless, rollers of drag in steel treated rectified for different diameter of wand. The cut, accionado by hydraulics cylinder, results totally independent of the electronic axles. The axles of bent are accionados by motors type brushless with precision centesimal that guarantees a high precision with supplementary units of work like presses, cabezales of punzonado, cabezales of marked, etc.

The software of the PTE of extreme simplicity allows realises quickly changes of piece, forms, angles and radios of curvado, so that, the operario, after a short time of learning, can handle the dobladora safe and effectively.