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The contest, celebrated of 14 to 17 June in the Feira International of Galicia, centred his two first days in the professional public

Salimat 2012 receives 900 meetings of business between professionals, companies and distributors

Editorial Interempresas21/06/2012

21 June 2012

The 16º Living room of Feeding of the Atlantic, Salimat 2012, which celebrated of the 14 to 17 June in the enclosure Feira International of Galicia, turned into alimentary and gastronomic meeting point, fulfilling his aim to loan support so much to the present companies in the area expositiva as to the sector in general in the generation of business and in the opening of new channels of commercialisation.
Under this formulation, the living room organised successfully more than 900 meetings of business between professionals, companies and distributors. Like this, the National and International Meetings of Buyers, realised with the collaboration of the lgape (Institute Galego of Economic Promotion), received more than 300 of these meetings, which allowed to the display units put in contact with distributors of Germany, Denmark, Finland, Japan, Mexico and Spain. In this way, the present companies in the living room could show his offer to buyers of countries with big interest like destination for his products and expand like this his channels of commercialisation so much to national level like international.

These buyers stood out in his whole the quality of the present products and began in a lot of cases negotiations with companies of wines, cheeses, honeys and cárnicos cool and cured.

The two first days realised 300 meetings, framed in the National and International Meetings of Buyers
The two first days realised 300 meetings, framed in the National and International Meetings of Buyers.
Besides, the contest organised 600 visits asesoradas, which consisted in facilitating to agents of the sector relative information to the display units that resulted of his interest, as well as help to locate them in the fair and to establish meetings with them. In these visits stood out the assistance of shops gourmet and skilled, interested especially in ecological products and novelties.

Quality and innovation

The living room conceded big importance to the quality, improving the products that characterise to our food production and awarding major prominence in his area expositiva to the handmade and ecological products.

Besides, had a leading paper the innovation, with Alinova, a specific area of new products launched to the market in the last year in which they were present more than 40 foods of big originality, like honey with oil of rose of Bulgaria, juice of aronia (pertaining plant to the family of the rosáceas), preserves of baked Galician and lacón with grelos, liquor of grape mencía or ecological ice creams without gluten.


Attractor trucks complementary activities

Salimat 2012 programmed numerous activities. Like this, to the meetings of buyers, to the vsitas asesoradas and to the area Alinova, added several presentations, between them the one of the book ‘Cooking with the Autochthonous Races', and more than 30 catas of products of quality headed to distinct publics, centred in cheeses, wines, liqueurs, meats, fishes, preserves, peppers, espárragos, oils, bread, honey and a long etcetera.

Also realised several maridajes driven by known Galician cooks, as Miguel Mosteiro, Daniel Guzmán and Francisco Piñeiro, impulsor this last of the book of recipes ‘Flavour to Life', whose profits will go allocated to the Spanish Association against the Cancer. Besides, the living room received the campaign ‘Put him the Batteries to your Bocata', allocated to incentivar the consumption of preserves of the sea between the smallest, and a briefing on the profits of the oil.

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Feira Internacional de Galicia ABANCA