
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Aire puro por los aires

Fresh air through the air

Ibon Linacisoro - Director15/07/2008
The prices of the raw materials are in the air. This affects many orders of our lives and buy a loaf of bread, that of always, already startled to the bravest. Pass, pass to pesetas cost bread now and agree on how much cost the bread before. But it is only logical that rise the bread. Read anyone knows that it is the consequence of joining the good to eat Chinese and Asians, who are many, dedication to biofuel of a part of the cereal crops and, above all, the global reorganization of food 'stock' affected by a macroeconomics seriously influenced by the micro-economiesthat leaves sway of prices that nobody dares to put barriers in the hands of the speculation. Having said all that, go back to the stark reality: that there is no who understands. There is another possible reality: someone is lined.

But the bread and the machine-tool not saved a direct relationship, beyond that machine tools will serve some to take home the bread. However, steel, this sounds already close, happens to the pan, with the difference that no Chinese or Indian eat steel. But beware, if someone understands steels those are Indians. It is that the steel and other many common materials in our sector, have risen on the bandwagon of the siding. It is not that they go up, is that there is no way to predict what will happen with them, although one will always be closer of hit if is in the worst case. Ask you your loaf of bread or ask your steel bar, always there is a room for surprise.

But back to the air, which is where we focus on this issue of the magazine, with some examples of companies that ones for the aeronautical sector and also with some figures. Industry Aeronautics and space Basque has been confirmed the favourable forecasts of billing for 2007, with a growth in sales of 15 per cent, reaching a turnover exceeding EUR 940 million and exceeding initial expectations of increase of the turnover for this period located in 5 per cent. It is not bad. To us these figures partly affect us. It is in the air where some have found their niche, your oven to take home the bread. In the heights, in the same area of prices, the machine tool is a bit of fresh air among many bad smoke. Bread, steel and aircraft: a common area in the air.

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