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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Daniel Benito García, presidente de Aesfaveal
“The election of a good window of aluminium is the main base to achieve a big isolation of the envolvente of the building”

Interview to Daniel Benito García, president of Aesfaveal

David Muñoz30/05/2014

After his first months of career, Veteco 2014 has supposed really the put of long in front of the big public of this sector of Aesfaveal, the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Windows of Aluminium. We take advantage of the presence in the fair of his president, Daniel Benito García, to know at first hand the aims with which is cream this association and the main initiatives that goes to tackle during the next months.

Which balance do of his presence in Veteco 2014?

The truth is that we have remained quite satisfied with the influx of visitors and the adhesion of more partners to our association. We can say that it has been a big ours success first apparition in Veteco.

Daniel Benito García, president of Aesfaveal
Daniel Benito García, president of Aesfaveal.

By the conversations that has kept in the fair with the assistants, thinks that the big public knows the advantages of the window of aluminium?

Have observed that the majority of the manufacturers and distributors desconocían the origin and the process of the manufacturing and fusion of the aluminium. One of the aims of Aesfaveal is to spread and improve by means of all his partners, the big advantages that contribute the aluminium windows with regard to other materials.

In the fair mounted a stand very didactic, to show to the visitors of form very visual the ‘sustainable life of the aluminium'. How they reacted the assistants? What was what more surprised them?

The assistants remained surprised seeing the origin of the aluminium. ‘The Bauxite' was what more called them the attention. Also they interested enough with the videos of the extrusion of the aluminium and his processes of anodizado and lacado.

Aesfaveal Mounted in Veteco 2014 a stand very didactic with the different phases by which happens the manufacture of a window of aluminium...
Aesfaveal Mounted in Veteco 2014 a stand very didactic with the different phases by which happens the manufacture of a window of aluminium, from the use in origin of the Alumina.

To general level, how would value the penetration that has today the aluminium in the Spanish sector of the windows? It enjoys still of a strong potential of growth?

Sure enough, the aluminium windows have a big potential of sales in the Spanish market, because of his ease to adjust to different construction solutions. Besides it has a big fan of possibilities to the hour to realizar enclosures, mobile ceilings and of glass. And especially, it offers a big durability with regard to other materials. In these last years and in spite of the scarce construction of houses, the sales are still in growth because of the diverse systems of applications that can cover the aluminium. It has noticed a big potential of growth in the rehabilitation of houses, offices and public buildings. With the aluminium windows and with his fans of possibilities in systems, have been able to realizar rehabilitations of buildings by means of ventilated faã§ades, walls of curtain, panels composite, etc.

Which would stand out Unit like the main advantages of the window of aluminium, on the rest of alternatives?

The advantages of the windows in aluminium with regard to other materials like the PVC are quite a lot. In the first place, the aluminium windows can lacar in any colour of the letter RAL of colours. The method of lacado is by means of the smelting of the painting on the base of the aluminium, by what remains totally adhered and perfectly uniform. In other materials these processes can not realizar and use some type of foliado that adheres to the profiles, or also use another process like lining them with fimbriated sheets of aluminium.

Another advantage is that the profiles of aluminium also can anodizar in diversity of tonalities. This process protects to the aluminium to be exposed to the worst environingingmental agents, as for example in zones of coast and of overheating by the sun.

Also is remarkable that can use profiles of aluminium with break of thermal sensors bridge to reduce the thermal sensors transmittance and can reach a big isolation with regard to other materials. When using these profiles also can realizar windows in bicolor, that is to say can choose an anodizado external for the resistance to the environingingmental agents and a lacado inner to taste of each project.

Processes by which happens the material in the rough until turning into a profile of aluminium
Processes by which happens the material in the rough until turning into a profile of aluminium.

To structural level the aluminium also contributes remarkable advantages, is not like this?

When being a metal of big lightness and at the same time robust, can realizar windows and structures of big dimensions, without having to reinforce the profiles by the interior with other semiperfiles metallic as they have to do in other materials like the PVC.

Besides, when being metals of big hardness but good maleabilidad, reach by means of the herrajes of accionamiento the maximum degree of resistance to the intrusion and the sabotage.

In summary, could resumir all this in few words: ‘lightness-durability-comfort-hygiene-resistance-recycling'.

To day of today, a key appearance in the Construction is the Energetic Efficiency. What can contribute the window of aluminium in this sense?

The election of a good window of aluminium is the main base to achieve a big isolation of the envolvente of the building. One of the feeblest parts of the edificación are the gaps of the faã§ades, by what installing aluminium windows with break of thermal sensors bridge in the buildings, achieves reduce in quite a lot of proportion the consumption of power, to be able to keep the house to an optimum temperature in each station of the year and achieve an acceptable energetic classification.

Another key factor in our society is the recycling and with this, the conservation of the environingingment. They are fully recyclable the aluminium windows?

The aluminium is a totally recyclable material one and again, that is to say always can turn into ingots to be able to realizar any type of derivative products of the aluminium, contributing fully to the conservation of the environingingment.

The aluminium is a totally recyclable material one and again
The aluminium is a totally recyclable material one and again.

It has of some data to compare the penetration that has the window of aluminium in Spain with regard to other European countries?

Spain has a quite variable climate with regard to other countries where the climate is more linear and uniform. The advantages of the aluminium windows is that hardly they have dilatations with regard to other materials like the PVC that subjected to the changes of temperature that suffer in Spain, has quite a lot of dilatation, affecting this to the functionality of the same. Even in extreme cases of changes of temperature arrive to listen crujidos in his profiles.

In the concrete case of Aesfaveal, who can be members of the association? Only manufacturers of windows?

No, Aesfaveal, apart from collecting partners manufacturers of aluminium, also has partners extrusores of aluminium, sistemistas, manufacturers of glasses and accessories, as well as any derivative that have to see with the manufacture of the windows.

Which advantages obtain the associated? How it would encourage them to associate ?

The partners obtain advantages to the hour to be able to head to us the public servicys, request subventions, obtain discounts in shopping of materials, juridical advice, etc. To encourage to associate to Aesfaveal would say that this association has created to defend the rights of our partners manufacturers, spread the advantages of the aluminium and can help us between us to be able to boost our sales.

Window of aluminium finished
Window of aluminium finished.

In which activities go to centre to short, half and long term from the association?

In these moments are to the speech with the Ministry of Industry to be able to recover the Plan Renove of Windows in the Community of Madrid. Also we are in negotiations to be able to have an accreditation of installers authorised certificates by Aenor.

And another of the aims in the short term is the obtaining of the energetic classification of the windows, accredited by Industry or by a laboratory notified.

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