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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Beatriz Ochoa, directora de Marketing en Persax Grupo
“With a reasonable investment can achieve very good results of isolation”

Interview to Beatriz Ochoa, director of Marketing in Persax Group

David Muñoz20/02/2014

The enclosures constitute a key factor in the thermal sensors isolation of the buildings. A good installation reduces significantly the needs of air conditioning and, therefore, help to recess the cost of the electrical bill. We deepen with Beatriz Ochoa, director of Marketing of Persax Group, referent in the sector of the blinds and the enclosures, in the potential of saving that provide the last solutions launched to the market, as well as in the influence that is having in this market the implantation of the Certificate of Energetic Efficiency of Buildings.

Recently they stood out from Persax the importance that have the blinds, the enclosures and, in general, all the elements of solar control in the energetic efficiency of a building. It considers that the Spanish society is fully conscious of what can save in his electrical bill with the use of these products?

This information still does not have calado the sufficient in the consumer. From this point of view, in addition to the campaigns realizar by the manufacturers, would be fundamental the support of public organisms and of associations, that always give a more objective point of view on the information.

Beatriz Ochoa, director of Marketing in Persax Group

Beatriz Ochoa, director of Marketing in Persax Group.

It has of some practical example of the saving that attains the owner of a house incidiendo only in these elements?

There is different studies in relation to the use of blinds, awnings and screens, with the following results:

  • Reduction between 30% and 50% of the electrical consumption of a air conditioning. This effect could be greater if the system is ‘automated'.
  • Reduction of until 80% - 90% of the Radiation of thermal sensors sensors Solar Power that arrives to the interior of the house.

In the concrete case of the blinds, according to a study, these can provide:

  • Reduction of until 10% of the consumption of power of a home (gas, diesel and electricity). This effect could be greater if the system is ‘automated'.
  • Reduction of until 25% of the thermal sensors sensors Transmission.

The ‘automation' of the systems of awnings, screens and blinds (shutters) increases the savings until 40%.

The efficient use of these systems would allow to save in Europe, according to the study ‘Ecofys' of the EU:

  • 80 million tonnes of CO2 in demand of refrigeration.
  • 31 million tonnes of CO2 in demand of heating.

From the past 1 June 2013 the Certificate of Energetic Efficiency of Buildings already is compulsory for all the houses that want to rent or sell in Spain. It considers that this implantation is supposing a revulsivo for the sector?

Think that is fundamental for all the sector, but especially for those companies that always have bet by the quality like one of our worries and commitments.

The use of awnings and screens during the summer allows to control the solar radiation of a stay
The use of awnings and screens during the summer allows to control the solar radiation of a stay.

it is taking into account To the blinds, enclosures and other elements of solar control to the hour to endow to a house of a better energetic qualification or worse?

Is showed that a window, by insulator that was, needs to have determinate additional elements of solar protection. For example, the drawer, that forms part of the window, is the most vulnerable point regarding thermal sensors isolation refers , since, if it is not very isolated, turns into an important entrance of current of air. Have a good window with a drawer of persiana of bad quality would be absurd.

The persiana also exerts a very important paper, as it supposes a barrier more regarding solar control during the day. At night, keeping it enclosed, contributes a plus of isolation in front of the low temperatures, especially the manufactured with lick of fimbriated aluminium of high density.

On the other hand, the use of awnings and screens during the summer, allows us control the solar radiation of a stay and, therefore, his temperature, limiting the use of air conditioning.

There is the one who considers this Certificate like a formula to improve the value of valuation of a house (according to the qualification obtained can rent /sell the house with a greater price or minor). It is Unit also of this opinion?

Independently that a very isolated house improve his value in the market, this certificate is very positive because it supposes to facilitate to the buyer all the information about the qualities of the house, what goes him to allow know if what is buying adjusts truly to his price of market. This goes to avoid cases like which gave does a decade, during the boom of the construction, where the buyer purchased qualities very inferior to the price that was paying by them.


Then, which recommendations would give him to an owner to improve the energetic efficiency (qualification) of his house in matter of solar control/enclosures?

With a reasonable investment can achieve very good results of isolation. A good window is, in this sense, fundamental. And when we speak of good window, it is necessary to take into account, as I already have said before, all the elements that compose it: a good profiling, a double glass, a drawer of window that was very isolated, a persiana with lick of high density and besides motorised. With all these measures go to achieve that the heat keep much more time in the interior and, therefore, reduce the use of heating and improve his efficiency. In definite, save in the receipt of the light.

In summer, besides, it is necessary to invest in a good awning and, like colophon, some screens to the interior of the window, what goes to allow that the solar rays no incidan directly in the house, avoiding the warming of the window.

These measures suppose a descent of the temperature of until 9º, reducing to a large extent the use of the air conditioned.

From the sector of the construction aims to that, known the stock of new house that there is still without selling in Spain, the main roads of work happen now by the rehabilitation and the reform. In this sense, how would describe the state of the park of house that have in our country, of agreement to the criterion of solar control?

Taking into account the bad qualities that have been offering to the consumer during the real-estate boom, think that the rehabilitation goes to be key for the sector.

Element of PVC curvo of poliexpan
Element of PVC curvo of poliexpan.

They give a lot of differences in this sense according to the geographic zones? I understand that the solutions differ a lot north south peninsular, no?

Is true that in the north, because of the low temperatures during the winter, has taken care much more the level of quality of the windows, blinds, etc., that in the south and in the Raise, for example.

In Raise, that is our zone, to the consumer concern him more the high temperatures of the summer; it is by this that the awnings are a very sued product.

In the last presses conference, signalled that his aims for 2013 went through to reach a turnover of 19 million euros. They arrived to this figure finally?

Our aims for 2013 have fulfilled satisfactorily had to, especially, to the growth in export. For this year 2014 we pretend that the export turn into our main market.

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