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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La termografía, una conocida por descubrir

The thermography solves all type of applications in which the temperature goes in at stake, as privileged indicadora of anomalies

The thermography, a known for discovering

Óscar Tortajada, Product Manager of thermal sensors sensors Imager Division in Instruments Testo SA28/05/2012

28 May 2012

The thermography has showed for many years his utility for multiple applications, what joined to an increasingly affordable cost of the infrared cameras, was every time greater the number of professionals that pose his acquisition. Given this situation does necessary a summary of all the fundamental appearances of the thermography, the differences that exist between the different infrared cameras and the most usual applications, loaning a special attention to the energetic efficiency under construction.

An article more than thermography. It is what will think the reader interested in the matter, or that already carries years using this technician. And it is a luck. It is a luck that the interest, the knowledge and the diffusion of the thermography was so important between professionals of disciplines so shoot like doctors and fontaneros or between architects and mechanics.

With the thermography can detect the thermal sensors bridges of a façade
With the thermography can detect the thermal sensors bridges of a façade.

The capacity of the thermography to solve all type of applications in which the temperature goes in at stake, as privileged indicadora of anomalies, turn it into a technology, that although, surprisingly, is not of compulsory use to the not being protected by valid legislation, yes is of use very, very recommended as I complement to other measurement instruments, as well as a guide of where go to measure.

hygiene and rapidity is what offers a camera termográfica. hygiene, because it is not necessary “to touch to measure”, can remain to several metres of the point of measurement without mattering us his dangerousness or his inalcanzabilidad. Rapidity, because it is an instantaneous measure (does not be necessary to expect to that the temperature stabilise like a thermometer of contact) of cientos of thousands of temperatures, forming an image of alive colours.

There are cameras and cameras

A camera termográfica can be a “very precise” thermometer, but where really a camera termográfica shows his potential is in his capacity to detect differences of temperature. The aim, in a first step, is to detect patterns of anomalous temperature, by what what more sensitive was a camera, more details will detect. The NETD (Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference) of a camera is the minimum differential temperature that it is able to detect. Values of so only 0,03°C are alcanzables by the best infrared cameras.

The software of analysis and edition is the complement more important of any camera termográfica
The software of analysis and edition is the complement more important of any camera termográfica.

The another expensive of the coin is the resolution. All know what is the resolution, accustomed lately to the technical data of photographic cameras in megapíxeles and televisions of plasma in Full HD. The infrared cameras usual split of resolutions of 160x120 until 640x480 pixels. It is not only that the image see more detailed, but, the resolution, affects near at hand effective of this. That is to say, what more resolution, more scope, more capacity to see objects smaller and more capacity to see objects further. It does not be necessary to forget that the scope of a camera termográfica is virtually infinite, like our sight, but the resolution of the screen acts of limitante. What has to remain clear is that if it sees by screen, already are it “almost” measuring. The “almost” is due to the fact that objects very far or small can not “occupying” all a pixel, what would derive in an approximate measure, or directly erroneous.

But at present, thanks to the technology SuperResolution, is possible to obtain thermographies of an upper size to the of the matrix of detectors of the camera. The SuperResolution has his origin in the conventional photography and consists in two processes: multimuestreo and deconvolución. The multimuestreo consists in capturing several thermographies in milliseconds, giving place to images slightly different because of the pulse of the thermograph. These thermographies merge to give place to an image 4 bigger times with the same resolution, or with 4 times more resolution with the same size. The second step is the deconvolución, consistent in the elimination of “noise” in the image by means of mathematical calculations.

The result is that a camera with matrix of 160x120 pixels, obtains thermographies of 320x240 pixels. And what is more important, all the values are ‘real', there is not any type of interpolation.

Exist a lot of other characteristics, but all have to support in a NETD the more possible drop (contrast) and a matrix of detectors the highest possible (resolution). Of at all they serve a big number of functions, if the thermography appears “pixelada” and with little contrast. They imagine a car of high range, with all luxury of details, but with an engine of 60 CV. Neither it treats to despise the additional functions, but the majority of them answer to concrete needs of specific applications.

For example, a teleobjetivo that expands the image some 3 times can be very useful to check lines of high tension but useless for a fontanero that looks for an escape of water. The function to join thermographies can be indispensable for a specialist in energetic efficiency in edificación but useless for an electricista that checks electrical pictures. The function of video radiométrico can be very interesting for a manufacturer of plates of integrated cheese cheese circuit, but carente of sense to see thermal sensors bridges.

A camera termográfica can be a “very precise” thermometer, but where really shows his potential is in his capacity to detect differences of temperature
Detection of leaks of cold air under a door
Detection of leaks of cold air under a door.

What can not overlook, something that forms part and does not form part at the same time, of a camera termográfica, is the software of analysis and edition.

Although against all logical, the article has not begun with the usual “a camera termográfica measures electromagnetic infrared radiation”, yes does now necessary mention it to justify the use of the software.

The software allows “to adjust the representation” of this radiation measured. The software makes possible to change the palette of colours, the field of temperatures (scale), the emisividad and other parameters, that to do it in field would do us lose long. The only that can not “fix” is the approach, by what has to loan attention in the capture. As it can imagine , it is indispensable that the software was complete and easy to use.

The second part of the software is that it allows us realise reports, for us or to third, what materialises the service of the thermography in if. Or, said of another form, by what the customer will pay or our boss will congratulate us.

Thermography and construction

In the last years has built a lot, has built fast, and many times, has built badly. This supposes a big opportunity for the thermography, what joined to the fever generalised by the energetic efficiency, means an opportunity of business for the more emprendedores.

The applications related with the construction, can see them from two points of view: the energetic saving and the pathologies (constructive defects).

The thermal sensors bridges are points or zones of a construction by where the heat flows more easily that in the rest of the envolvente of the building. In winter are used to identify like hot points if they take thermographies from the outside. This means greater losses of power and that, therefore, costs more money heat the house. From the interior, in winter, can detect them like cold zones with the possible risk of proliferation of mold.

Can detect zones with constructive defects, like placed bad isolations, given off or non-existent. Also they can detect leaks of air, by where escapes the inner heat. Although it is truth that with a camera termográfica can not measure the temperature of the air, yes can see the cooling by convection that causes in the surface in contact. The escapes of hot water in pipes of ACS and radiant floor also can detect by traces it thermal sensors that the water transmits to the surface of the floor.

For the realisation of reforms also the thermography shows effective. In effect, we can reveal the internal structure of a construction, what facilitates the projection and execution of works and rehabilitations.

The applications related with the construction, can see them from two points of view: the energetic saving and the pathologies (constructive defects)
With the technology SuperResolution obtain thermographies with 4 times more resolution
With the technology SuperResolution obtain thermographies with 4 times more resolution.

What other things can do with the thermography?

The applications of the thermography are infinite. Although it is true that the thermography has some very linked antecedents to the electrical maintenance, in the actuality, would be difficult to agree an application crashes.

The existent relation between temperature and intensity, in electrical applications, do that the thermography was a very effective technician for the preventive and predictive maintenance of switches, drivers, muddy, fusible, toneless connections, etc.

For the mechanical maintenance, the situation is similar. The electrical parts associated, as the ones of an engine, can delatar a bad operation by an increase of temperature. The purely mechanical parts, as they can be axles, threads, parts that vibrate, also show an increase of temperature because of the rozamiento, to the misalignment or the fatigue.

Another of the applications, of cutting “Industrial Maintenance”, like the two previous, is the inspection of purgadores of steam since with the thermography can see perfectly the condensed and his evacuation.

Another block of applications of the thermography, is the one who atañe to the renewable energies, especially regarding the wind and photovoltaic power. The mission of a photovoltaic plate is to convert the power of the sun in electricity. If it does not do it, it heats . If it heats , can detect with a camera termográfica.

Regarding the mills of wind, the shovels are done of different layers of resin hit. If these are not properly hit, a camera termográfica can detect the air intersticial.

From here could extend us in a big variety of applications of the thermography, as for example, the sportive medicine, the control of plagues, the detection of infected in airports, the asphalted of roads, the electronic plates, to go of hunting and like this ad infinitum.

Who is Testo?

Testo AG Is a German manufacturer of instruments of portable measurement with more than 50 years of life. Instruments Testo in Spain arrives until the last rincón of the territory, offering his experience in technology of measurement and asesorando to the user so that it purchase the instrument that need, neither too basic, neither too advanced, the one who need. On the other hand, the users of Testo know that they are not abandoned and that his service post-sale answers, to level advice and to level repairs.

The range of infrared cameras Testo comprises 6 different models, from the 160x120 until the 640x480 pixels and from the 0,03°C until the 0,08°C of NETD, what means that it was the simple or demanding application, has of the camera termográfica suitable.

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