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AFCCM Wants to represent and asesorar to those people that have bet for living in a wooden house

The decision to buy a wooden house

AFCCM - Association of manufacturers and Constructors of wooden Houses of Spain07/04/2012

5 April 2012

The Association of manufacturers and Constructors of wooden Houses of Spain (AFCCM) is cream in October of 2000 with the purpose to give to know to the market the glorious provision of the wooden houses. This association considers that without quality there is not possible future and therefore it has done of her an aim prioritario.

Inside what commonly designate wooden prefabricated houses exist different constructive systems that, sintetizando, can englobar in three:

-System of trunks: paramentos in wood dress external, formed by trunks (flat or round), in which the own structure of the house is the one who remains sight.

- System of entramado light: paramentos formed by a wooden light structure, that lines so much interior like exteriormente of diverse materials, in wood or no. These two first systems come totally despiezados and always assemble in the plot of the customer. In some way, can consider “fixed”.

-Mobile system: his main characteristic, as his name indicates, is his “mobility”, that is to say, are houses mounted in factory and transported in pieces very big until the definite location. Depending of the final size of the house can be one or several pieces. The paramentos can be so much in wood dress as in another type of coatings.

A classical model of wooden house
A classical model of wooden house.

With these systems no only can edificar houses of 1 or 2 plants in wooden structure: can build from a school until a hotel, from a church to a hospital. And in several heights. If we encircle us to the houses, as it was the model chosen by the customer and the access to the plot, the constructions can be:

-Modular: the house transports in shape of big volumes armed already of factory. In a case like this, with the help of groups of experts montadores and rematadores and of the suitable cranes, the customer can enjoy of his new house in only some days.

-Panelables Or in work: if by the difficulties that can present the plot, can not transport in modules, a house of some 100 m2, put by case, would take in “creating it” only a month.

Steps to purchase a wooden house

In the first place it is necessary to have a plot edificable and registered. That they do not deceive him, the plot has to be described like edificable. For this personal of the companies of AFCCM moves to any point and finca for asesorar to his customers. Before this visit, the customer has to have requested and obtained of his city council and by writing the normative urbanística and the planes of the situation of the plot. After the visit of the proyectistas to the plot to study the needs of the customer, will realise by part of the technicians the Basic Project and Execution, visa in the School of Architects and Aparejadores of the corresponding province.
Once presented the project visa, proceeds to the granting of the licence of work by part of the city council. In necessary case, the customer, with the finca registered and with the presentation also of the project and of the licence, can achieve a financials hipotecaria of until 100%. With everything in his can happens to the signature of the agreement of purchase of the wooden house, that will be him delivered, as very late, six months afterwards.
The wooden houses allow also edificaciones of several plants
The wooden houses allow also edificaciones of several plants.

insurance and mortgages

The manufacturer or constructor of the wooden house has to give coverage of the insurance of guarantee decenal of damages -of compulsory contracting, to exception of the autopromotores-, of the all risk of construction -safe of voluntary contracting for the company contractor, but recommended for any type of work- and subscribe insurance of home. Those insurance entities that have studied the construction, characteristic and current rule for the wooden houses, do not have problem in accepting these risks.

Regarding the mortgages for the wooden houses, in addition to the precise basic documentation to realise any type of mortgage (of acquisition of house -usual or second residence-, young mortgage, mortgages change of house or rehipoteca), is precise besides the basic project and executive, photocopy of the licence of works, photocopy of the writing of the solar/ agreement of purchase–sale, photocopy of the budget of the constructor, as well as the planned calendar of works.

All the companies of AFCCM subject to an auditsoria technical of AITIM to accredit that they fulfil the levels demanded by the Technical Code of the Edificación

The wood, alive material, healthy and stable

In the construction in wood uses today mainly wood of conifers (almost always pine or fir laminado) for the manufacture of the components of the house (entramados structural, lick for external and inner enclosures…). The current technology allows to dry and treat the wood in origin so that, once installed, conserve by always the necessary provision so that they do not produce movements of the wood neither attacks of funguses or xilófagos.

The wood is renewable, recyclable, ecological, biodegradable, of sustainable development, absorbs the carbon dioxide and generates oxygen. Also it is an electrical driver very poor, with which his house carecerá almost completely of static electricity. A positive factor more than will appreciate in been still in his own person, translated in a pleasant general welfare.

Besides, against of what a lot of people thinks equivocadamente, is a very resistant material longitudinalmente: more than the concrete in all the senses, and more than the steel in axial sense. In an earthquake, for example, a wooden house presents a big resistance to the seismic waves. In fact, in cities like Venecia, Leningrado, Amsterdam, London or New York, between others, pilot them of big public works like bridges or buildings are built totally in wood, buried and under the water.

We can build a house using a modern design or one classical
We can build a house using a modern design or one classical.

The humidity

The wood, in relation with the humidity, works like a sponge: it absorbs it or the loose, depending on the temperature and of the environingingmental humidity. That is to say, this process of continuous balance is the one who ensures that in the wooden houses do not exist stains or condensations of humidity, but yes the ideal humidity in the air that breathes .

Have like this, then , a house with a much more pleasant environingingment and healthy. In a house of cement or of brick, the humidity –as we know all very well by experience- is visible in a lot of places, especially in the oriented north. Besides, in a wooden house, the factor “sponge” (degree of ideal humidity in the environingingment of the house at all times) converts the house in the ideal home for those who suffer of ailments reumáticas or have respiratory difficulties, will serve to preserve against allergies and proliferation of acaruses, bacteria and molds.

The cold and the heat

The wood is an excellent thermal sensors insulator: in consequence, provides us an important saving in heating and air conditioned, at the same time that improves an ambientación pleasant in the interior of the house. Said energetic saving is calculated in 50% with regard to a conventional construction. The brick and the concrete neither so at least are comparable with the wood like thermal sensors or acoustic insulation.

The wood and the fire

The wood is a poor driver of the heat: in consequence, in a fire, retarda the propagation of the fire and, besides, when forming a layer of coal in his outside, hinders noticeably the advance of the fire to the interior of the wood. This factor, joined to the on dimension of the thicknesses and to that the dilatation of the wood by the heat is practically non-existent, does that the wooden structure keep his functionality during long and can evacuate the building or extinguish the fire.

One of the advantages of a wooden house is his fast installation
One of the advantages of a wooden house is his fast installation.

A metallic structure, in a fire, collapses and goes to rack and ruin a lot before that a wooden structure. Of here that, in the actuality, in the most developed countries, the covers of shopping centres, polideportivos, auditsoriums, public swimming pools, etc., are building in wood, precisely by the reviewed up, by his greater hygiene in case of fire.

The wooden houses stand out by his fast installation and for being good thermal sensors and acoustic insulator

Acoustic isolation

The wood is porous by what, unlike other materials, does not have place for the effect rebound of the sound. In consequence, will not experience in the interior of a wooden house the unpleasant reverberation. If the silence typical of the wood sees reinforced by boards OSB and boards of plate-plaster, more the double acristalamiento like the 4-6 +12+4, the cameras, the wool of rock, etc., the house goes to be a remanso of peace. Goodbye To the stress.

Treatments and redecoración

The most ancient construction that has found with the wood in excellent state of conservation dates of the year 600 to.C.; And from this year and through the centuries until nowadays, what sobran are examples by all the world. If we take into account that then desconocían completely the distinct available treatments in the actuality, will have to suit that the longevity is another of the qualities of the good wood.

Nowadays have, on the one hand, the qualities that use and distinct and sophisticated treatments for the wood and, by another, is the punctilious fulfillment of the different normative and up to date legislations that affect to the industrial of this sector.

An operario mounts a cover for a wooden house
An operario mounts a cover for a wooden house.

The treatment of the wood does an alone time in the life, usually in factory. The customers only have to hold responsible, each 4 or 5 years, of something very simple that is the redecoración external to base of lasures to open pore and, between the big variety of existent colours, always will be able to choose the one who more like him. The cost is almost symbolic: by each 10 m2 will need, more or less, a litre of lasur, to 7,00 euros/litre. The majority of the inhabitants of a wooden house do personally the redecoración.

By the interior, a wooden house can decorate so much with lasures to open pore as with glaze to the water, poliuretanos, enamels, etc. But his maintenance, on the contrary of the houses of cement, is minimum and on a long-term basis: there are wooden walls in interiors that carry more than 50 years without being redecoradas.

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