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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a José Martínez, físico, presidente y fundador de la Unión Española de Geotermia
"The world is likely to take to geothermal"

Interview to José Martínez, physicist, President and founder of the Spanish Union of geothermal

Esther Güell29/06/2009

June 29, 2009

Listening to the clarity with which José Martínez presents and explains what is geothermal is difficult to understand because it is still an energy solution so little applied in Spain. Existing since the origins of humanity, our ancestors used this technique, then revolutionary, sustainable or renewable, or anything, just useful to heat and cool their homes. Now, in the era of postmodernism, when we redescubrimos technologies ancestral as if we saw them for the first time, we have again the geothermal energy as an efficient alternative. Martínez, physicist, President and founder of the Spanish geothermal Union (UEG) and the Centre of research of the geothermal energy (IGC), reveals some of the challenges of this technology.

Accompanied by Joan Escuer, President of the Official school of engineers of geologists in Catalonia, Martínez us attends at the headquarters of the same school where we have in what situation is geothermal, and its variants, both internationally and in the Spanish State.

José Martínez, physicist and President and founder of the GSU and the IGC, has a message clear and forceful...
José Martínez, physicist and President and founder of the GSU and the IGC, has a message clear and forceful: geothermal energy can solve many of the current energy problems.

Natural energy - renewable energy

Taking into account that geothermal is nothing more than a way to harness the energy of the subsoil to heat or cool, one of the first things that attract attention is the consideration of this as 'energy efficiency', but not as renewable energy. Joan Escuer clarifies us: "from the Institute of energy (Icaen) Catalan admit that geothermal energy of high and medium enthalpy, that is capable of generating energy by itself alone, could be considered as renewable, but geothermal being fashion""used with heat pump, see it as 'energy efficiency' because you are using a machine which consumes energy". And, although this detail is true, it is not less than the geothermal, as such, does not use another energy than their own. "This account starts from the premise that, without the machine, not obtainable geothermal energy, more than questionable."

José Martínez is categorical and says flatly that it is not true: "geothermal heat pumps are not indispensable." Our large professional default is to speak of pumps heat as if were the actors (...) when should speak of geothermal as a source of heat. An example: if I take from 100 or 200 ° C. basement, where everything is primary energy, and I trasmito that heat radiators or whatever, without anything else, do I need that heat from the ground is necessarily connected to a heat pump? "No, and Moreover it is an aberration, and is prompting authorities to confuse the geothermal with thermal engineering being applied".

But it is what sells... that the bomb is that converts heat into energy

"But sold badly!" "A pump transports it to the surface, but is not always necessary, can be harnessed directly heat through pipes, as if it were natural gas, and that buildings can supply of it".

This type of geothermal - us clarifies Joan Escuer - of geological anomalies, has a much higher gradient. "Geothermal power plants can be generated with certain gradients: there is one Iceland and one that takes more than 100 years in the area of Italy". This is what is known as high and medium enthalpy geothermal in the sector.

But points out that this does not mean find heat to great depth: "you can have the heat on the surface." "In Spain, for example, you have the area of Olot, Almería, Canary Islands, etc., are areas potentially very good for applications of this style".

"There is a big mistake: heat pumps are not always indispensable." "Geothermal is not the same as geothermal heat pump"

A problem of names

If from the scientific world is so clearly the difference between geothermal power itself and the engineering that can be or not to apply, and since that is a natural energy, we crave then a reasonable doubt. What is the reason why from the Catalan Institute of energy, in this case not considered renewable?

For Jose Martinez, "the problem is to that we must separate what is the machine's own energy." "Do not be confused one thing with the other". In this regard, it points out that there will be cases that will be necessary to apply a mechanical force, but there are also cases in which the energy comes from an external source, "which is geothermal". Martinez is strong in here "geothermal heat pumps are not essential, but they are useful in according to what areas." "But it's a technique".

Then perhaps the reluctance to put the label of 'renewable' or not is more conditioned by all that this entails: State aid, subsidies, etc.

The world as a source of energy

If we consider what soils are best suited, Martínez is clear: "all." Across the globe, all, is likely to be used at any point... that Yes, with greater or lesser depth. But I don't want to talk about areas because there is a risk then determine favorable and unfavorable to the geothermal points. "The difference is how much does it cost to get this energy and ideal would be that, without making very deep drilling, we could get that energy".

In this sense, gives us an example that clarifies: "speaking areas in Spain, there is one as the Teide, where in the fault to a meter in depth we find 250 ° C and 3 meters, 600." "And in Almeria, in Roman baths, where virtually no donde prácticamente no hay there are water but yes mud, on the surface are almost at 100 ° C".

In conclusion, all the planet Earth is susceptible to geothermal energy. "And as cumulation survey techniques, geothermal will be elevated to its maximum expression."

Joan Escuer points out, however, that, except these areas with heat fluxes, below 100 meters also can seize is heat. That is, it is not only usable on the surface, "because one could say, 'but I in Barcelona does not have any volcano, have hot springs' - that yes there was, the Metro L5 cut one". Just look at the caves or rock houses excavated, "are thermally very efficient".

Also, it is very important to take into account that, paradoxically, we live in a world lacking in energy, while recent geothermal studies conducted around the world show that there is more energy in the basement. Only in the first 3,000 meters, of which humanity can spend. What is more, which in the Iberian Peninsula is concerned, should be noted that, with the efficient use of only 0.5% of the existing energy to a depth of only 3,000 meters, would be sufficient to meet, more than 100,000 years, all the energy needs of the peninsula (source: GSU).

"The trend in Europe is that large farms, connected to the motorways of the energy, tracking all the buildings"


There are two known forms of aerotermia: the so-called Provençal well and the Canadian well. In both cases the basis is the same: take ambient air, pass under the ground to change its temperature and then to use it, in the first case cool, and in the second case, Preheat it. Achieving a different temperature to which come directly from the atmosphere. It is another form of geothermal, very superficial, but it remains.

But for Jose Martinez, "energy is not a question of Yes or no... its momentum in this country is a matter of State, and is not subject to the GSU or the Icaen". In this sense, cited as an example the shortcomings that have other alternatives: "for wind energy that is required is an area with wind, solar energy, the Sun... have not for a few hours a day... While geothermal can work all the time". For Martinez, "it's inexplicable that is not considered a renewable energy", but it is optimistic for the future "is very developed and the thing is changing at an incredible rate".

Geothermal is to harness the heat of the Earth as a source of energy. Source: paper ' La geothermal...
Geothermal is to harness the heat of the Earth as a source of energy. Source: paper ' La geothermal. Potential for utilization for thermal applications ', Celestino Garcia of the Noceda, geological and mining Spain.

An unknown energy?

Despite the long history that drags this energy, the Association of geologists of Catalonia has so far organized two days to learn more about this resource, it seems that, in the professional world, is still an alternative quite unknown... José Martínez, however, has his own view: "it is known, Yes, but in life applies much the first law of physics... the minimum effort." It follows the inertia, the known things, what is fashionable... As an anecdote I tell you that at a Conference I made in the Rotary Club, where they were owners of a great promoter, at lunch, talking about this kind of energy... claimed that geothermal energy there, to my amazement as I had been speaking to them of real-life examples! And the answer was 'does not exist, because if it existed, my company would have already done so'. This response means many things. "In his inertia to earn money, not covered it".

For the moment, since precisely one of the objectives of these meetings organised by the College it is create a fabric of friendly professionals to innovate in this direction. Joan Escuer, President of the College, is on the same line on why still is not a widespread solution in our country: "today, if as informed user a facility of this type we call on our usual supplier, it is normal that he remove us it head"Commenting on what has been heard, it's very expensive, it does have advantages, but what perhaps do not know the user is that this professional does not really know how to perform this installation. "And that is part of the current inertia."

With a long history

Understood as the way to harness the energy of the subsoil, geothermal is used for centuries for thermal purposes, but the production of electricity using heat from the Earth is much more recent.

In the area of Tuscany is the first geothermal power plant for more than 100 years, reaching more than 30% of the population. He is the project of Piero Ginori Conti in Larderello, in 1904. A century later, it continues indefinitely to produce heat and electricity.

And it was the direct use of heat that spread more quickly. Iceland became the 30 years of the 20th century in the first country to install a geothermal heating domestic service on a large scale in the city of Reykjavik. Earlier he had already used geothermal to heat greenhouses. The first industrial application of the heat of the Earth took place in a factory of pulp and paper from New Zealand. And in Iceland applied to the textile industry, in wool washing.

It's very expensive... myth or reality?

"It is a myth". So of blunt Martinez is shown to this approach. "If we talk about the installation itself, it is probably more expensive, but it must also take into account the savings that can be in terms of heating and cooling... obviously in comparison with the best traditional installation that had been installed." "And it is a process environmentally very positive".

With regard to the time of pay off it, and despite the fact that Martinez shows some indignation by this request ("do ask why for depreciation when they did not ask for in a conventional installation?"), points out that, even in this sense, geothermal has its advantages: "there is indeed a 'pay back'"that translates into savings in energy that it will not consume. "So do we talk about savings, which will be about the best conventional air conditioning system".

And geothermal solutions can achieve a COP (performance) very superior to the a Setup conventional provided the election proper technique, opting in each case by the best available solution; aerotermia, acuatermia, etc.

"The COP can be defined for every euro that I spend on energy, how many euros in heat returns me: for example, a COP 3.5 installation means that, for every euro spent on electricity, returns me 3.5 euros in the form of heat".

By way of example

If we were to do a geothermal heat pump installation, possibly we would have a COP more or less equal than a conventional, can be 3, 2 or 4 depending on the selected machine or available technique; currently the companies are already working on machines with COP 6, 7 and even 8. But the performance would be like: actually the geothermal heat pump will lag behind the conventional bomb, in the end are the same thing. Now, if you used aerotermia to weatherize the building; Suppose that I can do because we are in an area which so allows; What POPs would have this facility? Practically infinite, unless I should put fans, but if it could be by convection, does energy expense?

A case study; next to my house I have a river, with water in summer of 7 ° C, and with that water strained my home, what will be the COP, if we consider the little energy I need to power a small pump for recirculation of water? This is geothermal. But, economically speaking, how much I would cost this installation? Almost nothing, if we have the river there, need only the pipe, etc. do I get more expensive than with a conventional installation? As you can see, it all depends on the place where you install, the technical difficulty, etc. And sometimes, the best solution is a mix between different technologies.

In this regard, Martínez notes that a geothermal installation in Barcelona would always be more efficient than any air conditioning, "always no geothermal heat pump.", as in this case it would be less efficient than a conventional heat pump Geothermal heat pumps are installed in Barcelona, would be an improper installation. "It would be a misapplication".

And the objective of the Spanish Union of geothermal "is precisely that it does not happen". For José Martínez, geothermal energy "is a new business opportunity that requires qualified personnel, who know how to install and what conditions need." "And this malpractice did that for years he resettled, but bad, and then came a time of silence". And now we are back to find it.

"But also - notes - must be borne in mind that with all the problems that are leading to energy consumption, today is not a question of whether geothermal is more or less face... is to make it." It will now cost less. And in this position are currently countries like Switzerland, Italy, France...The ranking is headed by United States and is situated behind the Philippines... then we find Mexico, Chile, Argentina... "with great experiences with geothermal".

Geothermal in the world, a range of possibilities

José Martínez also introduces another type of energy geothermal, perhaps less pleasant but equally efficient and that you are currently using in Switzerland: "In the cities we find that there are many fecal waters and has been found that sewage systems are always at the same temperature", between 15-18 ° C. "So that you are installing piping within these networks to achieve an exchange of heat".

In the same vein, pointed out that there are energy maps of all the streams, lakes, etc., indicating their temperatures, "but here not". In Neuchatel, for example, they also have a project to acclimatize throughout the city with geothermal. And also in Hamburg there is a similar project.

For Martinez, "it from countries where they are aware of the potential that they have and what they have been documented." They then draw or not, but they have the knowledge. And we also want to know these things, until the last of our streams. Everything that involves heat jump, is likely to take advantage of such as geothermal. "And we must take advantage of it."

"There are areas in Spain, such as Olot, Almería, Canary Islands, etc., potentially very interesting and where heat is in the same area"

New construction or rehabilitation?

At this point, is good to consider, more thoroughly, the advantages and challenges which can be an installation of this type in our cities. And the first question is, does it must be expected already since the beginning of a new building or even can be equipped with facilities of this kind already existing constructions?

Joan Escuer explains us them: "it is always best to raise it at the beginning." But one of the advantages of geothermal is that it is always a 'tailored suit'. "The 'pret a porter' still not been invented".

José Martínez, for his part, added that "geothermal today can be very useful for large districts, one avenue for example, supplied by a single station, strategically located in the city." The trend in Europe is that large farms, connected to the motorways of the energy, tracking all the buildings. If we are able to make this model; in Paris, Hamburg, Munich, are the order of the day; It would be very easy, once installed the cold/heat pipes in the street, making the rush to each House; as did the gas company, and connect the installation with the exchanger of the House. But this is feasible provided there is great interest and a great production and energy highways. On the other hand, for a single House, the truth is that not. It must be a global project of the municipality. And advances us a story: "there is a municipality of the Metropolitan belt of Barcelona that something being".

But despite the need for a global project, Martínez is clearly contrary to the need for this type of infrastructure to be in charge of a public company: "in any way advocate public ownership." "Could only be made by a public undertaking if it were competitive, but nothing is further from our intention, from the UEG, which institutionalize geothermal actions".

In fact, for Martinez, this market could serve as shock to sector services, particularly at this time. "Air conditioning companies should be more interested in knowing this technology and learn about how install it." "Geothermal can be an opportunity for these companies."

Example of operation of the system of the Austrian company Enercret, which uses of concrete structures for calefactar and cool the buildings...
Example of operation of the system of the Austrian company Enercret, which uses of concrete structures for calefactar and cool the buildings, ducts installed in the interior of structures involved in the transfer of heat from the building to the ground through pileswalls and slabs energy. Source: Eneres - Enercret.

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