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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Matelec 2012 inaugura la Semana de la Eficiencia Energética
“Be more efficient is thing of all”

Matelec 2012 inaugurates the Week of the Energetic Efficiency

Editorial Interempresas22/10/2012
Matelec, International Living room of Solutions for the Electrical and Electronic Industry, organised by Ifema and that will celebrate of the 23 to 26 October 2012, in the Fair of Madrid, has presented in the auditssorium of the Palace of Cibeles, headquarters of the City council of Madrid, the Week of the Energetic Efficiency, SEE.

Treats of the first national campaign of promotion and sensitisation of the saving of power, promoted and promoted by Matelec, in support to the current interests of the sector, that will gather of the 20 to 28 October the efforts of the industry, the public servicy and the society in general to conquer the challenge 20/2020 of the EU: reduce the broadcasts of gases of effect invernadero in 20%; save 20% of the consumption of power by means of a greater energetic efficiency –besides, in each country 10% of the needs of the transport will have to cover by means of biofuels-, and promote the renewable energies until 20%.

Of left to right...
Of left to right: Raúl Alley, director of Matelec; Fermín Lucas, general director of Ifema; Antonio of Guindos Jury, delegate of the Area of Government of Environingingment, hygiene and Mobility of the City council of Madrid; Enrique Cost, president of the Committee Organiser of Matelec and country president of Schneider Electric for Spain, Portugal and Latin America, and Fidel Pérez Mount, General director of the Institute of the Diversification and Saving of the Power, IDAE.

Like this, fits to stand out that during the act of inauguration, presented by Raúl Alley, director of Matelec, have taken part Antonio of Guindos Jury, delegate of the Area of Government of Environingingment, hygiene and Mobility of the City council of Madrid -that has inaugurated this evento-; Fermín Lucas, general director of Ifema; Fidel Pérez Mount, general director of the Institute of the Diversification and Saving of the Power, IDAE; Enrique Cost, president of the Committee Organiser of Matelec and country president of Schneider Electric for Spain, Portugal and Latin America.

The turn of interventions has initiated it Fermín Lucas, the one who has stood out that the presentation llevar in one of the exponents of the concepts that summary the Week of the Energetic Efficiency as it is the Palace of Cibeles. “We initiate today in Madrid a bet of ambitious sensitisation, no only of face to the professional sector, but also to the society”, declared when presenting the SEE. During this week, Madrid goes to show be “the first capital in the rational use of the energies”, something that goes to support to Matelec in his aim to sensitise to the society, to the professionals of the sector and to the Administration in the need to save power in pro of the environingingment and of the economy.

By his part, Enrique Cost, president of the Committee Organiser of the fair, has added that the SEE and Matelec go to be a meeting point of all the sectors that “want and have to be more efficient regarding the energetic saving”. In this sense, treats of a necessary change so that the Spanish society and our economy grow in all the senses. “The electrical sector –added to Cost- has his tools and the necessary knowledge for this. Be more efficient is thing of all”.

“This type of initiatives are not only notable for the sensitisation regarding the energetic efficiency, but they are indispensable to boost the company”, recognised the general director of IDAE. Spain is inside the European aim 20/2020 of the Union, “and the first aim to reduce in 9% the initial consumption of power has achieved ”. For this, according to words of Fidel Pérez Mount, has been and keeps on being indispensable that the companies of the sector conciencien and collaborate so that it save so much in public buildings of the administration, as in helping to the consumers to improve his behaviours in matter of energetic efficiency. The investment in this sense to turn into economic growth for the companies of the sector.

Finally, the delegate of Environingingment, hygiene and Mobility, Antonio of Guindos, has signalled that during this week “will show live an efficient city, through public and private spaces“and by means of activities in all the capital. The aim is to spread a message in favour”of the optimisation of the resources and the promotion of the sustainability, in the frame of a campaign to promote the habits and practical of energetic saving between the citizens, the companies and the professionals of the third sector”. Madrid is an efficient “city, and also open, cosmopolita and dynamic. It is the best option to experience in first person the exercise of a sustainable urban gestión, efficient and manager" ensured. Likewise, it has stood out that during the SEE will be able to visit four municipal installations: the Palace of Cibeles, the Photovoltaic Solar Pyramid of the Park Juan Carlos I, the Centre of Gestión of the Mobility and the Centre of Telecontrol of Lighted up and Tunnels.

Energetic efficiency at first hand

Once finalised the official presentation, has developed the first of the routes guided by some of the most efficient buildings of Madrid, that go to llevar along all the week and that show at first hand the commitment of the city with the energetic efficiency.

In concrete this route has begun by the own Palace of Cibeles, where has llevar a technical explanation on the systems that ensure a greater energetic efficiency in the headquarters of the City council. Like host, Of Guindos has explained how the headquarters of the City council has been included, from principles of this year, in the register of the community system of gestión and environingingmental audits (EMAS, according to his acronyms in English) and has obtained the international certificate of the Norm ISO 14001:2004 of environingingmental gestión. “The EMAS recognises and verifies that in all the Palace acts of sustainable and efficient way so much in his administrative activities like cultural, and also in the gestión of the evento -as this- that celebrate in his installations”, concretised the Delegate. Besides, it put like example that, of 2010 to 2011, the monthly consumption of water and electrical power by employee reduced 5,4% and 7,38%, respectively, and the one of natural gas did it in 27,19%.

Another point of interest in the route has been the Hotel ME by Meliá Madrid - emblematic building Art Decó of Madrid-, until where has moved all the comitiva to check in situ the energetic reality of this location. In the visit has showed and explained the lighting ecoeficiente of the hotel. There it has showed the installation of lighting LEDline of low energetic consumption of the façade of the building, something that makes possible a saving of 80% and an annual reduction of 38 tonnes of broadcasts of CO2.

From the Square Santa Ana of Madrid, where finds the Hotel ME, the buses have followed the route until arriving to the Centre of Gestión of the Mobility, of the City council of Madrid. This installation, that also will be able to visit in these days, whose aim is to improve the control of the traffic, has of an integral system that connects -by means of optical fibre- semaphores, detectors of vehicles, cameras of control of access to the Areas of Residential Priority and cameras of control of infringements in the step of vehicles by semaphores in red. “This system, further to present us in real time the state of the circulation, allows to adjust to the instant the time of wait of the semaphores in profit of a better mobility”, said Of Guindos.

Matelec: Sustainability, efficiency and energetic saving

Matelec 2012, International Living room of Solutions for the Electrical and Electronic Industry, celebrates his tenth sixth edition, an announcement that presents for the companies and agents of the sector, like an opportunity of business of prime importance.

For this, on 23 October will open his doors in the Fair of Madrid. The official inauguration will have the presence of the adviser of Economy and Inland revenue of the Community of Madrid, Enrique Ossorio Crespo; with the president of the Camera of Trade of Madrid, president of CEIM and vice-president of CEOE, Arturo Fernández; and the general director of Industry of the Community of Madrid, Carlos López Jimeno.

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