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Hispalyt Has edited new technical publications on Silensis to continue with his politics of diffusion of the walls of brick of high acoustic isolation

The industry of the structural ceramics and his firm bet by the innovation

Editorial Interempresas27/07/2012
Hispalyt has published recently the data of the sector of the last exercises, in which they put of self-evident once again that the industry of the structural ceramics concentrates his efforts in the bet by the innovation and in the development of new products and constructive systems. The faã§ades autoportantes and ventilated Structura and the walls of brick of high acoustic isolation Silensis continue being the firm bet of the companies that belong to Hispalyt to face the hard moments by which crosses the sector.

Hispalyt Has published recently the data of the corresponding sector to the exercises 2010 and 2011. To general way, because of the descent of sales in the sector suffered from the year 2008, the companies have seen forced to adapt to the situation along the last years, concentrating his production in determinate months of the year. This fact has had a direct repercussion in other fields, like the number of workers, the volume of business, etc.

In what to the production refers , observes that it continues the descent of the same initiated in 2008. Irremediablemente, this descent of the production has caused the same effect regarding the volume of business refers , happening of 700 million euros in 2009, to 450 million euros in the 2010 and 360 million euros in the 2011.

Regarding the number of employees, in 2011 the figure has fallen around 6% regarding 2010, something that coincides with the drastic descent of production of ceramic products in the last years.


Definitely, these last years are being very hard for the companies of the sector of structural ceramics, although these have not ceased in his fight for combating the crisis of the best possible form: betting by the innovation and the development of new products and systems, as for example, the walls of brick of high acoustic isolation Silensis or the faã§ades autoportantes and ventilated with expensive brick sight Structura.

Structura And Silensis

Regarding Structura, the innovation is that they are faã§ades autoportantes, when being the external leaf of the separate façade of the structure of the building, allowing the step of the camera of air and of the isolation of continuous way by in front of the fronts of forged.

In this type of façade autoportante, the own weight transmits in his whole to the plant of start, without need of any support neither profiling auxiliary in intermediate plants, since only they require anchorages and armour of tendel for the “tied” of the faã§ades of expensive brick sight with the structure of the building. This design allows to elevate notably the provision of the façade, when improving his behaviour higrotérmico, when having a greater stability and suppresses the constructive conflict that supposes the go through the forged, what translates besides in an extraordinary economy of means, ease of execution and hygiene.

The faã§ades Structura gather the advantages of the ventilated faã§ades with the inherent to the ceramic materials, standing out by his:

- thermal sensors and acoustic Isolation: attains a considerable energetic saving, improving the thermal sensors and acoustic insulation of the houses, at the same time that cancels the condensations in the interior of the camera.

- Durability: The aesthetic qualities of the expensive brick sight keep unalterable in the time, what joined to his high physical provision, do of the faã§ades Structura an optimum system from the punto cost-performance.

- Economic saving: Is the ventilated façade more economic of the market and improves the hygiene and the innovation in the buildings.

- Optimisation of the process of execution: Structura facilitates and improves the processes of execution of the work, guaranteeing the stability of the main façade by means of anchorages and armour of tendel, in addition to that the hand of necessary work is the same that for the traditional faã§ades of work seen.

- Aesthetic improvements: When deleting the step of the wall of brick by the front of the forged and not requiring the employment of special pieces avoid possible problems in the form and colour of the brick and these.

- Structural improvements: downloads to the structure of all the constructive weight since the façade starts from the terrain, avoiding the estribo on forged.

The walls of brick Silensis (septums and walls of separation between houses) are included in the Table 3.2. Of the Basic Document Protection in front of the Noise (DB – HR) of the Technical Code of the Edificación (CTE), of forced fulfillment from of April of 2009.


Between the most notable appearances of the walls of brick Silensis stand out:

- Allow the fulfillment of the exigencias of the DB HR of the CTE when obtaining results of acoustic isolation in laboratory between 56 and 70 dBA and of isolation “in situ” between 50 and 55 dBA.

- Likewise fulfil the requirements of the rest of Basic Documents of the CTE, since the walls Silensis have been studied in depth from other appearances like the thermal sensors isolation, the structural stability and the behaviour in front of fires, obtaining equally results very upper to the demanded in the rule of forced fulfillment.

- The walls Silensis Type 2 To, 2 B and 1 B, require light modifications in the system of setting, when entering mineral wool in the camera of the two leaves, that acts like absorbent acoustic reducing the direct transmission of noise of the constructive system (principle mass-dock-mass) and elastic bands that improve the isolation to the noise so much of horizontal form like vertical, since they interrupt the structural acoustic bridge and delete determinate indirect ways of transmission of the noise.

- Have been checked in real works, with some satisfactory results in all the cases.

- Do not suppose an extra cost neither a significant loss of surface, regarding the previous construction solutions to the DB HR of the CTE.

New technical publications on Silensis

From Hispalyt always has considered that the acoustic isolation is a fundamental element in the house and one of the main demands of the citizens. Use bricks and ceramic blocks for the execution of septums and walls supposes a guarantee of durability, resistance to loads and acoustic and thermal sensors isolation, all this joined to an exceptional behaviour in front of the fire. A study realised by Ipsos determines that 98% of the Spaniards show his preference by that the walls of his house are built with ceramic materials. To do them arrive to the maximum of professionals of the sector the qualities and advantages of the walls of brick Silensis, Hispalyt has developed two new technical publications:

The first of these publications is the Manual of Execution of Factories of Brick for Revestir Silensis. It treats of a new tool that exposes of clear form and very didactic the most usual procedures for the execution of factories of brick for revestir, in accordance with the best practices, the CTE and other norms, so that it serve like text of query and learning for the professionals involved. This manual goes headed to all those professionals of the sector that trust the walls and septums Silensis, when considering positive his high provision, fulfillment of rule, sustainability, energetic saving and cost very competitive. The manual finds available for his download in the web page of Silensis:

The second publication is the Video of Execution Silensis. In this video have resumido the most important appearances of the execution of the System Silensis, as well as the materials employed in each one of his solutions. Will be able to see the details to take into account to effect a correct put in work of the constructive system Silensis. The complete video has an approximate length of 40 minutes, by what, with the end to facilitate the fast visualisation of that specific information for his activity, has created a Channel in Youtube from where can download the five chapters of which states the video:

Finally, Hispalyt has collected in a DVD all the available technical information on the distinct materials of structural ceramics (expensive bricks sight, knit, pave, etc.), between which find in the Manual of Execution of Factories of Brick for Revestir Silensis and the Video of Execution Silensis.

From the month of June, and with reason of the edition of these new technical publications on Silensis, Hispalyt has set up new technical days Silensis headed to Proyectistas, Prescriptores, Installers and Bosses of Work. The information on next dates of these days finds available in the web page of Silensis, in the section of “Diary Technical Days”. Besides, It is promoting the teaching of technical talks to the students of the Schools of architecture and Technical architecture of all the country, to give to know the advantages of the walls of brick Silensis between the professional futures of the edificación.

Likewise, in the month of June also set up technical days on the faã§ades autoportantes and ventilated Structura, with the purpose to present his advantages between the professionals of the sector of the edificación. These days give of regular form in the headquarters of Hispalyt, and the information on future days finds in the web page of Structura, in the section of “Days Structura”. Besides, It is llevar an action of diffusion of Structura of conjoint form with the Schools of architecture and Technical architecture of Spain, to give to know his advantages to the students.

Treats of an initiative that shows that the industry of the structural ceramics considers fundamental and necessary the bet by innovation and the development of new products and constructive systems, as well as by his diffusion between the professionals of the sector.

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