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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Ascer promociona las baldosas cerámicas en Rusia

Ascer promociona The baldosas ceramic in Russia


21 May 2012

The next 24 May, and inside the Plan of Sectorial Promotion of the Ceramics 2012, takes place in the city of Kaliningrado (Federal District of the Northwest) a seminar on the ‘Image country of the Spanish sector of baldosas, azulejos and pavimentos ceramic oriented to the channel of the prescription'.

This event, organised by Ascer (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Azulejos and Pavimentos Ceramic) in collaboration with the Commercial Office of Spain in Moscow and with the support of the Spanish Institute of External Trade (ICEX), freamers inside the Plan specific Country that looks for promocionar the azulejos and pavimentos ceramic Spaniards in the Russian market. The past month of March already celebrated a seminar of the same characteristics in the city of Krasnodar that had the assistance of more than 200 people.

Celebrated seminar in March in Krasnodar
Celebrated seminar in March in Krasnodar.
In the seminar (that it will develop in Russian) will present the last tendencies of the ceramics in the architecture and the interiorismo; for to continuation happen to the presentation of each one of the Spanish marks participants. The companies of Tile of Spain participants are: Aztec, Colorker, Dune, Grespania, Inceazahar, Keraben, Peronda, Saloni and Live. Also it accompanies the seminar of a zone of exhibition with samples of product of the companies participants.

This foreseen the assistance to the seminar of more than 200 people of the profile distribution, architects, interioristas and skilled presses.

Russia has a Plan specific Country of promotion of Tile of Spain (marks umbrella of the Spanish ceramics out of our borders). The development of this type of promotional actions (possible thanks to the support of the ICEX) is especially notable in the Russian Federation, when being one of the main importing world-wide of ceramics and the second in the ránking of international destinations of the Ceramics of Spain. The sales in 2011 reached the 126,5 million euros, what supposes an increase of 19,92% with regard to 2010.

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Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Azulejos y Pavimentos Cerámicos

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