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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Hilti ensalza las virtudes del martillo eléctrico frente al neumático
Presentation of the YOU 3000-AVR, a hammer with the performance of a tool of air compressed but without sacrificing the mobility

Hilti ensalza The virtues of the electrical hammer in front of the tyre

David Muñoz25/11/2011

25 November 2011

Ricardo Airs and Íñigo Gómez, product managers of Hilti, realised the comparative between the electrical hammer YOU 3000-AVR and another tyre.

The most stood out characteristic of the YOU 3000-AVR is his energy of impact of 68 Julies, what no only endows it of a big performance of break on concrete (until 6 tonnes by hour), but it also guarantees a high power in big works on the asphalt. Instrumented with an engine without brushes SR that does not need maintenance, the hammer YOU 3000-AVR guarantees long intervals of work and an extensive useful life, being able to operate also in situations of descent of tension.

The YOU 3000-AVR, that has an only system of extraction of dust, allows to work daily during more than 4 hours followed, since it keeps the vibration underneath of 7 m/s2 (in front of the more than 30 m/s2 of some pneumatic hammers) thanks to the system of Active Reduction of Vibration AVR of Hilti that isolates the empuñaduras lateral of the rest of the machine.

The cinceles poligonales Hilti offer a very high performance. It is more, these cinceles autoafilables, even when they use in the hardest materials, no only delete the need to go back to afilarlos, what supposes time and money, but with them exist a lot of less probabilities to suffer enganchones.

Also is remarkable the initiative that has taken Hilti to endow to this hammer of a wire of electrical feeding that can desconectar of the machine when it is not working and that besides enjoys of double isolation, what reduces the risk of damages.

José Antonio Carmona, of the technical department of Hilti, during the presentation of the YOU 3000-AVR
José Antonio Carmona, of the technical department of Hilti, during the presentation of the YOU 3000-AVR.
The most stood out characteristic of the YOU 3000-AVR is his energy of impact of 68 Julies

To the equal that in other tools Hilti, the hammer can connect to a computer for recopilar information on his hours of work or electronic incidences.

In addition to offering profits on the pneumatic hammers, the YOU 3000-AVR also erige like a tool aventajada on a third road of demolición, the one who provide the hydraulic manual hammers joined up to hydraulic switchboards, fundamentally in reduction of maintenance.

DST 10 –And

Fast to carry and easy to install by an alone operario, the new short electrical walls Hilti DST 10-And results very agile in a big variety of works of cut of small size to average.

This model presents an only design since all the electronics is incorporated in the head of saw. This does that the transport, setting and desmontaje was very simple. With his 7,5 kW of power of exit (S1, in continuous operation) through a connection of 16 amperes and his capacity to cut until 38 cm, the DST 10-And increases the productivity because it has sufficient power for a wide range of works so much of cut like opening of doors and windows or works of rehabilitation in balconies and façades of buildings where there are difficulties of access and space.

Ignacio Monereo, product manager of systems of cut of diamond in Hilti, with the short walls DST 10-And
Ignacio Monereo, product manager of systems of cut of diamond in Hilti, with the short walls DST 10-And.

With the help of a comfortable carrito of transport, the system of complete cut and the accessories can carry until the place of work by an alone operario without any difficulty. Besides, the saw has of a control to distance with a very simple screen and easy to use.

The disks of cut, that present the last technology Hilti Equidist, are exactly matched with the DST 10-And and therefore, achieve a high performance of court and a long length.

DSH 900/700

The new cortadoras to petrol Hilti DSH 700/900 characterise for combining a high capacity of cut to big depths with a remarkable reduction of the operative costs. Thanks to the resonance adjusted of the tube of leakage, the maximum power develops to low revolutions and keeps constant in all the rank of speed. The high pair in conjunction with the disks of diamond and abrasive allow to offer an optimum performance.

Demonstration with the new cortadora of petrol Hilti DSH 700
Demonstration with the new cortadora of petrol Hilti DSH 700.

The filter of air and the rope of start can be changed fast and easily by the user. And the long intervals between maintenance reduce the operative costs compared with the cortadoras to conventional petrol.

For these cortadoras also has resorted to the disks of cut of high performance of Hilti with his innovative technology Equidist, that ensures a perfect distribution of the diamonds in the 12 mm of the segment of the disk (also offers a line of universal disks UP, with the segments of diamond of 10 mm).

Profis Rebar

Hilti Has designed the first software in Spain for the design of structural connections in concrete with bars corrugadas placed with hindsight. The method Hilti bases in an experience in this field of more than 30 years, what allows to reduce the depths of empotramiento in more than 50%, save costs and increase the productivity.

Of left to right...
Of left to right: Íñigo Gómez, product manager, and Antonio Thistle, responsible of technical office of Hilti, commissioned to present the Profis Rebar.
Hilti Has designed the first software in Spain for the design of structural connections in concrete with bars corrugadas placed with hindsight

The Profis Rebar allows to realise the design of resistant connections to the fire, fatigue and seismic loads. It uses the resins Hilti Hit: RE-500, HY 150 MAX and RE 500 SD (seism).

The new software presents some graphic surroundings 3D, results simple to use and is already available in the web of Hilti for his previous free download register. His objective customer is the engineer estructurista.

Service to the customer

Hilti Backs his products with services adapted to the needs of the customer. With the called 'Fleet Management', all the costs of maintenance and repair of the tools remain covered with a monthly quota, what simplifies the financial planning and frees of administrative work. All the tools of the park are substituted regularly by versions of last generation, helping to avoid costly dead times and ensuring the fulfillment with the last norms of security.

Hilti Also offers a package of only services for those that wish to have the tools in property. In case of repair during the period of Cost Zero, Hilti does charge of all the costs (included the subject parts to the use and natural wear of the tool and the hand of work), fast and professionally, during 2 years (3 years for hammers rompedores with technology SR). Once finalised the period of Cost Zero, fixes a limit of cost of repair – during all the useful life of the tool. Hilti Offers besides a guarantee of manufacture for life to his tools. Any defect of factory, in the moment that appear, is covered without cost any.

Jaime of the Stable, boss of workshop of Hilti in Spain, during the visit to the installations
Jaime of the Stable, boss of workshop of Hilti in Spain, during the visit to the installations.

To be able to fulfil with these commitments, Hilti explains in the Madrilenian place of Alcalá de Henares with a modern workshop that gives service to Spain, Portugal and part of France, in which they work more than 30 mechanics under the parameters of maximum quality in the repairs and rapidity in the same. Of his ecological commitment gives samples the agreement that is supported by Ecolec for achatarrar the tools that withdraws of the market, allocating the bottoms to a plantation of trees in a forest of Guadalajara.

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Comments on article / news piece

#4 - Jonathan
17/02/2021 16:55:32
Hola Diego, si nos das un número de teléfono o mail te ponemos en contacto con el departamento comercial de Hilti.
#3 - José
14/02/2021 5:51:47
Puedo usar el TE 3000 para excavar un pozo a cielo abierto con suelo de piedra volcánica y con probabilidades de encontrar agua? Gracias de antemano
#2 - juan
23/10/2013 19:46:55
Buenas tardes , quisiera saber cual de sus herramientas me podría servir para cortar losas de escaleras inclinadas. Mi numero de móvil es 619421979 mi nombre es Juan
#1 - Diego
26/07/2012 12:23:38
Me interesa saber precio de TE-3000

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