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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Conferencia de Jaume Bach sobre los recubrimientos cerámicos

Conference of Jaume Bach on the ceramic coatings


17 November 2011

The past Tuesday, 15 November, the living room of acts of the Building of Ways of the Polytechnical University of Valencia received at 13.00h a conference of the architect Jaume Bach, on his experience with the ceramic coatings, inside the program of the course of the Ceramic Chair of Valencia. Jaume Bach resulted winner in the last edition of the Ceramic Prizes that annually organises/organizes Ascer with his project “Building of Houses Casp 74”. Also in the second edition of the Prizes, in 2003, his project “Marries 4C” was merecedor of the prize in the category of interiorismo. In the conference, Bach will do a review by his work doing a special upsetting in those projects in which the ceramic coatings exert a paper stood out.
Building of Houses Casp 74
Building of Houses Casp 74.

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