
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Reynaers Aluminium participa en la jornada ‘La envolvente acristalada en la certificación energética de edificios’

Reynaers Aluminium Participates in the day ‘The envolvente glazed in the energetic certification of buildings'


12 February 2014

The next 20 February, Reynaers Aluminium participates in the day ‘The envolvente glazed in the energetic certification of buildings', in collaboration with Asefave and organised by the Official School of Aparejadores, Technical Architects and Engineers of Edificación of Cádiz.

This day presents with a series of aims very clear-cut. On the one hand, offer the tools that allow to the certifier technician of the energetic efficiency of the buildings that identify with the greater possible hygiene the installed carpentry in the building or house that goes to certify energetically, offering him the values of thermal sensors transmittance, permeability to the air and solar factor more approximated in function of the characteristics of the carpentry. On the other hand, it pretends inform him of the most usual solutions that there is at present in the market in matter of carpentries, together with the most innovative regarding energetic efficiency, so that it can value and include them in the proposals of improvement to present in the certificate of energetic efficiency.

To attain all this, will realizar a global vision of all the subject, from the general concepts, going through the inspection of the existent carpentry and proposals of improvement, and until the exigible documentation to the new carpentries, among others subjects.

Can obtain more information on this day and realizar the registrations through this link.

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