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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La influencia del color y la luz en el proceso de compra
Each colour causes a different feeling

The influence of the colour and the light in the process of purchase

Editorial Interempresas03/02/2014
Philip Kotler, the guru of the marketing, affirmed in 1973 that the noise, the forms, the smells and the colours helped to call the attention, transmit messages and create feelings that increased the probability of purchase. Since the marketing has advanced in all the senses and the reproduction of the colour has turned into a key factor for the differentiation in the sector retail. In the sensory marketing the light is one of the key factors in the experience of purchase.
The artificial lighting resalta the articles doing them more attractor trucks to the eyes of the consumer

The artificial lighting resalta the articles doing them more attractor trucks to the eyes of the consumer.

To achieve finalise a process of purchase successfully does not be necessary to appeal to the reason but to the emotion of the buyer. The emotional bond is much stronger and much more stable in the time and is responsible of the fidelity of the customer. According to Colour Marketing Group, 85% of the buyers think that the colour is one of the main factors in the purchase of a product.

Also has showed that the surroundings exerts a big influence in the purchase by impulse and is the light the one who achieves to modify the perception of the space through the temperature of colour, the shine, the intensity for like this, of conscious or unaware way, influence in the consumer.

The colour in himself is not a physical property of the objects but a possible human perception thanks to the light. For this reason between the professionals of the interiorismo and the design of commercial spaces the index of chromatic reproduction or IRC is much more notable that any another criterion included the efficiency.

Each colour causes a different feeling. Like this in the western culture the red means power whereas the blue is the colour of the confidence and the hygiene and the black associates with products of luxury. The importance that each colour was visualised with his maximum splendour depends of the IRC that achieves the greater fidelity with the original colour and that establishes the reproduction of the colour in comparison with the solar light.

With this type of light the positive perspectives increase in the consumer

With this type of light the positive perspectives increase in the consumer.

Which are the different forms in which the light influences in the behaviour of the consumer?

• An excellent reproduction of the colours, especially some of them generates a positive feeling in the buyer that remains more time in the shop and therefore increases the possibility of purchase.

• To the hour to choose a product the light affects improving the perception of the freshness, the appeal, the appetite and even the perception of the price. That is to say the buyer is had to pay more by a product whose appearance was better.

• The consumers are not conscious of the differences in the lighting but yes in the differences in the perception already was positive or negative.

• The lighting no only affects to the products but also to the perception of the space creating atmospheres more confortables, more brilliant and with better image.

• THE IRC avoids back disappointments of the consumers when going out of the commercial space since it allows to evaluate the products with the greater fidelity.

GE Lighting carries years investigating how improve the conditions of lighting and thus it has bet for creating lamps for each application that stand out the best characteristic of each product. Like this they exist specific products so much to improve the visual conditions of the products of feeding as of the fashion or the jewels. The element in common that distinguishes the quality of the lamps is the high index of chromatic reproduction that in the majority of his products for retail is above 80 and in a lot of cases 90.

Lamps of Gel

Lamps of Gel.

The combination of efficiency and quality is one of the characteristics of the lamps of new generation of Gel. Example of the bet of GE by the sector is the recent launching of the CMH Require, with an IRC of 90 and a LPW of 107.

The lamps CMH PreciseTM offer greater useful life, a maintenance of the flow lumínico improved, a long useful life and a better IRC. Adapted to use together with the range of balastos electronic existent of GE Lighting the lamps offer flexibility in his form and size to satisfy a variety of requirements of design.

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#1 - Rafael Castro
19/02/2022 1:17:55
Excelente producto

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