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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at JCB incrementa un 30% sus ventas en España durante el 2013
The agricultural sector already hoards the half of his operations

JCB Increases 30% his sales in Spain during the 2013

David Muñoz24/01/2014

On 23 January, JCB Machinery organised a presses conference in Madrid to celebrate the 60 anniversary of his first retrocargadora, do balance of the 2013 and present his aims for the new exercise. The company, that in the last quarter invoiceed 48% of the sales of all the year, trusts that this change of tendency consolidate during the 2014 and for this, will follow betting by sectors that are favouring his growth during the last years, as they can be the agriculture or the recycling, without neglecting his presence in the market of the construction and the public work.

JCB Machinery closed the 2013 with some total sales of 212 machines. This supposes an increase interanual of 30%, very upper to 9% that experienced the market in which the mark has presence. These 21 points of difference have his reflection in a remarkable increase of quota of market in the different segments: in excavators of wheels, for example, his participation has happened of 6% to 11% in hardly a year. The same growth, 5%, has attained in the sector of the loaders shovels, where his quota arrives already to 12%. In telescopic manipulators, where JCB is world-wide leader, also achieved to grow in 2013, elevating his participation until 27%. And in another of the classical products of the mark, the retrocargadora, attained to consolidate his leadership by twentieth third consecutive year, with a growth interanual of 5%, elevating his quota of market until 46% (practically one of each two mixed that sell in Spain carries the mark of JCB).

Photo of group with the journalists and members of JCB Machinery that assisted to the presses conference

Photo of group with the journalists and members of JCB Machinery that assisted to the presses conference.

In spite of the difficult situation that follows crossing the sector of the machinery in Spain, with figures of sales that hardly surpass the 1.000 units in front of the wall of 19.000 with which closed the 2007, the true is that JCB Machinery has not stopped to win participation in the market in the three last years. Since in 2010 it reached his lower height, 11,9%, this has increased year after year: 13,4% (2011), 15,9% (2012) and 18,9% (2013).

One of the keys to understand this growth, as it signals Brunhilde Rygiert, general director of JCB Machinery, is the good behaviour that is experienced the machinery of the company in the agricultural sector, with an increasingly wide range and adapted to professionals of fields so diverse like the cereal, the olive grove, the fruit and the vegetables, without forgetting to the graziers. All this does that the agricultural sector suppose already around 50% of the sales of JCB in Spain, emulating like this the success with which the mark commercialises from does time his agricultural machinery in other European countries like France, Holland or Germany.

Also is worthy to stand out the growth that is having in our market the range JCB for tasks of recycling and waste treatment, with equipment especially designed and manufactured to realizar these tasks. This segment supposes already a fourth part of the sales of the company in our country.

Of left to right: Manuel J...

Of left to right: Manuel J. Sedeño, commercial director of JCB Machinery, Brunhilde Rygiert, general director of JCB Machinery, and José Antonio Ceballos, director of Technical Service of JCB Machinery.

To the margin of this strategy of diversification undertaken by the company and that also has his reflection in a greater presence of his equipment in the military field, the growth in the sales of JCB Machinery also has seen favoured by the change of tendency that appreciates in the market from the past month of October. Like this it confirms it Brunhilde Rygiert, the one who signals that in the last quarter (October-December), the company invoiceed 48% of all the 2013. This growth no only appreciates in the agricultural sector but also in other fields in which JCB has had traditionally a good penetration, as it is the case of the companies for hire of machinery.

From the Spanish subsidiary trusts that during the 2014 keep the positive tendency and that October of 2013 have supposed really the turning point of the market. In fact, for this exercise, JCB Machinery marks the ambitious challenge to grow more than 30% and reach the 300 machines sold.

68 years of innovation

As it signals Brunhilde Rygiert, the history of JCB is a marked history by the spirit of innovation and of continuous improvement that already injected him his founder, Joseph Cyril Bamford. Since in 1945 it was cream the company in a small garage of Uttoxeter (United Kingdom) to manufacture agricultural trailers, the acronyms of JCB have turned into a clear world-wide reference of innovation, with more than 200 patents and the launching to the market of concepts that have revolutionised the forms to work: retrocargadora, tractor with suspension, minicargadora of an alone arm, engine able diesel to beat the record of speed, etc. Today, the son of the founder, sir Anthony Bamford, the one who has occupied recently his seat in the Camera of the Lores, keeps, like president of JCB, this clear bet by the innovation, carrying to the company to volumes of upper turnover to the 3.000 million euros (3.240 million euros in 2012). Once surpassed the grave crisis that suffered the market of the machinery to finals of the past decade, JCB has gone back to recover, in these last exercises, the near available levels to the 70.000 units with that closed the year 2007.

Brunhilde Rygiert, general director of JCB Machinery
Brunhilde Rygiert, general director of JCB Machinery.

With the intention to keep growing, the Group follows betting all over the world by a strategy of integral manufacture, that allow him develop the greater part of the components that conform his equipment (engine, axles, chassis, cabin, hydraulics cylinders, cazos and implementos) and of this form have a greater control of his quality. For this has more than 20 factories delivered by the United Kingdom, India, Brazil, United States, Germany and China, specialised each one of them in the development of different products and, as it remembers Brunhilde Rygiert, concerned in all the cases by the sustainability of the environingingment.

The more than 300 products that conform the range JCB see besides reinforced by a nítida will of the company to give the best service to the customer, for what explains, between other things, with near of 750 distributors all over the world and with 18 logistical centres of spare parts, intercomunicados between them, with the intention to favour a supply of pieces the fastest and effective possible.

Bet by the quality

José Antonio Ceballos, director of Technical Service of JCB Spain, resalta that the bet of the company by the quality covers all the useful life of the machinery, from his phase of design until the postventa. During the phase of creation of the product, the control of quality is present in all the procedures, subjecting always the prototypes to the most demanding proofs and to real conditions of work. In the phase of manufacture, neither neglects neither an alone detail, testing each one of the units more than an hour before going out to the market and going through them rooms of ultraviolet light for descartar any escape. All incidence is immediately located and the trazabilidad of the product is total.

And like third phase, in postventa, the quality also is subjected to a rigorous control, through standards of quality that have to fulfil all the points of service JCB and that they are auditsed periodically. This does that the attention that gives to the machines JCB was equal in any part of the world.

José Antonio Ceballos, director of Technical Service of JCB Machinery
José Antonio Ceballos, director of Technical Service of JCB Machinery.

This special care by the attention postventa has seen besides reinforced during the last years by the launching of LiveLink, a system of management of fleets via satellite that, between other advantages, allows to establish at all times the location of the machines, do a remote diagnostic of the state of the equipment, optimise the maintenances and control the provision and productivity of the machines.

Agreements of maintenance, programs of widespread guarantee (5 years of coverage) and plans of learning to the customers are other elements with which JCB reinforces his service to the customer.

José Antonio Ceballos also remembers that JCB can give solution to singular requests of the customers, as it can be the homologation of any of his models to realizar special works. In this sense, already has recognised loaders shovels for the Army, compactadores for the Deputation of Teruel and the first able tractor to circulate to more than 50 km/h.

Distributors, key factor in the success of JCB

As it remembers Manuel J. Sedeño, the growth that has had JCB Machinery in this last year had not been possible without the people that there is behind, no only the customers, but also the workers of the Spanish subsidiary and, of course, the distributors.

JCB Keeps in Spain one of the available networks solider in the market of machinery, as it shows the fact that in 2013 ten of his distributors fulfilled his 20º anniversary working with JCB. To this network have added besides during the last new years companies, especially of the agricultural sector, that have contributed decisively to the growth in quota of market experienced by the company.

Manuel J. Sedeño, commercial director of JCB Machinery
Manuel J. Sedeño, commercial director of JCB Machinery.

All this does that the customers, so much of the private field like the public organisms, see always backed by the mark, no longer only to commercial level but also in service postventa, thanks to the 62 checkpoints that JCB has already delivered by all the country.

Related Companies or Entities

JCB Maquinaria, S.A.

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