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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Las ventas del sector de la iluminación vuelven a crecer tras cinco años de caídas
Anfalum Estimates a growth in the turnover for 2013 of 0,6%, until reaching the 1.145 million euros

The sales of the sector of the lighting go back to grow after five years of falls

David Muñoz18/12/2013

The Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Lighting (Anfalum) has celebrated on 17 December, in Ifema (Madrid), his Ordinary General Assembly, giving to know to his associated the last initiatives taken by each one of his Commissions and presenting the projects in which they go to centre his efforts during the next months. One of the most stood out appearances of this meeting was the announcement, by part of the Association, of the growth in the sales that expects for this 2013.

After five years of fall continued in the turnover of the sector of the lighting by part of the members of Anfalum, the estimates that handles the Association for this 2013 reflect a growth of 0,6%, a percentage that, although it is low, trusts that it was a symptom of change of tendency, agrandándose during the next years. In fact, this growth comes motivated by the good behaviour that comes showing the market in these last months since the start of year also registered fallen in the sales of products of similar lighting to the ones of finals of 2012. “The last data that have recopilado are quite positive, have improved the sales and this supposes an opportunity for the hope. The closing of the year is being quite alentador”, signalled in the Ordinary General Assembly, Pilar Vázquez, president of Anfalum.

Of left to right...
Of left to right: Alfredo Berges, general director of Anfalum, Pilar Vázquez, president of Anfalum, Benito Rodríguez, vice-president of Anfalum, and Carlos López, treasurer of Anfalum.

In front of the 1.138 million euros with which the members of the Association closed the 2012, the estimates for this year elevate this figure until the 1.145 million euros, seeing promoted this growth, especially, by the strength of the segment of the LEDs, that will have this year an increase in the near sales to 30%, and by a light rise in the sector of the sources of light, lamps, appearance this that was resaltado by the own president of Anfalum like an usual symptom of start of recovery.

Pilar Vázquez also wanted to resaltar, in the introduction of the Assembly, the intense work that comes exerting the Association during the last months in matter of internationalisation (has incorporated Rubén Hernández like new responsible of Export), promotion (organising, between other initiatives, days on how the lighting can favour the expansion of the Smart Cities), surveillance of the market (reporting those products ‘low cost' that do not fulfil with the rule) and opening of Anfalum to new members. “We work so that the new installations of lighting do under the criteria of quality, hygiene, comfort and saving”, concluded Pilar Vázquez.

Pilar Vázquez, president of Anfalum
Pilar Vázquez, president of Anfalum.

Situation of market

As it confirmed also Fabrizio Damiani, responsible of the Commission of Marketing and External Trade of Anfalum, the Spanish sector of the lighting, in spite of confronting to a coyuntura economic very complicated (fall of 1% in the investment of goods of team, of 10,4% in the sector of the construction and of 2,8% in the cost of the final consumer), goes to finish the year with a growth of 0,6%, having hit rock bottom, according to the data of the Association, the past 31 March 2013. Good part of this increase comes originated by the good course of the exports, that can finish the year with a rise around 1,5% - 2%.

In any case, the 1.145 million euros of turnover with which Anfalum esteem that goes to close the 2013, are far of the 1.984 million euros that registered in 2007. Since, the sales have fallen year after year: 1.763 million euros in 2008; 1.429 million euros in 2009; 1.410 million euros in 2010; 1.358 million euros in 2011; and 1.138 millions in 2012.

Fabrizio Damiani, responsible of the Commission of Marketing and External Trade of Anfalum
Fabrizio Damiani, responsible of the Commission of Marketing and External Trade of Anfalum.

By types of products, the evolution been still in the year 2013 has been uneven, attaining increases in lighted up decorative interior, sources of lighting and LEDs, and falls in lighted up external and lighted up technical interior. In components for luminarias and in báculos and columns of lighted up the market has remained stable.

- Lighted up external: 135 million euros of planned turnover for 2013, in front of the 157 million 2012 (409 million euros in 2007). This sector follows seeing seriously damaged by the fall in the investment of the public servicys.

- Lighted up technical interior: 356 million euros of planned turnover for 2013, in front of the 387 million 2012 (781 million euros in 2007).

- Lighted up decorative interior: 142 million euros of planned turnover for 2013, in front of the 138 million 2012 (246 million euros in 2007).

- Sources of lighting: 155 million euros of planned turnover for 2013, in front of the 149 million 2012 (223 millions in 2007).

- Components: 133 million euros of planned turnover for 2013, the same that in 2012 (218 millions in 2007).

- Báculos And columns of lighted up: 25 million euros of planned turnover for 2013, the same that in 2012 (107 millions in 2007).

- LEDs: 192 million euros of planned turnover for 2013, in front of the 151 million 2012 (10 million euros estimated in 2007). Can appreciate how the LED has converted already in the second product with greater level of sales in the study of Anfalum.

Before finalising his intervention, Fabrizio Damiani showed the will of Anfalum to change the method of study that comes using during the last years for, among others objective, can know really the penetration of the LED in each one of the segments of product analysed by this Commission.

Commissions of Anfalum

To continuation, the managers of the different Commissions of Anfalum were desglosando the last initiatives in which it has come working. From the Commission of Institutional Relations follow keeping meetings with diverse administrative entities, like the ICEX or the IDAE, and with other organisations like the Multisectorial Platform against the Morosidad (works to establish a penalizing diet).

Regarding the Commission of Export and External Promotion, has incorporated recently a new responsible, Rubén Hernández, and is working in five big areas:1) participation grouped in Light and Building 2014; 2) consortiums in destination (share synergies between associated to implant in other countries); 3) activities coordinated with the ICEX (as, for example, the Plan Integrates or the sectorial Plan of energetic efficiency); 4) direct missions (Kazakhstan in September of 2014); and 5) greater communication between Anfalum and his associated and vice versa.

Rubén Hernández, responsible of the Commission of Export and External Promotion in Anfalum
Rubén Hernández, responsible of the Commission of Export and External Promotion in Anfalum.

The Commission of Inspection of market went back to do upsetting in the irregularities that follow appreciating in this sector, with the sale of some products that do not fulfil with all the valid rule. In this sense, of the 35 equipment inspected during this year, so only 9% fulfilled with the legislation, appreciating in 30% lacks very grave and in 44% grave infringements.

With regard to the Technical Commission and of Environingingment, Anfalum follows participating in the technical committees of normalisation and certification that atañen to the lighting, being this sector one of which more marks N and ENEC treasures. It works besides in the editorial of new regulations like the 874/2012 of labeling or the 1194/2012 on ecodiseño and, of course, participates actively in the different groups of work of Lighting Europe. Anfalum Also is very involved in all those appearances related with the recycling of products of lighting, like the transposition of the directive of RAEE's,

From the Association also did upsetting, during the Assembly, in two of the main aims that has marked for the next months: increase the number of associated and promote the solutions of lighting like formula to improve in energetic efficiency. For the first, the association has established a new Diet of admission, with some minimum requirements to admit the applications; and for the second, have organised the days Smart Lighting with the mission of concienciar to the city councils of the advantages that offers the LED and the systems of control in matter of management of resources: economic saving, improvement of the quality of light, changes of colour, control of do luminous, possibility to command computer signals, aprovechamiento of the báculos for recargar also the electrical vehicle or install WiFi…

Alfredo Berges, general director of Anfalum
Alfredo Berges, general director of Anfalum.

Finally, from the Commission of Communication and Image informed of the project of renewal of the web page of Anfalum, based in a design ‘responsive' (adapted to all type of mobile devices) and that has marked like aims improve the positioning CATHEDRAL and facilitate a greater usability. It will have extranet (opened to all the public) and intranet (access only for associated). This initiative comes in parallel to the renewal that also goes to give to the newsletters of the Association, with an image adapted to the new web and with new sections like the news of the sector or the news of the associated. It will give greater presence in them to the social networks and will include links to entities collaborators, as it can be the European association Lighting Europe. From the Commission of Communication and Image will follow boosting the presence of Anfalum in the different media, as well as the presence in notable fairs as they can be, in 2014, Matelec and Light & Building.

Raúl Alley, director of Matelec
Raúl Alley, director of Matelec.

Matelec 2014

The Ordinary General Assembly explained this year with the participation of Raúl Alley, director of Matelec, fair whose next edition will take place in Ifema (Madrid), of the 28 to 31 October 2014. “It does not exist another commercial tool in which in so little time can achieve so many commercial impacts in profiles so distinct of demand”, signalled Raúl Alley on Matelec 2014.

The sector of the lighting has besides in this living room the advantage to have a space devoted exclusively to his activity, Lightec, an initiative that already had a big success in the past edition and that will repeat the next year. Lightec Poses three big put: open new opportunities of market in the Iberian Peninsula and to international level; protect this market under the premises of quality, guarantee and service (in this sense the fair launches what calls ‘Matelec against Copyright' to brake the piracy); and create demand in matter of lighted up efficient, attaining a greater positioning between the final users.

Matelec, that goes to have two consecutive editions in 2014 and 2015, bases in a new concept of “fair to measure”, of such form that from the organisation works to be able to guarantee to the display units the best return of his investment. It looks for create a very practical fair, with a lot of demonstrations, as well as boost the innovation with initiatives like the Prizes Matelec, and the saving through a new edition of the Week of the Energetic Efficiency.

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