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Maximum note in hygiene, innovation, environingingment and maximum energetic efficiency

Saint-Gobain Recognises to his factory of Placo like company that has reached the ‘Competitiveness 360º'

Editorial Interempresas18/11/2013

The president of the Community of Madrid, Ignacio González, has done delivery of the award ‘Competitiveness 360º' during the celebration of the act that has taken place on 15 November in the factory of Saint-Gobain Placo of plate of plaster laminado of Saint Martín of the Vega. In two years the company has increased his exports of a 2-3% to 40%, hoarding his main market, Saint-Gobain Placo do Brazil, 30% of the total.

The factory of plate of plaster laminado of Saint-Gobain Placo in Saint Martín of the Vega has reached in the matters of hygiene, innovation, environingingment and energetic efficiency his maximum note. By this reason, Ricardo of Ramón, general delegate of Saint-Gobain for Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia has recognised to this factory like company that has reached the ‘Competitiveness 360º'.

Of left to right: Enrique Ossorio, Víctor Bautista, Ricardo of Ramón, Ignacio González, Beatriz Guijorro and José Manuel Martínez...
Of left to right: Enrique Ossorio, Víctor Bautista, Ricardo of Ramón, Ignacio González, Beatriz Guijorro and José Manuel Martínez.

This award delivered during the celebration of an act that took place on 15 November, in the factory of plate of plaster laminado (PYL) of Saint-Gobain Placo in Saint Martín of the Vega. The president of the Community of Madrid, Ignacio González, went the manager to deliver the prize to the director of the factory, José Manuel Martínez, and also realizar a visit of the installations to corroborate in situ all the improvements that have done him to this factory merecedora of this distinction. They were accompanied by Víctor Bautista, general director of Saint-Gobain Placo Iberian, and by Félix of the Caves, director of External and Institutional Relations of Saint-Gobain for Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

The Group Saint-Gobain delivers these awards to the companies that have implanted distinct improvements and have reached a series of milestones, what supposes a recognition to all the workers. No in vain Saint-Gobain Placo has turned into a company leader in the manufacture and commercialisation of plate of plaster laminado. As it has explained Ricardo of Ramón, “this award is fruit of the good do of this company, a plant that nowadays is a concerning national and international level, that allows to give answer to all the requirements that poses the market”. Víctor Bautista, by his part, appreciated the prize and expressesed his determination for continuing in the same way. Also it wanted to recognise the visit realizar by part of Ignacio González and stood out “the excellent received that Saint-Gobain Placo has had always by part of the Community of Madrid, a disposal that has driven them to realizar a strong bet by this region”. The result is an important presence so much commercial like industrial, that generates a total of 170 direct employments and 100 of indirect employments.

Recognition ‘Competitiveness 360º'

The factory of plate of plaster laminado of Saint-Gobain Placo in Saint Martín of the Vega is ‘Competitiveness 360º' for reaching the more standard heights of quality, that remain reflected in his politics of hygiene, innovation, environingingment and energetic efficiency. Like this they show it his figures in hygiene, since the company carries 1.833 days without labour accidents. Without forgetting that it is the first plant of plasters of the world of Saint-Gobain that obtains the recognition of level Silver, inside the program of continuous improvement World Class Manufacturing.

Of left to right: Félix of the Caves, Enrique Ossorio, Ricardo of Ramón, Ignacio González, Víctor Bautista and Beatriz Guijorro...
Of left to right: Félix of the Caves, Enrique Ossorio, Ricardo of Ramón, Ignacio González, Víctor Bautista and Beatriz Guijorro.

His strategy of innovation is present in all the areas, and the energetic efficiency is one of the main aims of the company. Saint-Gobain Placo Is developing a new technology of manufacture that will reduce the consumptions of prime matter, will absorb 100% of the waste of factory and will reduce the consumption.

In environingingment, the factory carries 2.565 days without accidents and has all the distinctions that there is in this matter and that back his good management. It has of the System of Environingingmental Management ISO 14001 and the System of Management Ecodiseño ISO 14006.

The fourth concept that is very present in the activity of the company is the energetic efficiency. Of this way uses the most advanced technology in the processes of calcination and secadero. The result is that it finds between the 8 factories with better energetic efficiency of the Group, measure in kwh/t of plaster produced.

The implantation of all these improvements already has had his first consequences, and can find in the increase of the exports, in which they have happened of a 2-3% in 2011, to 40% in 2013. The main markets are Saint-Gobain Placo do Brazil, with 30% of the total, and 10% remaining heads to Portugal, Morocco, Centroamérica (Panama and Cuba), India and African countries of Portuguese influence, through his Portuguese customers.

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