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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Tile of Spain, presente en la Conferencia Anual de la Sociedad Americana de Arquitectos en Nueva York

Tile of Spain, present in the Annual Conference of the American Society of Architects in New York


8 October 2013

57ª Annual Conference of the Society of American Registered Architects

57ª Annual Conference of the Society of American Registered Architects.

Ascer and the Commercial Office of Miami organise, in the frame of the plan of promotion of the tile in EE UU and with the support of Icex Spain Export and Investments, a conference that remains framed inside the official program of the 57ª Annual Conference of the Society of American Registered Architects (Sara) that celebrates in New York between the 10 and on 13 October.

The consultor of Tile of Spain specialist in the American market, Ryan Fasan, offers the Thursday 10 a conference centred in the sustainable appearances of the Spanish ceramics: 'Ceramic Tile: an Echo-Logical Choice'. This learning is very valued in the market of EE UU place that concedes credits CEU (continuing education unit) required in some professions –like the one of architect or interiorista- to keep the professional licence.

In addition to the conference, to which foresees that they assist near of 100 architects, will enable a zone in which it will deliver informative material of Tile of Spain: magazine Ceraspaña, monographic 'The Ceramics in architecture', information on initiatives of Tile of Spain in the market of EE UU like the 'Quick Ship Program' and the contest 'Passport to Creativity', as well as catalogues and samples of Spanish companies that have showroons in New York.

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