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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at España podría pasar de ser el segundo productor de áridos de Europa al decimotercero
The National Association of Employers Manufacturers of Arid (Anefa) has celebrated his annual assembly in Madrid

Spain could happen to be the second producer of arid of Europe to the thirteenth

Ruth Roig Rocher27/05/2013
The Spanish employers of the sector of the arid integrated in Anefa, have gathered in his  annual general assembly, celebrated in the centrical hotel NH Eurobuilding of the Spanish capital. The Association of manufacturers of Arid of the Community of Madrid was the hostess. During the act, rebelled  data so horrifying like that the consumption of arid has collapsed 35% to national level during the 2012 or that, to keep the downward tendency, Spain will finish the 2013 like decimotercer producing European of arid after having occupied in 2006 the second place.
Of left to right: César Luaces, general secretary of Anefa, Javier Andrada, president of Anefa, and César Fernández, president of AFA Madrid...
Of left to right: César Luaces, general secretary of Anefa, Javier Andrada, president of Anefa, and César Fernández, president of AFA Madrid.

At all did presentir the magnitude of the hecatombre in which it is sumida the Spanish economy, dragging with her to the different motors that the sustentan, in this case the arid. The gravity is such that the employers that conform Anefa, have showed his total worry in front of a situation of unsustainable risk.

The arid are the second prime matter consumed by the man after the water. In fact, each Spanish has consumed in the 2012, some 2.400 annual kg, that is to say, some 6,5 daily kg (in 2007 consumed near of 33 daily kg). The difference is so accused that does palpable the gravity of the subject.

The sector of the arid is the main supplier of raw materials for the construction of infrastructures, for the industry and for the protection of the environingingment, what confers him the character of strategic industry. The arid employ in the works like ready concrete, prefabricated of concrete (80% of the concrete are arid), mortar, asphaltic agglomerates (95% are arid), construction of roads (94% of the necessary materials for a road are arid), railway industrys (balasto), etc. These materials employ , mostly in the initial stages of the works, by what the evolution of his consumption is a good indicator advanced of the efficiency of the plans of infrastructures.

The annual consumption of arid has reduced until  2,4 tonnes/inhabitant/year, situating us to the tail of Europe and framing us in own data of countries tercermundistas in roads of development.

From the 2006, the consumption of arid has fallen 77%

The fall of the consumption of arid for the construction in 2012 sample a territorial evolution very uneven, situating in the extremes of greater shrinking the Valencian Community (-58,2%), Castile-La Mancha (-42,6%) and Canaries (-40,2%). In the concrete case of the Community of Madrid, the consumption of arid for the construction desmoronó in 2012, enciphering in 7 million tonnes (a -38,3% with regard to the previous year).

Navarra, Cantabria and Asturias are, by this order, the Autonomous Communities with lower incidence from the start of the crisis, showing shrinkings above 50%. In the another extreme situate the Valencian Community, Madrid, Canaries, the Region of Murcia and Andalucia, with upper shrinkings to 80%.

At present Spain, that found in second position in 2006, occupies the eighth place of Europe in total production of arid, by behind Germany, Russia, France, Turkey, Poland, Italy and the United Kingdom. The situation is so alarming that prevee that Spain happen to the decimotercer put to finals of 2013, being rebasado also by Austria, Romania, Finland, Belgium and Sweden. It has produced besides a new shrinking in the consumption of arid for industrial applications, such like cements, glasses, filters, industry of the chemicals, siderurgy, metallurgy… until the 25 million tonnes (-24,2%).

César Luaces, general secretary of Anefa, during the presses conference
César Luaces, general secretary of Anefa, during the presses conference.

The edificación residential continues paralysed due to the fact that it continues the depreciation of the house, the shortage of transaciones and the restrictions to the credit. The measures entered by the government in the second  half of the 2012, between them, the rise of taxles of the house, do not do at all more than worsening this situation of chaos and collapse generalised.

The civil work will continue his fall, until situating underneath of 20% of the values of 2006. The current state and the forecasts of the civil engineering are the reflection of a country that devotes all his efforts to consolidate his public accounts, sacrificing the process to the investment in infrastructures.

After seven consecutive years of conclusive descents, the market has remained so contracted that, if in 2014 reactivated mildly the construction, could produce the paradoja of a market that would grow to rhythms of two digits but that, however, would continue immersed in an extreme crisis.

The president of Anefa, Javier Andrada Andrada, in spite of showing his restlessness in front of such visicitudes, signalled: “From Anefa, have proposed different solutions to cut across this situation by means of an ambitious strategic plan, that presented the year happened in Mérida". Equally it did upsetting in the surgimiento of a new wave of thefts that azota to the sector: “To the not having watchdogs that do policeman in the exploitations, his machinery remains in a lot of abandoned occasions, inviting like this to the apparition of delinquency”. With all this, the president of Anefa does not seem to abandon the optimism when affirming with forcefulness: “moment of crisis, moment of opportunities”.

Both presidents coincided in the proposals of recovery
Both presidents coincided in the proposals of recovery.

Madrid faces the future with some hope

César Fernández Castro, president of AFA Madrid, centres his belief in a prompt recovery of the sector in the development of the big projects that could initiate in Madrid in next dates, as it would be, Eurovegas, established in the Madrilenian place of Alcorcón, and that would suppose a good push to the economy and a plan structured of new infrastructures.

César Luaces Frades, general secretary of Anefa, added with forcefulness: “Because of the brusque fall of the sector, to little that there is a recovery of public work in the next months can grow to levels of more than 10% and even of 20%”, showing something of optimism inside the worrisome situation that crosses the sector: “although we have not hit rock bottom, the potential of improvement is enormous”.

The president of Anefa concluded with this approach: “we Are optimistic. Obviously there are companies that have disappeared but those that remain, will go out reinforced”.

For the closure of the general assembly of Anefa had the assistance of Carlos López Jimeno (right), general director of Industry...
For the closure of the general assembly of Anefa had the assistance of Carlos López Jimeno (right), general director of Industry, Power and Mines of the Community of Madrid.

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