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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La Cátedra Cerámica de Barcelona inaugura el curso con una conferencia

The Ceramic Chair of Barcelona inaugurates the course with a conference


3 October 2012

The past 26 September, the Upper Technical School of architecture (ETSA) of the International University of Catalonia received the conference of the architects Eva Prats and Ricardo Flores, with which inaugurated the calendar of activities of the Ceramic Chair that Ascer has in the School of architecture of Barcelona for this course 2012/2013.

The professors Vicenç Sarrablo, Cristina García-Castelao and Jordi Roviras will be at the top of the new edition of the Ceramic Chair of the ESARQ-UIC that this year versará on the thematic central ‘Playgrounds and ceramic'.

The course replantea the use of the traditional ceramics in the Mediterranean playgrounds to endow it of contemporary properties, like the control of the light or the climate. The activities of the Chair concentrate in the first quarter of the course and include the conference of the architect Pedro Fields Coast Architects (Lisbon); a technical talk to charge of Alicer-ITC; as well as visits to ceramic installations.

On the other hand, stand out that the Chair of Ceramics of Barcelona will present to finals of the quarter, the Ceramic Material book 8, that collects the material realised during the previous course. Likewise it will take place the presentation by part of the students of the projects realised during the quarter. A jury invited will value the works presented and will decide the winner of the edition. In this occasion, will have Bet Capdeferro and Ramón Bosch, of Bosch Capdeferro Arquitectes; with Tomeu Ramis and Aixa of Rey, of the dispatch of Flexo architecture and with the director of Communication of Ascer, Ana Martínez.

Assistants to the Ceramic Chair of Barcelona
Assistants to the Ceramic Chair of Barcelona.

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