DDX Tecnologic Solutions Ibérica, S.L. - DDX Group - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
DDX Tecnologic Solutions Ibérica, S.L. - DDX Group
Gaspar Bravo de Sobremonte, s/n, Centro Empresas Valdemoro Ofc. 13b
28341 Valdemoro (Madrid) Spain
☎:  +34‑918955675   +34‑606686347  
🖷:  +34‑911414214
w:  www.ddxgroup.es
Software CAD/CAM for wood, stone and glass

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DDX is a company creator and developer of software CAD-CAM-FALL-CIM specialised in the sectors Wood, plastic, Glass and Stone. Founded in Italy, DDX has grown constantly to the point to have subsidiaries in Spain/Portugal and Germany, and distributors in France, Poland.
For the wood offer software CAD/CAM Generic, Solution Windows and wooden Doors maciza and Calculation of Ladders.
The software CAD/CAM EasyWOOD is oriented to the design and back mechanised of complex pieces and the aprovechamiento of material in Numerical Controls of 3, 4 and 5 Axles and Lathes.
The product PowerWIN is especially developed for the design and calculation (and back mechanised in CNC if it requires ) of the Windows and wooden Doors maciza. The software does the automatic positioning of the pieces on the table and the management of the elements of subjection.
PowerSTAIRS Is the ideal product for the design and calculation of Ladders in L, in Or, in S, Circular, of Snail Plants Rectangular and Round, with visualisation 3D and renderizado photo-realístico and CAM automatic 5 axles. PowerSTAIRS Mechanises automatically all the components of the ladders. Also it is possible to create ladders with metallic modules.
For the sector of the Stone, have two packages software totally adapted and skilled, of easy use and without prerrequisitos computer: EasyCUT and EasySTONE, both CAD/CAM for the design and mechanised of pieces in natural or artificial stone.
EasyCUT Is a product designed to serve of interface of work in machine, allowing manage it to the time that realizar the operations of mechanised more common for the machines Cortadoras Disk to Bridge.
EasySTONE Is the ideal product for the design and manufacture of complex pieces (toilets, dishes of shower, columns salomónicas, sculptures from STL, sinks, encimeras, etc.). EasySTONE Manages until 5 simultaneous axles and 6 with positioning in addition to the axis Lathe.
All our products for the sector of the wood and of the stone are endorsed by the best manufacturers of CNC and have approved his more strict tests of quality. In a lot of marks already distribute our products like Solution Advanced of Base.
DDX offers in all his products CAD/CAM the virtual simulation total of the process of mechanised in the machine and the possibility to verify collisions, for which offers the product PowerSIM. Also we offer modules Nesting (Optimisation of Material).