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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Osram festeja su centenario con un evento en Lasede del Coam
The company invested in 2013 6,5% of his turnover in R&D

Osram Celebrates his centenary with an event in Lasede of the Coam

Editorial Interempresas11/04/2014

On 8 April, in the remodelled headquarters of the Official School of Architects of Madrid (Coam), took place the act where Osram celebrated his centenary. The event was chaired by the Chief Tecnology Officer and member of the board of directors of Osram, Peter Laier, and the general director of Osram Spain, Cristóbal Ripoll and had the presence of some authorities like the adviser of Economy and Inland revenue of the Community of Madrid, Enrique Ossorio Crespo, the president of the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition, José María Marín Burned, and the mayor of Torrejón, Pedro Rollán Ojeda. Between the invited found the main customers and providers of Osram and representatives of professional organisations and media.

In an only and singular frame, Lasede of the Coam, where the light earns a special leadership, Osram wanted to put of self-evident his gratitude to all the people and institutions that have deposited his confidence in the company during this century.

Photo of group with the directors of Osram and the authorities that assisted to the event
Photo of group with the directors of Osram and the authorities that assisted to the event.

In the inaugural speech, Peter Laier signalled that “100 years in a country is not something that suceda every day. There are not a lot of companies that can boast of a so long history, a history of collaboration and confidence.” It manifested that “although the economic crisis has struck duramente to Spain has done a good work and that together will go on doing in front of these difficult times. Osram Has been able to adapt to the situation and resist the crisis”. In this line aimed that “Osram expects to attain some gross savings totals of 1.200 million euros for 2015. The signal is clear: our company has gone back to the way of the profitable growth.”

To continuation Cristobal Ripoll, general director of Osram Spain, stood out the values that have carried to the company to pervivir one hundred years: “The innovation, the spirit emprendedor, the respect and the passion by the light”. Besides, it put of self-evident the bet of Osram by the technology and the innovation: “in 2013 we invest 6,5% of our turnover in R&D. Have more than 20.000 patents, 2.700 experts in technology and are the greater global company of “full-time” to the lighting of the world with 35.000 employees, a global presence in more than 120 countries and an income of some 5.300 million euros”.

After the speeches protocolarios of the authorities, projected a video memorial on the centenarian history of Osram and did the traditional photo of family with authorities and directors.

Later took place a dinner, in which the invited were made pleasant with a choreography where the light, as it could not be of another way, went the authentic leading.

Cristobal Ripoll, general director of Osram Spain
Cristobal Ripoll, general director of Osram Spain.

The centenarian history of Osram began in 1914 when it put the first stone on which edificaría all a century devoted to the light. In this year created the Factory of Metallic Filaments, S.A., commercialising his products under the mark registered Osram. Since Osram Spain forms part of the Spanish society.

Osram Began to manufacture in Spain the light bulb incandescente at the beginning of the 20th century and in the years 60 the famous fluorescent tubes that revolutionised the lighting in this period. In the decade of the ninety participated in the main milestones and events of the moment: the Olympic games of Barcelona, the Expo 92 in Seville as well as the set up of a lot of other projects that convert to Spain in an avid country of ‘light' to project his prosperity to the world. In full 21st century, works so emblematic like the T4 of the Airport of Madrid-Stir, the Station of Metre of Intxaurrondo and three of the four Towers of square of Castilla have lived the definite transformation of the sector of the lighting of the hand of Osram. In the actuality Osram Spain has of a logistical warehouse that distributes lamps in Spain and Portugal.

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