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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Para mantener su liderazgo como destino turístico, España debe promocionar la accesibilidad
Thyssenkrupp Encasa, reconduce the tourism in Spain like a favourable alternative for disabled people

To keep his leadership like tourist destination, Spain has to promote the accessibility

Editorial Interempresas08/04/2014

Like this have ensured it diverse experts in the III Forum of Accessibility, organised by Thyssenkrupp Encasa, in which under the lemma 'A step forward' have exchanged different points of view on two subjects of general interest, the impulse that our country has to give to promote that the people with disability can travel without obstacles and the adaptation of the greater to the new technologies.

 During the III Forum of Accessibility

 During the III Forum of Accessibility.

The day began with a table debates on the Accessible Tourism in which the ambassador of Germany in Spain, Renhard Silberberg, commented that “it has to do a special effort to adapt to all type of visitors”. This is a pending subject of Spain, of which as it affirms “does not treat of a cost, but of an investment, that would strengthen this so important sector for the country and that would open new sources of income”. And it is that as it aimed in the meeting, several studies aim to that the disability supposes a market that rises in the world until the 8 trillion annual dollars.

In this sense explained that Spain attracts to a lot of young tourists of “sun and beach”, but is forgetting of the greater people, although they have big purchasing power. These visitors look for a more focused alternative to the culture, the gastronomy or the leisure and as it affirmed do not choose our country and decant by others like Italy, for considering it little accessible.

By his part, the president of Predif and Cermi in Castile and Leon, Francisco Sardón explained that they are doing efforts, but aims to that “in addition to reducing architectural barriers, it is necessary to know communicate it. A lot of European tourists consider that Spain is a no accessible destination, but is not by that it was it, but because it does not know ”, explained. Organise a trip for a disabled person or with mobility reduced supposes a double effort, therefore it considers that it has to give truthful and rigorous information so that the tourist know exactly if it goes to travel to a destination in which it can enjoy with comfort. But, it will dismay and it will choose another place that visit.

The example on the politics that are realizar in this appearance in the city of Madrid exposed it the director Corporate Subjects in 'Madrid Allocate', Susana Arrive. It stood out initiatives that are carrying out like the 'Guide of the Accessible Tourism', the 'Integral Plan of Accessibility', tourist routes for people with visual and auditsory disabilities, or the learning of the personnel that works in the tourist offices to give a deal of quality to these visitors or the contracting of interpreters of language of signs.

By his part the technical adviser of the Real Board of Trustees on Disability, Jesús Celada commented that the development of spaces, transports, accessible leisure, etc. involves that in addition to an increase of travellers, is an opportunity for the employment of the people with disability, a community that in Spain rises to the 4 million people. Besides it commented the importance that would suppose the creation of stamps or certifications of guarantee that verified in Spain that the services that offer are rigorously adapted to the people with problems of mobility or cognitive”.

On this type of services adpatados, the director of Thyssenkrupp Encasa in Spain, Mark Albert, stood out the initiative 'Gives Accessibility' that have developed so that people with disability can enjoy of tourist experiences and of leisure focused to the sport, gastronomy, etc.

Greater 2.0

After the first table arrived the turn to speak of the Greater 2.0. On this appearance all the speakers coincided in that his use is more a question of attitude and of restlessness that of age. In this sense the director manager of the Democratic Union of Pensioners, Bale Tricio, affirmed that one of the most notable problems so that the greater do not use the new technologies is not a question of interest but economic. Spain is the second country of Europe in which the connection to Internet is more expensive. “This is an obstacle importantísimo”, signalled. Affirming that “with pensions of 600 euros of average can not pay connections whose minimum price is in some 40 euros, less when the greater are bearing the crisis helping economically to his families”.

The forum celebrated in the auditssorium Rafael of Pino

The forum celebrated in the auditssorium Rafael of Pino.

In spite of these difficulties, explained that the greater want to adapt to the use of the Tics and that thus it has to break with the figure of the greater like passive citizen, to consider them active agents of right plenary that have a lot that contribute to the society. For this considered that they have to boost the manufacturing of supports, telephones, tablets, etc., accessible so that they can be used by all.

On this last appearance, Sofía Fernández, of the Foundation Telefónica commented is something in which they already are working the companies manufacturers of new technologies, adapting his products so that they can be used by any person independently of his capacities. It does not treat to manufacture telephones, tablets, etc. for greater or a segment of the population in concrete, but of technology thinking but in his usability. Something that as it aimed “is cheaper to do” and supposes saving to the companies.

By his part the director of Innovation in Foundation Vodafone, Mª Satur Tower, explained the need in education 2.0 that have the greater since the technology, “is something that approximates to the people and that helps them to reestablish his personal relations and put them in contact with other citizens that have interests or common interests”.

One of the initiatives that have set up in the last years, is the social network allocated to the greater people Econred and Post 55. His founder Bernardo Bienz, explained that to the greater interests them above all else “amuse and have a good time with the new technologies”. In this sense affirmed that they conceive it more like a tool to communicate and relate mainly, before being an instrument to realizar another management like officials, knowledge, etc. Besides aimed that the interest of the greater increases in the measure in that the new technologies are them of utility, facilitate them the things and are simple and profitable to use.

Finally, Juan García, Responsible of Learning and Employment in Cocemfe, affirmed that the brecha digital is not only motivated by the age, also influences the disability. Since in a lot of occasions the families in which any of his members has a disability are used to to have high costs, or fewer possibilities of employment, that do not allow them access to costly connections to Internet. Another of the reasons that influence is the fear to not knowing use this type of tools, on this question Juan García commented that the greater or disabled “have to break with his prejudices and trust his capacities”, to this went back to insist in that it would help the development of simple and easy devices to use.

In addition to to these expert Thyssenkrupp Encasa gathered, in his III Forum of Accessibility, to numerous public in the auditssorium Rafael of the Pine in Madrid, and to a lot of followers that could think and leave his comments through social networks like Twitter and Facebook, arriving even to the 400 interactions in 3 hours, since all the reports were broadcast in direct. Of this way, the hangstag #accessibility was protagonist during all the morning thanks to ThyssenKrupp Encasa and the hashtag #IIIForoTKEC was trendingtopic in Madrid during all the morning.

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