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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Ventajas de una valoración de empresa
The key for a strategic approach of the business and the taking of decisions

Advantages of an assessment of company

Manuel Gómez Conesa, president of MGI Audicon & Partners17/05/2012

17 March 2012

Along the life of a company are many the moments in which it results necessary to do an assessment of the organisation. His realisation looks for the quantification of the elements that constitute the heritage of the company, his activity, potentiality or any another susceptible characteristic to be valued. Owners, shareholders, investors, financial entities, buyers and economic agents sue nowadays information that make possible the taking of decisions.
Manuel Gómez Conesa, president of MGI Audicon & Partners
Manuel Gómez Conesa, president of MGI Audicon & Partners.

In the coyuntura economic that find us, know the real value that has a company is of vital importance to face up to the difficulties and opt for looking for solutions and new opportunities. An assessment of the company provides a deep analysis of the financial situation (quantitative and cualitativamente), allowing know the true value of the entity.

Besides, an assessment of company can realise in multiple occasions, mainly when they exist changes in the accionariado, sale of the company, fusion of the company, dissolution between partners, extensions or reductions of capital, creation of a new line of business, analysis of the heritage of one of the partners, purchase of other companies, transmissions patrimoniales and a long etc. With all this, is convenient that of periodic form realise an assessment of the signature to analyse his real evolution.

The companies have to schedule well his strategy and have a plan of business that guide his actions. If it changes the economic cycle, the projections of the plan of company necessarily have to review and adapt to the new circumstances. In a context of crisis, the projections of results will be almost by definition more pessimistic, especially in the short term: fewer requests, fewer sales, lower margins, lower results, less financials, more extraordinary expenses of restructuring, etc. and, in consequence, less flow of free box expected to short and half term, by what the value of the company will diminish. But the most important mission of the directors is to provide him to the organisation the maximum creation of possible value, that is to say, do that the company cost increasingly.

Like this then , to face the situation of crisis successfully is recommended to carry out a plan of evaluation with the end that each partner was to the so much of the decisions that take in matter of investment, sale of actions, financials, operations and dividends, amongst other appearances of great importance.

“It is worthwhile to lose the fear to invest and evaluate our business of permanent form to access to new options of future”

Suitable methodology for different purposes

The assessment of a company gives an information of incalculable value for all those that have an interest, present or future, in the same. They exist a lot of moments, along the life of a society, that can require the assessment of a company. As we said, it can think in processes of dealers or restructuring of debt and obtaining of lines of financials, but also other diverse stages like the analysis of investments and desinvestments or situations so daily inside the business structure as it is the remuneration in actions. Between the main purposes can stand out:

• Management of the own company

• Transmission or division of the heritages

• Fusions and acquisitions

• Assessment of a participation

To realise the assessment of a company splits initially of two distinct methodologies and in some complementary occasions: financial analysis of the results of the company and his future projection of the economic surroundings of the sector and the comparison with other companies of his sector. Nevertheless, in determinate circumstances can be employed other methodologies as it is the one of the countable value.

The first of the methodologies splits of the account of results of past exercises, by means of which and the analysis of the sector can project the profits in the time (to short and half term). In definite, realises an analysis of the expectations of future generation of flows of box from the exploitation of the active of the company through the method of discount of flows of free box that the own activities of the company go to generate in a horizon predetermined.

On the other hand, analyses the value of all the goods property of the company, in function of his nature and of the use assigned. They value the goods inmuebles of own use and of investment, the existences, the installations, machinery, furniture, the goodwill and in general of all the tangible and intangible goods property of the company.

For the two methodologies is necessary to realise a comparative analysis of the society regarding his competitors, studying the characteristics and situation of the corresponding sector.

In conclusion, is worthwhile to lose the fear to invest and evaluate our business of permanent form to access to new options of future.

MGI Is a world-wide association of signatures of audits and quality consultancy of international prestige. Founded 60 years ago, at present his network has presence in all the continents, with more than 300 offices distributed in 90 countries. Like referent in business solutions, MGI contributes a simplification in the administrative management of the societies.

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26/08/2016 0:46:27
#1 - María
17/05/2012 12:40:38
Tener claro cuanto vale tu negocio es una clave importante para poder gestionar, controlar,y progresar en él.

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