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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Ingenieros de transporte en época de crisis

Engineers of transport in period of crisis

Rafael Cortés Navarro, engineer of Ways and professor of Transports in Eadic

The sector transport is a direct reflection of the course of the economy. The correlation between the variable demand of transport and economic activity is very strong. It is not it so much the correlation between endowment of infrastructures and the economic development. The infrastructures can be necessary condition for the development but no sufficient. From a threshold of endowment of infrastructures, seems that grow indiscriminately in offer does not guarantee at all more than the ineficiencia in the use of resources.

In the last years, perhaps to the coat of the false belief that the resources were boundless, have built infrastructures of transport to right and left, gone up to the car of a demand of the population, in a so simplistic vision like sesgadamente mistaken that infrastructures is equal to development and prosperity. Of this demand, turned into a mix between the requirement and the fashion, did echo our rulers, that so legitimately manage our future, as ilegítimamente have done it, in multiple occasions, from the arbitrary and the cortoplacismo, desoyendo the voice of the very wise technical experience that advises him.

Works of construction of a tunnel
Works of construction of a tunnel.

In these moments, in which as a result of a terrible rail accident, is of actuality the review of multiple parameters of hygiene and exploitation, perhaps was reasonable to tackle of root a replanteamiento of the current system of planning of the transport, of whose good gear depends not squandering ingentes resources, to the time that of whose tarpaulin depends that yes correlacione directly with economic development. Today, to past bull, conscious of the shortage of resources, and of the need of rentabilizarlos, perhaps was the moment to ask the reason of the decisions taken.

Concretising in the high rail speed: why outlines forced to go through the places that did more noise for this? Why very costly recurrent solutions of soterramiento? Why lines that do not reach a critical mass of travellers? Why runners duplicated in parallel to inferior distances to 100 km, when it seems reasonable a common axis troncal?

In transport, coffee for all is used to to turn into coffee for anybody. In other facets of the life, are used to to accept that try content to all is synonymous of not contenting to anybody. The actuality of the accident does not have to cover the need to have technicians very ready at the head of the process of decision. In these moments precise of the good criterion that contribute the common sense and the precise knowledge to pipe a strategic sector like the transport. Now more than ever we need professional specialised in the planning and the efficient exploitation of the transport. It is here where the engineers have a lot that say, by our competition, by our capacity, by our manufacturing and experience.

In the public sector will cost to restart leadership, in definite, break inertias and interests created. It does not have to renounce to this, although, fortunately, the good technician has another destination where will be him much easier go in if it is able to offer a guarantee of planning and efficient exploitation: the private sector. The companies of transport, require to increase his competitiveness, adjust offer to demand, and especially optimise the consumption of resources to generate such offer.

How offer an every time better service, adapted to the requirements of an increasingly advanced society, and at the same time do it with the minimum number of possible resources? We have the best human resources and technicians, included potentísimas tools of software of optimisation, base for the process of planning and operation, and on the contrary of what could seem, is indispensable the presence of a good engineer specialist that obtain the maximum performance of each tool.

Crisis or opportunity? We begin for improving in our internal competitiveness like engineers. Before, be engineer was guarantee of professional success, or at least guarantee to have work. Today no, we are many. Luckily! Today it must differentiation, specialisation and work oriented to the success.

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