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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Radiografía del agua urbana en España
The gestión of the service is increasingly efficient and the citizen consumption is increasingly responsible

X-ray of the urban water in Spain

Editorial Interempresas29/06/2012

29 June 2012

It has presented in Madrid the twelfth edition of the ‘Survey of Supply of Drinkable Water and Saneamiento in Spain', biennial sondeo that realises from 1987 and that supposes a X-ray of the situation of these basic services as well as a valuable instrument that serves of stimulus for the permanent improvement in the gestión of the water. To the act of presentation assisted the president and the director of AEAS (Spanish Association of Supply of Water and Saneamiento), Roque Gistau and Fernando Morcillo, respectively, and the general director of AGA (Spanish Association of Managing Companies of the Services of Water to Populations), José Luis González Vallvé.

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Of left to right: José Luis González, general director of AGA, Roque Gistau, president of AEAS, and Fernando Morcillo, director of AEAS...
Of left to right: José Luis González, general director of AGA, Roque Gistau, president of AEAS, and Fernando Morcillo, director of AEAS.

According to the data contributed in the presses conference by Fernando Morcillo, in the sector of supply and saneamiento of water work at present 45.200 people (21.200 of direct form and 24.000 of indirect form), having repuntado the volume of direct employments from the previous edition of the Survey (situates in levels of 2006). The turnover of all this sector in Spain elevates until the 5.080 million euros and the volume of water supplied annually arrives to the 4.066 million cubic metres.

Like sample of the magnitude of the infrastructures of the services of water in Spain, fits to signal that the operators manage 150.000 km (that is to say some 3,2 m/inhabitant) of networks of distribution of water and some 95.000 km (2,0 m / inhabitant) of networks of sewerage, what equivale to a similar length to 3,7 times and 2,9 times, respectively, all the perimeter of the Earth.

72% of the urban water consumed in Spain is of domestic use, whereas the industrial and commercial consumption reaches 21% of the total and 7% remaining assigns to other uses.

In this sense the endowment of water (the one who goes out of the tanks of distribution for the consumption) is of 236 litres by inhabitant/day, a figure that has gone paulatinamente descending in the two last decades, supposing a decrease of the endowment of water of 24% between 1987 and 2010.

Evolution of the endowment of water in Spain by inhabitant/day
Evolution of the endowment of water in Spain by inhabitant/day.

If the analysis encircles only to the domestic half consumption, this is of so only 126 litres of water by inhabitant and day, what also supposes a descent of 15% from the year 2004 until the closing of 2010.

This figure situates the half consumption of the Spaniards in one of the more basses of Europe. For example, Madrid is in 131 litres by inhabitant/day, Bilbao in 109 litres, Barcelona in 110 and Valency in 113 litres, in front of the 197 of Oslo, the 178 of Stockholm, the 159 of Lisbon or the 158 litres of London.

Efficiency and quality of the water

The decrease, so much of the endowment as of the domestic consumption, is the positive result of a greater efficiency of the services, that have improved notably the performance of the networks, the turnover by diverse uses, the realisation of campaigns for the efficient use of the resources and to the generalisation of the increasing prices by blocks of consumption, without forgetting a greater consciousness of the citizens on the sustainable use of the water and the improvement of performance of the domestic devices.

The efficiency achieves by the technological improvement and the effort in R&D. The operators have entered multiple improvements and apply the most modern technologies in all and each one of the multidisciplinary appearances that have to manage (Hydraulics Technicians, Processes of Treatment and Depuración, Maintenance and Conservation, Cartographic Systems and of Geographic Information, Sensors and Telecontrol, Communications, Information, Commercial Management and of Attention to the Customer, Business Organisation and Environingingmental and Economic Sustainability-Financial). Technologies like the cartography already are very implanted in our networks of supply (77%) and of saneamiento (48%), as well as other advances like the systematic detection of escapes in the supply (81% of the municipalities) or the remote controls (78%).

Regarding the quality of the water in Spain, as it aimed in the presses conference, 83% of the same attracted for the supplies corresponds to superficial waters, 14% are groundwaters and 3% proceeds of waters desaladas.

The natural quality of the water pre-drinkable superficial, the most used, evolves favorablemente, increasing 7% his general indexes of quality, like consequence of the efforts in controlling the pollution in origin and the generalisation of the depuración of the waste water.

With regard to the sanitary ware conditions of the waters of consumption, the exhaustive control that realise the operators and the sanitary ware authorities sample that the consumers can trust fully in his quality.

In Spain, by what costs a cane of beer pay the consumption of water, during two days and half, of a family of 3 members

Price of the water

The total invoiced amount for urban water in Spain, extrapolating data to the total population, amounts to 5.081 million euros. Of that total water Bill we pay for services in Spain, 60% corresponds to water, sewerage 15% and 25% to the purification of wastewater.

Including all uses, the average price for services was 1.83/m3, and is limited only to domestic use this average price is slightly lower, 1.57 / m3. These prices fail to cover the total cost of services, as it recommends the European of the water framework directive, which leads to AEAS, as its Chairman, to claim a this price increase on 25%.

Water prices in different European cities (for an annual domestic consumption of 200 m3 (in/m3). IWA 2010
Water prices in different European cities (for an annual domestic consumption of 200 m3 (in/m3). IWA 2010.

The complex technological processes of treatment, depuración or desalación (components little visible for the citizenship), that have incorporated paulatinamente, according to the exigencias increasing of the legal rules, are costly. And to have services with guarantee of availability and quality and use with efficiency the resources hídricos, is precise that go up the prices until the total recovery of the costs of operation, environingingmental and of the resource.

In any case, as it aimed Fernando Morcillo, in Spain, being one of the countries with greater shortage of resources hídricos of Europe, the incidence of the bill of the water in the familiar budgets is hardly of 0,7%, irrelevant by himself same and more still if it relates with the cost of other services. By what costs us a cane of beer pay the equivalent to two days and half of consumption of water in a house of a family of three members.

The system of prices that predominates is the one of fixed quota of service more variable quota articulated in stretches of consumption. The prices approve by the City councils (34%), the Commissions of Prices that depend on the CC AA (27%) and/or by both administrations jointly (38%). In addition to the fixed quota, the variable quota is increasing in function of the consumption. By size of population, the half prices higher apply in metropolitan areas. From the previous survey the half prices according to size of the population shorten the distances between himself.

67% of the population polled has besides the possibility to access to bonuses in the prices. The half of the bonuses applied are it to the numerous families and a fourth part apply by reasons of level of income. The rest benefit of another type of bonuses (for example by prizes to the reduction of the consumption).

The incidence of the bill of the water in the familiar budget does not arrive to 0,7%

Degree of satisfaction

The Spaniards opt by domiciliar in a financial entity the bill of the water (84% of the population and 95% in the metropolitan areas). In the actuality, the payment by ventanilla only is already used by 5% of the population and by banking office 5% of the population.

In general lines, the customer of the operators of water does not have problems with the service. Only 1,3% of the total formulates along the year some claim with reason of the supply, especially in the populations of size between 20.000 and 50.000 inhabitants. In the populations of greater size, only affects to 0,47% of the users. 58% of the claims resolve in favour of the customer, mainly in the municipalities of greater population. To aggregated level, of the whole of claims presented, 56% is due to errors of turnover, 3,9% to the quality of the supply and 10,7% to complaints by the service of reading of counters.

Besides, 88% of the population attended has of a page interactive web with commercial operations and 11% of the population has to his disposal an informative web. Only something less than 2% of the population attended in the municipalities polled says to have the bill like only media.

52% of the population has of ‘letter of commitment' with the customer that includes compensation by his incumplimiento. Regarding the services of specific telephone attention or call-centers, ascertains that a big majority of the population resupplied, 94%, has of this service, that can therefore consider fully implanted like usual practice.

Comparative of the price of the water with other consumptions
Comparative of the price of the water with other consumptions.

The campaigns of mentalización citizen for a sustainable use of the water that realise the operators, reach already to 95% of the population. In the basins of Balearic, Duero, Guadiana, interiors of the Basque Country, Hack, Atlantic Andalucia, Miño-Sil and Western Bay of Biscay this diffusion is of 100%. Besides, 72% of the population polled has to his disposal the Annual Memory of Corporate Social Responsibility of his corresponding operators.

Diet of management

39% Of the Spanish population is supplied water by public companies, 36% is by private companies, 13% by joint enterprises and 8% directly through local corporations own. These percentages vary relatively little reference to previous editions of the survey, except that appreciates a slight growth of the population supplied in regime of private management, which has gone from 33% to 36%, while on the other hand public management has gone from 43% to 39%.

The presentation of the survey concluded with several notes from the participants, to questions from journalists, which was evident the leadership of the Spanish industry, global water technologies; was informed on how you can influence the economic crisis in the slowing down of some processes (such as the introduction of smart meters); It stressed the need to make every effort inverter in sewage networks (still some Roman); and it focused on the need to raise water prices by the higher costs of processes and environmental commitment (a rise that would not prevent that water continues to be a resource in Spain already cheaper than the 1.57 which is currently worth the m3 in Spain, is what it costs to fill 4,000 glasses of water, four hot tubs and 1,333 bottles of wine).

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