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“The solution to the crisis of the sector does not go through to go down the prices”, signals César Caudevilla, president of Confalq

Confalq Gives his first steps in the defence/defense of the interests of the rent

David Muñoz10/10/2011

10 October 2011

Been born in December of 2010, the Confederation of the Rent (Confalq) already is working with intensity in his aim to promote the business activity for hire of machinery, goods and teams, demanding for this the maximum levels of quality, security and integrity. His presence in fairs like Smopyc (Saragossa), Construmat (Barcelona) and IRE (Ámsterdam), his participation in sectorial forums like the Convention of Anapat (Madrid) and his integration like member inside the National Confederation of the Construction, are some of his first performances.
Confalq Was present in the XVII Convention of Anapat...
Confalq Was present in the XVII Convention of Anapat. Of left to right: Juan José Torres, president of Aseamac, Dan Kaplan, consultor international, José María Marsal, president of Anapat, and César Caudevilla, president of Confalq and of Fanagrumac.

During the last 20 years, the rent has erigido in an increasingly sued service in our country. It exists a progressive tendency to resort to the rent in front of the acquisition in property, that has seen sharpened because of the circumstantial changes in multiple sectors.

“The base of the evolution of a market from a situation of property to another for hire, is something natural. The rent produces in the moment in which the customer looks for an improvement of efficiency in his activity, resolving him the company alquiladora the details of how do profitable these teams”, declares César Caudevilla, president of Confalq.

“Besides, –continues– the rent has seen benefited by the increasing interest that exists between the companies of the construction and of the industry in general for increasing the measures of security in his works, having personal more formed, with better machines instrumented and with services more skilled, as those that can give him an alquilador”.

Around skilled areas of the rent like the platforms, the machinery without operator or the cranes tower, have gone arising skilled associations, oriented to give service to the companies that develop this activity.

The research of sinergias and the need to face up to common problems by part of several of these associations has carried to the creation of a common project, in shape of confederation, Confalq, been born in December of 2010 from the associations Anapat, Aseamac and Fanagrumac.

New situation of market

Although the sector of the rent of machinery has not been exento of problems from his origins, the true is that many of them have aggravated with the irruption of the crisis, especially as a result of the disequilibrium that has created between the offer and the demand, as it indicates César Caudevilla: “In little time, have happened to attend the construction of 800.000 annual houses, to levels of hardly 120.000 houses to the year, what has comported a sobreoferta of machines. Although they have gone doing adjust, with the exit of a good number of machines, still are far of a balance between offer and demand. It exists an excedente of fleet that follows tensionando the prices, although, according to my opinion, already have hit rock bottom. The crisis has to serve so that the s Have clear that a politics of reduction of prices drives mo, that is not the correct formula to happen of losses to ios. The improvement of the situation of the sector goes through to adapt the lotas and our personnel to the existent demand, and what more take rlo, more money will be losing”.

César Caudevilla, president of Confalq, in a moment of the interview with Interempresas
César Caudevilla, president of Confalq, in a moment of the interview with Interempresas.

One of the lines in which it is working Confalq is precisely in quantifying really which is this excedente of offer that gives nowadays in the rent of machinery in Spain, putting in common the data of all his associated. Of this form will be able to analyse/analyze really the magnitude of this crisis and his incidence in the rent. Until the publication of these general results, what yes exist are analysis more segmentados, like the realised/realized from the association Fanagrumac, specialised/specialized in the crane tower, an entity that also chairs César Caudevilla.

In this sense, the park of cranes tower attended by the associated of Fanagrumac in the year 2006, went of 16.046 cranes, whereas in the year 2010 this figure already had reduced to 2.289 cranes. This descent has had also logically a very negative effect in the level of occupation, since while in 2006 the companies associated gave employment to 1.992 people, the 2010 finished with 474 workers. The forecasts for this 2011 is that the situation remain stable with regard to the 2010.

To the fall of activity adds another problem no less important, the difficulties to earn the services for hire. In spite of the last novelties entered by the Law of Morosidad, the true is that the terms of payment follow estrangulando the financial situation of a lot of companies. “Although it has improved something, the true is that we still are very far to attain an optimum level, that in the sector of the construction would be of 85 days for the year 2011. The awareness has improved but still remains a lot of terrain for walking. The problem is that the base of this improvement goes through two elements that can not control: that the first debtor that is not fulfilling/fulfilling the law is the own Public Administration, especially the local entities; and that need a greater involucración of the banking because this has a function of arbitrio basic for these fulfillments of payment”, indicates César Caudevilla.

Collective advantages

To try improve in this and in other fields, Confalq has created like an open entity to all the community of the rent in different sectors, to the that expects to represent fully to measure that the skilled associations go incorporating.

At the same time, like representative confederation of all the activity, has the vocation to be the speaker of the Spanish rent in the National Confederation of the Construction (CNC) and in the European Rental Association (WAS).

Confalq, in definite, has by aim the representation, defence/defense and promotion of the economic interests, social and professional of the activity of the rent and of his members, as collective.

Visit of the authorities to the stand with which explained Confalq in the last edition of Smopyc, celebrated the past month of April...
Visit of the authorities to the stand with which explained Confalq in the last edition of Smopyc, celebrated the past month of April.

The confederation devotes to asesorar and resolve common problems to the entities confederadas, organises/organizes activities and offers different services. Between other activities, Confalq coordinates and improves the communication between the entities member; sail so that the free competition in the sector do not see altered by practices that the vulneren, protecting and asesorando to his members in front of the situations of intrusismo professional; and it boards and it keeps relations with those business and professional organisations/organizations of provincial field, autonomic, state, European or international, that represent interests related with the own of the confederation or of his members.

This field of international work is very remarkable since every time they are more the initiatives of Spanish signatures that they want to open step out of our borders, with elder or lower luck. “In the strategies of internationalisation/internationalization, it is necessary to take into account that no all voucher. The market for hire requires of a vicinity to the customer, work in a short radius to be able to give an optimum service. It can not do a rent to 5.000 kilometres/kilometers of distance of the base. As a lot, 300 or 400 kilometres/kilometers. From my point of view, the companies that want to undertake a strategy of internationalisation/internationalization have to begin for having a delegation that give in this country a so good service like which gives in Spain”, thinks César Caudevilla.

Confalq Also procures advice and training to the members in matter of prevention of labour risks and on the regulatory rule of the activity of the rent, being also a paramount end of the confederation organise/organize activities of promotion, as well as the obtaining of the support and institutional cooperation for these ends.

Wide representativeness

Be member of Confalq contributes different advantages to the entity confederada: the participation in the organs of government of the confederation and in his technical meetings (groups of work, technical committee, etc.), as well as in the activities of the confederation and others in which this collaborate.

Besides by the fact to be confederados receive the consultancy and assistance through the permanent secretariat of the confederation, that provides support to the entities confederadas.

Confalq Will follow working by the representation, defence/defense and promotion of the economic interests...
Confalq Will follow working by the representation, defence/defense and promotion of the economic interests, social and professional of the activity of the rent and of his members.

The confederation supposes the meeting point for the organisations/organizations of the community, a place where find training and up to date information of the sector and the activity, envoy to the members with regularity, as well as advertising through the professional directory of the confederation, in the web, in activities and in all the supports in which it publish the listing of members.

“From Confalq have a big confidence in the strength that gives us the union of all the companies to which represent. We will follow working in mentalizar to the alquiladores that the solution to the crisis does not go through to go down the prices but for taking the suitable measures to do that his businesses are profitable. Also we will follow incidiendo in improving the conditions of payment that give at present in the market. All this under the 'Q' of quality (Quality) that integrates ConfalQ, with some parameters of work and of delivery of machines that avalen this bet by the quality”, concludes César Caudevilla.

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