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Interview to Alex Persyn, director of Business of Doosan Infracore Portable Power for the zone EMEA

“We share our past with Ingersoll-Rand, our future with Doosan”

David Muñoz07/02/2014

Doosan Infracore Portable Power is one of the big international references in matter of mobile equipment of generation of power, being able to boast to have in his range a complete offer of power generators, towers of lighting and portable compressesors. This division of the Group Doosan benefits in addition to the long experience that treasures in this field Ingersoll-Rand, manufacturer that integrated to his business structure does more than six years. We have had the pleasure to interview to Alex Persyn, director of this line of business for the zone EMEA, with the intention to do balance of these last years of work, know his fortresses and deepen in his more recent innovations.

Around the middle of the year 2007, Doosan Infracore bought three of the units of business of Ingersoll Rand in an operation that rondo the 4.900 million dollars. One of these units of business was the one of ‘Portable Power' (‘Portable Power'), composed fundamentally by power generators, portable compressesors and towers of lighting. Since the Group Doosan has worked to integrate of the best possible form this range inside his wide offer of products, taking advantage of to the maximum the synergies arisen with other divisions of the company. To day of today, the integration is full and successful, consolidating Doosan Infracore Portable Power like one of the main world-wide actors of the market of energetic supply.

Alex Persyn, director of Business of Doosan Infracore Portable Power for the zone EMEA
Alex Persyn, director of Business of Doosan Infracore Portable Power for the zone EMEA.

With regard to this integration, that has comported also the disappearance of the mark Ingersoll Rand to become only Doosan, Alex Persyn, director of Business of Doosan Infracore Portable Power for the zone EMEA, signals: “we Share our past with Ingersoll-Rand, our future with Doosan. Doosan Infracore Construction Equipment, the division to which belong, includes motors diesel and machinery of construction, and moved by the intention to develop our future under the orientation of our new marries matrix, have worked to realizar a transition the softest possible. In fact, in the eyes of the customer only has appreciated a small change since the units and commercial contacts have kept on being the same”.

Doosan Infracore Construction Equipment Is one of the three units of business of Doosan Infracore and is considered like ones of the greater world-wide references in machinery of construction and public work, with a solid leadership in segments like the one of the loaders compact, the implementos and the compressesors, among others.

In this sense, Doosan Infracore Portable Power benefits of this fortress, of the global presence of the Group and of the synergies that arise between the different lines of business. “Be part of a business group oriented to the sector of the construction endows us of important synergies to internal and external level. Internally, the different lines of business can take advantage of the experience with which explains the Group in matter of communication and marketing, financials, postventa…The new Centre of R&D that are building in Dobris (Czech Republic) will serve, for example, for all the units of business. And externamente, look for synergies in our network of distributors. It is evident that all come off well if a distributor succeeds representing more products Doosan. A clear example is in Spain, where our distributor Centrocar represents Doosan Portable Power, Doosan and Bobcat”, indicates Alex Persyn.

New portable compressesor 7/41 with capota of high resistance
New portable compressesor 7/41 with capota of high resistance.

The global presence of Doosan Infracore Portable Power no only self-evident in the distribution and service of the products, also in his own production, since this unit of business has factories, for the market EMEA, in Statesville (EE UU) and Pilsen (Czech Republic) and even has regional operations oriented to Indian and China. On where have greater presence, Alex Persyn, answers: “everything is relative. Although, in volume, America is probably our greater market, had to especially to our American origin, the true is that in quota of market create sincerely that enjoy already of a good position all over the world.”.

Situation of market

After some years of strong fall in the international market of the construction, especially in 2008, in these last years the sector seems to have reached some stability, what has improved the levels of business of the different manufacturers of machinery. Even so, from Doosan Infracore Portable Power, expected that the recovery of the market in general during the past year was still greater. “From a perspective purely of business, have to admit that we expected a greater structural recovery of the market, no only in Spain. While, in the positive side, have to signal that we have appreciated an important increase in the sales of our big compressesors Stage 3B and a positive answer to our new platforms of generators Stage 3To. Besides, the fact that we still offer a range of products Tier1 and Tier2 for export, has helped us to win presence in Middle East and Africa”, indicates Alex Persyn.

Of face to the most immediate future, from Doosan Infracore Portable Power signals that the world-wide market of power generators and portable compressesors offers big challenges, so much in the offer as in the demand. By the side of the offer, seems evident that no longer has felt that to ‘manufacture an only solution that cost for all the needs'. The different normative on broadcasts that there is at present in the world, as well as the diversity in the forms to work, do that the manufacturers have to adapt his offer to each one of these requests.

Besides, as self-evident Alex Persyn, “the impact of the international crisis follows prolonging in the time and, although they are giving some signs macroeconómicos of mejoría, the true is that the recovery keeps on being slow”.

Group electrógeno G200
Group electrógeno G200.

A range of products in growth

Although, as we signalled before, the different normative of broadcasts that are today valid do that they do not commercialise the same products in all the parts of the world, to general level can say that the range of Doosan Infracore Portable Power is at present conformed by: compressesors from 7 to 35 bar of pressesure and of 2 to 45 m3/min of discharge; by power generators of 20 to 500 kVAS (50 and 60 Hz) and by systems of lighting of 4x1.000 W (models MH) in frequencies of 50 and 60 Hz.

Along the last months, this range has gone improving with stood out novelties as for example, the capotas no metallic, of high resistance, for the compressesors 7/26And, 7/31And and 7/41; an entirely new platform for the big compressesors CZ built under the norm Stage 3B (offer new standard equipment, a size reduced and an extraordinary access); the introduction of new models of high pressesure/discharge of agreement to the Tier 4i North American; a totally renewed platform for the power generators CZ (Stage 3To); and the option of synchronisation for the generators.

With regard to the main applications to which go directed the generators of Doosan Infracore Portable Power, Alex Persyn indicates: “Our main customers are companies for hire, but can signal that our groups are rented in almost all the applications where require electricity by a short or a long period of time. This covers small and big works, events, industry, public companies of electricity, equipment of emergency for failures of supply in the network, operations of rescue… Our machines can be used also in applications ‘stand-by' where the group is installed out of the building and connected to a device of automatic transfer (ATS), with automatic start, loaders of battery and refrigerante of the liquid of the engine for an optimum availability”.

A special attention to the market for hire

From before his entrance in the Group Doosan, the power generators, portable compressesors and towers of lighting of this manufacturer have been products very appreciated by the companies for hire of machinery, that see in them the values that need for the good course of his businesses: robustness, easy handle, low costs of maintenance, durability… In fact, as it recognises Alex Persyn, Doosan Infracore Portable Power designs and manufactures his products with the alquilador in mind: “In a lot of countries keep on being one of the main partners providers of accounts for hire. We value this relation and really inspires our designs, although obviously any specific improvement in a product or new options will be available and will benefit to all the customers. All our products have been ‘built to be used', improving the productivity of our customers”.

Portable compressesor 12/250 with motorisation Stage 3B
Portable compressesor 12/250 with motorisation Stage 3B.

In this sense, as it confirms the director of Business of Doosan Infracore Portable Power for the zone EMEA, is true that the generators have been firstly designed for the market of the rent, with a robustness reinforced of the structure, a high level of soundproofing, flexible elements for the manipulation of the generator (point of central elevation and slots for transport with carretilla), an interface of flexible use with option of signpost of standard control and analog measures, automatic module of start-unemployed, monitoring of alarms/cut and a digital controller improved that offers the same functionalities and additional possibility to work in dual frequency: 50/60 Hz (only in the new models Stage IIIA).

These power generators also contribute to the alquilador flexibility in the electrical connection, offering several alternatives, as well as flexibility in the autonomy of fuel. The new system of the frame of the deposit ensures a capacity of 110%. The main advantage of this system is the intercambiabilidad between the configuration of 12 and 24 hours of autonomy. There is available besides like option a robust valve of fuel of three roads that, combined with an external module of connection, provides a maximum autonomy.

“The accessibility for the tasks of maintenance is also a key element in the rent, thus we have grouped to the maximum all the points of service of the engine to reduce the times of intervention. We explain equally with systems of cleaning and drainage of the deposits of fuel in the rediseñada range Stage IIIA (80-100-150-200 kVAS) and a total access to the radiator”, adds the director of Business of Doosan Infracore Portable Power for the zone EMEA.

Forecast for the Spanish market

Could not finish this interview without before ask him to Alex Persyn his opinion on the Spanish market and the forecasts of business that has in our country for this year. “Unfortunately, anybody has a ball of glass but yes can him confirm that we are noticing in the last months an increase in the application of proposals, what can understand like a positive sign. The market will recover and when this occur, Doosan Portable Power and our distributor Centrocar will be totally prepared to give the best service, as we have come it doing up to now”, concludes.

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Doosan Infracores Portable Power & Attachments - Doosan Benelux

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