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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El mercado del gas y sus aplicaciones

Engine to gas Vs Diesel

The market of the gas and his applications



Group Casli is boosting and spreading at present the use of the engine to gas for some industrial applications in a country where the use of the Diesel is much more generalised. Between the reasons that have carried to the group to realizar this bet find the increase of the price of the motors Diesel, the rise of the price of the diesel in front of the gas and the increasing awareness of the consumers by the clean energies and the respect by the environingingment, being the gas much less contaminante that the diesel. The Madrilenian group has subscribed an agreement with Repsol that facilitates the installation of the deposits and abarata the price of the fuel, which does to think in the success of the motors of gas in applications like exploitations agropecuarias for irrigation, isolated houses of the electrical network and equipment of cogeneration for the industry.

Applications with engine to gas: the irrigation

Surely 99% of the power generators that feed electrical pumps of irrigation and motobombas incorporate motors Diesel. However, problems associated like the theft of the equipment and especially of the own fuel suppose grave economic damages for agriculturalists and graziers. Only in the year 2012 produced more than 15.000 crimes in the field. By provinces, the most affected are Valency with 1.441 crimes, Seville that registers 1.306 penal infringements, follows him Almería with 1.150 crimes committed and Toledo with 965. In fact, they have had to create equipment allocated exclusively to combat these crimes, as for example the equipment Rock (Equipment of fight against the Theft in the Field) whose function is the one to increase the hygiene of the agricultural exploitations and graziers. Other inherent problems to the equipment Diesel are the scarce capacity of the deposits for prolonged irrigations, the sound of the motors and the broadcasts to the atmosphere of CO2 and harmful particles for the health. Therefore, if the motors of gas contaminate and sound much less, have of greater autonomy by the capacity of the deposits and reduce to a large extent the risk of theft, Why not using gas?

Deposit of GLP of 2.500 litres, fulfils the most strict rules of hygiene endorsed by Repsol...
Deposit of GLP of 2.500 litres, fulfils the most strict rules of hygiene endorsed by Repsol. When incorporating his own bancada abarata and facilitates a lot his installation.

Agreement with Repsol

The use of the gas is not exento of problems, the price of the generator is slightly upper and requires necessarily the installation of an auxiliary deposit, however, the Group Casli has subscribed an agreement with Repsol that bases in three main slopes:

  • The price of the fuel: Repsol applies a discount of €110 by tonne to the already recessed Price Formula. This, speaking in euros by litre, supposes a half cost of the fuel of €0,45/l, more or less the half of what costs the litre of Diesel B, allowing compensate the greater consumption of the engine of gas and obtain some savings in approximate consumption from among 15% and 20% regarding the diesel.
  • The free acquisition of the deposit and his back maintenance: The one who purchase a group electrógeno of gas will not have an extra cost by the installation of the deposit and yes will have, instead, the advantage of a very upper autonomy (lower number of repostajes) and the tranquility to know that they do not go him to steal.
  • The financials of the installation and legalisation of the same: Repsol will give the option to fund the costs of installation of the deposit that limit to the pipes of connection between deposit and the group electrógeno more a small cost of legalisation in Industry.

The engine to gas

The current motors to GLP offer each greater day performances, equiparables to the best motors of diesel, the consumptions every time are lower and the sound is practically imperceptible in versions insonorizadas to 1.500 rpm. But especially, where do not have rival is in the lower broadcasts to the atmosphere, 15% less than CO2 and 95% less than Nox, by not speaking of the derivative particles of the bad combustion of the motors Diesel, (black smoke and soot) that in an engine of gas are until 99% minors. Marks like PSI in EE UU and Kubota, in Japan, allocate big part of his production to motors to natural gas and gas propano. Group Casli is the distributor in scoop in Spain of both marks.

The comparative of costs between the engine Diesel and the one of gas shows a saving from among the 15 and 20% in the case of the group GLP...

The comparative of costs between the engine Diesel and the one of gas shows a saving from among the 15 and 20% in the case of the group GLP.

Although the amount of the acquisition of a group of GLP is a bit greater to the of a Diesel, the savings in consumption (around 15% - 20%), do that said extra cost recover easily. For an installation of irrigation of 20 kvas, that work some 3.000 hours to the year, the amortización limits so alone to two years. Finally, mention that the big gone up that the electrical companies come applying to the fixed term of his bills and the continuous thefts of the copper that suffer the centres of transformation, are encouraging to some agriculturalists to isolate of the electrical network to generate his power with power generators, especially when the periods of irrigation are very seasonal, as for example exploitations that only irrigate during the three months of summer.

Comments on article / news piece

#6 - antonio
03/02/2022 18:30:20
Solicito información sobre la utilización de gas natural o glp según costos ,según pcs, según terreno, gracias
#5 - Jorge
14/09/2020 21:04:33
Si el sistema esta vigente y con éxito pero lo tiene Extragas
#4 - Angeles
29/06/2020 21:00:59
Hola. Quisiera saber si éste. Sistema está. En Argentina. Gracias
#3 - Inma González
25/03/2020 15:00:46
09/05/2019 22:32:14
25/01/2014 21:27:34
Buenas, quisiera información de los distintos motores generadores a gas, sus especificaciones técnicas y precios, grácias.

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