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The company presents his new products and services

The SAW Congress of Filters Cartés turns into a moving homage to Vindemial Aldea

David Muñoz11/11/2013

Two months after the demise of Vindemial Aldea Career, founder and president of Filters Cartés, the biennial Congress of this global specialist in leak, celebrated in the Hotel Palace of the Watched of Ávila the days 7 and 8 November, served as deserved homage to this big professional that devoted good part of his life to the world of the filter. Speakers, employees and customers of Filters Cartés wanted to praise publicly his figure with acts like the delivery of a plate in which it could read : “Memory to Vindemial Aldea, a big man, a good seller, which transmitted us some special vibrations in this difficult world of the trade. My respect and admiration”.

If by something characterised Vindemial Aldea was for putting enthusiasm and illusion in all what did, an enthusiasm and an illusion that went back to be very present in the SAW Congress of Filters Cartés, and that besides has known to transmit to his son, Roberto Aldea, the one who like general director of the company was the attendant to welcome all the assistants.

Roberto Aldea, general director of Filters Cartés, with the plate-homage to Vindemial Aldea, founder of the company...

Roberto Aldea, general director of Filters Cartés, with the plate-homage to Vindemial Aldea, founder of the company.

From the optimism, Roberto Aldea wanted to transmit to all the presents that no longer is time to speak of crisis, that are in a new phase in which it is necessary to mark new and ambitious challenges. “An idea costs as much as the effort that put in achieving it”, signalled. And like example of this need to surpass the fears and links, projected a short film realizar by his sister Pilar Aldea, in which it did a metaphor on how it is necessary to go up on the stone of the crisis to show to the future.

Spirit and to the bull

Like one of the speakers of the SAW Congress, Filters Cartés chose to Juan Carlos Montejano, consultor and specialist in the bullfighting, the one who moved to the business world the ten foundations that can do of the bullfighting “a full art of emotion and beauty”. As one of his conclusions signalled that “the way to the glory also can drive to the infirmary” and that in the hands of the employer and of the own worker is the choose between assuming this risk or avoid it. “If we do the correct, the like this achieved successes will be authentic, will be our particular glory”, signalled.

Roberto Aldea, delivering a plate-memory of the SAW Congress of Filters Cartés to Juan Carlos Montejano

Roberto Aldea, delivering a plate-memory of the SAW Congress of Filters Cartés to Juan Carlos Montejano.

Juan Carlos Montejano completed his report with some considerations on the function of shopping, field in which it is specialist from does years. As it signalled, the function of shopping in a company has gone purchasing importance along the last 15 years, process that has increased with the economic crisis. It has happened of areas of shopping almost non-existent —indicated— to a much more centralised management, with elements in peak like tables of purchase, electronic tools… All this after checking that the companies devote the greater part of his income to pay to providers and subcontractors (more than the double that the payment of payrolls).

As it affirmed Juan Carlos Montejano, “the shopping, very exerted, can suppose a saving of until 15% of the contractings”, although it is true that the shopping trascend of the field of a company.

Sogefi Leak

Like second speaker had the presence of Fernando Muñoz, delegated of Sales of Sogefi Group, the one who as first idea transmitted to the presents that his company is much more that a provider of solutions of leak, since it also includes in his range elements of suspension for vehicles and docks of precision of high performance. In fact, like example, signalled that “Group Sogefi has revolutionised the suspension of the vehicles with a big innovation, respectful with the environingingment: the helicoidal docks FRP, that offer composed of fibre of glass and resin epoxídica, attaining with this reductions in the weight of the 40 to 70%, avoiding the oxidation, reducing the noise, improving the hygiene and offering a solution 100% recyclable”.

Delivers of the plate to the managers of Sogefi

Delivers of the plate to the managers of Sogefi.

In the concrete case of the systems of leak of fluids, Sogefi offers already a complete range of filters of oil, petrol and diesel for engine, as well as complete modules. His marks are very recognised to world-wide level: Fram, Pbr, Loopers Fiaam, Sogefi Pro and, of course, Filter Purflux (commercialised by Filters Cartés).

The new products face up to the world-wide challenges that appreciate in the world of the filter: reduction of space, improvement of the performance, greater efficiency of the fuel, environingingmental and greater regulations durability. “Every time it will result more difficult to resupply to the market postventa if it is not partner of a manufacturer of original team solid”, indicated Fernando Muñoz. In this sense, Sogefi consolidates like a provider of guarantees, when covering already 97% of the market of filters of oil; 96% of the market of filters of air; 97% of the market of filter of diesel; 87% of the market of the filter of petrol; and 90% of cabin air filters.

To corporate level, the Group Sogefi account already with 44 plants of production and 20 commercial offices delivered by different parts of the world, having finished the 2012 with a turnover of 1.319 million euros (679 million euros in the year 2001) and with a staff of 7.100 employees. His sales deliver in 56,40% in original team for tourism (eight of the ten more sold trucks in Spain have products Sogefi), 11,80% original team for industrial vehicle, 26,70% in postventa, 1% in the rail sector and 2,50% in others.

An opportunity to do more profitable the business

Like director of Product of Filters Cartés, Marco Antonio Colín did a review of the different solutions that has gone incorporating the company, through his three own marks (Step Filters, Step Industrial Filters and Aldair), with the aim to be able to complement the offer of his others marks represented and can attend like this 100% of the existent applications in the market.

Thanks to his big fan of references, Filters Cartés attends today with the maximum guarantees to different sectors: automotive sector, industrial vehicle, public work, agriculture, catchment of dust, air conditioning, treatment of air compressesed, leak of air and hydraulics. "The fields where go in at stake the filters are very wide (painting booths, supermarkets, dental clinics, workshops of oxicorte, etc.) by what only does lacking to locate them and penetrate in them", added the director of Product of Filters Cartés.

Marco Antonio Colín, director of Product of Filters Cartés
Marco Antonio Colín, director of Product of Filters Cartés.

To continuation, Marco Antonio Colín showed how has grown the range of own marks since in the Congress of 2009 presented the first solutions Step of filters for machinery of gardening and small machinery for hire, until the day of today, in which the catalogue composes of 1.410 references Step Filters, 170 references Step Industrial Filters and 964 references of Aldair.

“Ours marks are the fruit of the work of a lot of people, of the commercial department, of our customers, of the department of marketing and of the department of product”, concluded the director of Product of Filters Cartés, the one who besides encouraged to all the presents to be followed innovando, well was with new products, diversifying or going in in new international markets.

His filter of quality, his filter of confidence

The SAW Congress of Filters Cartés explained also with the presence of Ricardo Peris, boss of Sales of Mann Filter, the one who in addition to appreciating the confidence of Filters Cartés and remember personally to Vindemial Aldea, showed why is important to bet by providers of filters of quality contrasted. “No all the manufacturers of filters can contribute the same, some marks can help more than others”, indicated Ricardo Peris.

No all the filters are equal, by what the justification of a greater price of a solution on another has to come given from two factors: service and quality. And in this sense, Ricardo Peris showed the important differences that there is between a filter of oil for engine of Mann Filter with regard to other more economic marks. Although the external appearance between both is similar, if it looks in the interior appreciate remarkable differences: half filtrante (more volume of paper, height and width of the folds, diameter of the central tube), valve by-pass, valve anti-drainage, together, plate guides of the cartridge, etc.

Delivers of the plate to Ricardo Peris, boss of Sales of Mann Filter

Delivers of the plate to Ricardo Peris, boss of Sales of Mann Filter.

Ricardo Peris resumía that a greater quality, supposes a greater price but also a greater profitability. And in this sense, Mann Filter is one of the companies that has bet by the initiative ‘Chooses quality, chooses confidence' that groups to several manufacturers of components of first worldwide recognised team to sensitise to the users and concienciarlos on the use of marks of first level.

Tools for the sale

In the program of the SAW Congress of Filters Cartés also included a report on Strategic Planning of Marketing, to charge of Nuria Sainz, director of Marketing of the company, the one who defined this Planning like a formula that “provides us a methodology of work and the necessary tools to realizar an analysis of our situation, define a strategy and develop actions to short, half and long term, with the aim to increase our sales, profitability or image”. In summary, what does the Strategic Planning of Marketing is: 1) Analyse our situation and know us better; 2) Know our market and the agents that operate in him; 3) Define our business aims and the strategies to reach them; and 4) Set up and with detail all the actions related with the 4Ps: Product, Price, Promotion and distribution.

The customer, as it added Nuria Sainz, is increasingly professional and has a greater learning and information, by what it is necessary to work increasingly for deleitarles in "quality, service and delivery of value", understanding this last like the division between the advantages (functional and emotional) and the costs (monetary, temporary, energetic and psychic).

Nuria Sainz, director of Marketing of Filters Cartés
Nuria Sainz, director of Marketing of Filters Cartés.

For the analysis of the situation of the company, the director of Marketing of Filters Cartés indicated some methodologies like the DAFO (Weaknesses, Threats, Fortresses and Opportunities) or the Matrix BCG (growth and quota of market), after which the company has to mark his own plan of action, a ‘Marketing Mix', a group of factors in which incidir to favour and increase the purchase and repurchase of the products.

Like resumía Nuria Sainz, the “most important is to mark a plan, not to put limits and work in team”.

New technologies

The round of reports finished with the intervention of David Pérez, responsible of New Technologies in Filters Cartés, in which they analysed the lines of performance in which it is working the company to improve his presence in Internet. As it indicated David Pérez, The Network has done that we are in front of “new consumers, new models of business, new products and, in summary, some new surroundings where the technology has a greater weight”. In this sense, Internet and more specifically the e-commerce, offers new opportunities that in Spain still have not exploded to the same level that already does in other parts of the world.

David Pérez, responsible of New Technologies, during the presentation effected by Roberto Aldea
David Pérez, responsible of New Technologies, during the presentation effected by Roberto Aldea.

From 1996 Filters Cartés comes working in Internet, and now more than ever wants to take advantage of all this potential through several initiatives that allow to have new functionalities: 1) greater simplicity and confiabilidad of the web; 2) create a global ecosystem for all his web pages and give like this image of group; 3) generate a more powerful database and reliable.

David Pérez also gave some data that show the growth that is experiencing the company in on-line matter: visits of 150 countries, more than 3.500 active customers dice of high in 2013, more than 340.000 only visits, 15,40 minutes of half visit to the web, and more than four connections to the day… 25% of the accesses produce in schedule no commercial and thanks to the web already invoices 43% of the total.

Delivery of a special recognition to RG Replaced Deifontes
Delivery of a special recognition to RG Replaced Deifontes.

“Internet does not expect, is now or never”, concluded David Pérez, the one who also reviewed the remarkable evolution that has followed the Club DbiZ of Filters Cartés, “a system of work that has by aim collaborate with the development of the communication from the point of view of the operations between the companies users with his customers, as well as with other third parts interested in his products”.

The Club DbiZ qualifies of a fast and simple way to the companies so that in a record time can sell through internet inside a reliable and safe platform.

It delivered a reply of ‘The Tree of the Life' to all the assistants to the SAW Congress
It delivered a reply of ‘The Tree of the Life' to all the assistants to the SAW Congress.

The SAW Congress of Filters Cartés finished with a recognition to all the assistants by means of the delivery of a reply of ‘The Arbol of the Life', and with a food in the Hotel Palace of The Watched.

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