
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en La madera se hace oír en Construmat
The fair was part of presentation of the 'Guide of construction with wood'

The wood is heard at Construmat

Drafting Interempresas23/04/2009
Wood was one of the clear protagonists of Construmat, with a Pavilion devoted to this material and various conferences organized within the framework of the fair. On April 22, Confemadera held the 'day of the wood' where the entity 'Build with wood' introduced the first 'Guide of construction with wood' containing different elaborate works technical building code (CTE) so far on this material in connection with the new which includes information on materials, security against fire, durability, unions, and execution, control and maintenance.

The presentation was made in the framework of the 'day of the wood', for the first time and as a novelty, organized this year in the fair to disseminate the benefits of the use of wood in the construction processes.

Presentation of the 'day of the wood'
Presentation of the 'day of the wood'.

The presentation was attended Pilar Navarro, Director of Construmat, Francesc de Paula Pons, general Secretary of Confemadera, Eugenio Perea, President of the project 'Build with wood' and Luis Vega, head of the unit for quality in the construction of the Institute of Sciences of the construction Eduardo Torroja (CSIC).

This guide, developed in collaboration with the Eduardo Torroja construction Sciences Institute was created in order to propose constructive solutions with wood which meet the requirements established by the CTE and designers provide all the necessary information on manufactured items with this material in recognized document of the CTE, which, in fact, provides a compilation and extension of the current content of the basic documents of the code.

"With the con la aprobación approval on 17 March of the technical building code (CTE), began a new stage in the construction, with a more complete regulations and which been standardized, at the national level, the wooden structures"
Francesc de Paula Pons, general Secretary of Confemadera and Luis Vega...
Francesc de Paula Pons, general Secretary of Confemadera and Luis Vega, head of the unit for quality in the construction of the Institute of Sciences of the construction Eduardo Torroja (CSIC).

In total, the 'guide du Bois' consists of six chapters, of which 3 have been edited (chapters 0,1 and 5).

-Chapter 0: Basic concepts of construction with wood.

-Chapter 1: Products of wood for construction.

-Chapter 2: Durability.

-Chapter 3: Security against fire.

-Chapter 4: Unions.

-Chapter 5: Implementation, monitoring and maintenance.

Luis Vega and Eugenio Perea, President of the project 'Build with wood'
Luis Vega and Eugenio Perea, President of the project 'Build with wood'.

Juan Ignacio Fernández-Golfín dry, director of the laboratory of structures of Inia and coordinator of the project 'Build with wood', technical Committee "with the adoption on 17 March of the building (CTE) technical code, began a new stage in the construction"with regulations more complete and which been standardized, at the national level, the wooden structures. Hence the importance of developing technical documentation, which, with the explicit recognition of the Ministry of housing, facilitate the implementation of the CTE and improves the quality of the buildings. "These publications enable designers and other professionals used the wood and its derivatives with safety and efficacy, and overcome fears and misconceptions about this material".

Stand 'Build with wood'
Stand 'Build with wood'.

Furthermore, according to navarro pillar, "since 1979, the year of the first edition, Construmat has been not only as a trade show but as a forum for debate and reflection in which trends and proposals have been advanced." "In this sense, seat of the 'day of the wood' is an example of the importance of this call and its future and close link to the reference room of our country."

At the same time, a version in Spanish 'Build with wood' participates in the European technical platform Dataholz (, making it possible that, in the middle of this year, is accessible. This platform contains large amount of documentation and technical data relating to the construction with wood systems and products used for their construction.

Presentation of the Guide
Presentation of the Guide.
'Build with wood' will initiate a programme of training and information in the hands of prestigious professionals in the sector of construction and wood

To complement this technical program project is paying special attention to the catalogue of systems construction of CTE with funding a full programme of trials aimed to ensure that the main constructive systems with wood are perfectly characterizedboth in its mechanical behavior such as thermal, acoustic or fire.

Outdated once, during 2009, this phase initial documentation, 'Build with wood' will initiate a programme of training and information that, in the hands of prestigious professionals in the sector of construction and wood, will improve the knowledge on improving signs use the wood between the professionals of the sector.

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