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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Manuel Mateos de Vicente, doctor ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos e ingeniero técnico de Obras Públicas

"Wasted much water because of inadequate valves"

Interview with Manuel Mateos de Vicente, Dr. ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos and technical engineer of public works

Drafting Interempresas09/07/2013

Manuel Vicente de Mateos began his career in the world of geotechnical engineering, specialty lands in the field laboratory for the construction of Torrejón airport and received his doctorate at Iowa State University. It also has 50 years of experience in different types of valves for water, a field of work that delves into this interview.

It seems that he has focused his professional interest in two of the four essential elements: the land and the water, do you feel that it dominates them?

I have tried to deepen on those two elements and their possible uses in its relationship with the savings, the sustainability. So I took in my years younger subjects given by those who were considered more experts in the world and which were at the forefront of United States.

Manuel Vicente Mateos
Manuel Vicente Mateos.
"The Earth: source of savings on pavements and foundations"

He has widely researched the qualities of the land in order to achieve cost-effective solutions to major problems in practice. How would you summarize your best applications?

The Earth is everywhere, either clay, silty or sandy. For this reason I have studied it under those three aspects to treat that has good resistance in order to be used in pavements and hence in foundations, slopes and adobe houses. If there is interest, it can be a great source of saving something as basic and simple as the earth itself, which is close to the work that you want to perform. Spain barely mention this specialty, which I regard as a mistake.

Most of his professional life, for 50 years, has been dedicated to the research on valves for water conditions, being your company one of the few that serve large valves.

In relation to the uses of the water I've concentrated on pipes and their accessories, such as valves, about which I have written eleven books. In Spain much water was lost from its origin to the consumer because used inadequate valves in your design, or poor. I am also very interested in the conservation of water, stuff that I wrote widely with prominent professors. I'm not an agronomist and I can not apply the principles of soil conservation, but yes I have lectured on this topic.

In Spain we have managed that valves are selected for their reliability, although in many cases, the cost premium above benefits. But there are countries where can lose up to 70 percent of the water between its origin and the consumer. So we have been recently recruited to analyze the losses of water in the drinking water pipes in Armenia, work for which my son Axel, an expert in the field, with a basic preparation that includes Bachelor in Business Administration and Mechanical Engineer at St. Louis University and master's degree at Loyola University has been selected.

We see that he remains active writing, does it contribute in teaching?

I give lectures at some universities. In the Murcia Catholic I am Honorary Professor. Also I am not technical conferences in various associations.

Manuel Mateos has written six books in English on stabilization of lands and the use of soot in the construction
Manuel Mateos has written six books in English on stabilization of lands and the use of soot in the construction.

Could you tell us of another investigation that has made and which is beneficial to society?

I have been, perhaps, who has been more analyzed and investigated the use of the soot of the thermal power plants that burn coal. This work is in some 20 papers. Reaching the end occurred to me trying to find if some of those materials could be cement and, indeed, some were not. Currently thousands of tons/day of such soot having contributed as well to avoid being used millions of pounds of CO2 attend today the atmosphere.

I am concerned about diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's because no one knows how originate and knowing what we could cure them. I think I'm on track to find out: applying my knowledge of fluids to analyze the body, expressed in ten books, and my nearly 40 papers where I research a hundred chemicals. I have a 'Health' book with 220 entries which is in (toll free).

Now I'm still investigating so there is less traffic accidents without blame the driver. They have accepted hundreds of my proposals but there are still dozens who should be the practice to avoid accidents: improving Bowers, save thousands of liters of fuel to make the movement runs with less traffic jams.

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