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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Ramón Moscoso del Prado, director de WEG Iberia
"People are the main resource that companies have, and we want to empower you."

Interview with Ramón Moscoso del Prado, director of WEG Iberia

David Muñoz15/07/2013

The WEG has origins in September 1961 when three professionals whose initials have given name to the company, Werner Ricardo Voigt, Eggon João da Silva and Geraldo Werninghaus, created in Brazil the company Eletromotores Jaraguá, later renamed as Eletromotores WEG S.A. Over the years, these three acronyms would serve to identify clearly to one of the largest manufacturers of electric motors in the world, with presence notably in sectors as diverse as those of command and protection, variation of speed, automation and industrial processes, generation and distribution of energy, paints and industrial coatings. For 15 years the company also have direct presence in Spain.

The month of September will mark 52 years of the Foundation of WEG. How would you describe the situation facing the company worldwide?

WEG started out as a small workshop of production of engines in 1961, and since then has become a group present in practically all the industrial areas and growth in the world, having a very healthy financial position, with significant growth year-to-year.

Additionally, WEG has a very aggressive plan for growth with a view to the year 2020. This plan will take us to duplicate both the surface of manufacture and the number of people for that year. At this time we are more than 26,000 professionals around the world.

Ramon Moscoso del Prado, director of WEG Iberia
Ramon Moscoso del Prado, director of WEG Iberia.

As indicated, its activity began as a manufacturer of electric motors, even though they like to define as a supplier of complete industrial electrical systems. What does this mean? What can you find today a customer at WEG?

WEG has increased its range of products responding to the requirements and needs of the market, and with a clear strategy of seeking synergy between them. Therefore, today WEG has a set of products ranging from the input transformers of the plant, processing and distribution within the same (MT-cell), pictures at BT and charges, which operated the equipment (pumps, compressors, fans...). Even if on the ground need cogeneration, WEG provides generators. By this we mean that, depending on the geographic area, WEG can be the ideal technology partner for industrial projects, since we develop the engineering, production, testing and distribution, quite controlling all the stages of the production process, since we are a highly integrated company.

Do business values that underpins today WEG its activity?

Like any big company, we have our vision and mission of the company, which leads to sustainable growth, while maintaining simplicity. We have a motto that appears very regularly, which indicates that the people are the main resource that companies have, and we want to encourage it.

What are the main strategic lines that are being developed to encourage the growth of WEG?

As we have already mentioned, WEG is involved in a major programme with a view to the year 2020. This requires us to have a significant organic growth, but it is possible the inorganic growth, which provide a complement to our activity, and of course, an increase in our sales.

Coinciding with the celebration of his 15 years in Spain, WEG Iberia has moved offices
Coinciding with the celebration of his 15 years in Spain, WEG Iberia has moved offices.

What type of industries are currently WEG solutions a greater presence (renewable energies, chemistry, automotive...)? Is this also extrapolated to the Spanish market?

The type of product that WEG designs, manufactures and distributes market is, plain and simple, in virtually any industry and any industry.

It is difficult to find one where there are no engines, drives, transformers, starters, generators...

WEG adapts to the requirements of the chemical and oil industry manufacturing equipment ATEX or API, to the mining company with tailor-made solutions for these demanding regulations, to the water with their conditions...

In Spain we can speak of the same situation, and are in fact present in all industrial sectors. Perhaps if who is reading this interview walks through your plant, you will see that many of the teams that for example to move or control your pumps or fans are WEG.

"From the organisational point of view, we have basically three business units replicating the generals, such as BT, energy and automation engines"

What degree of development are still industrial electrical systems? What are the technological trends that today mark the development of the new solutions?

Some people think that since the physical laws that allow us to control electricity have not changed in more than 150 years, be a little innovative sector, and that a motor is equal manufactures who manufacture it. This is far removed from reality.

First, all the leading companies use many resources to improve and develop our equipment technical and economic, and, in addition, there is a political movement worldwide substantial increase of energy efficiency in both industrial and residential/tertiary sector.

These two points, and in our field, has led us to dispose of computers that meet and others that exceed efficiency requirements that set regulations, more than having engines IE3 and IE4's induction, and also those who expect called IE5, when requirements are IE2.

This has needed a lot of technical effort for improving equipment, incorporating new materials.

Also the use of power electronics allows us to optimize the package or process, allowing you to add a considerable saving in the same.

WEG has a very large number of engineers that allows us to adapt to the characteristics of each industrial project design, which we believe that the market recognized as high added value.

His long experience in the sector WEG Iberia often participate in different technical seminars...
His long experience in the sector WEG Iberia often participate in different technical seminars. In the picture, the Conference on technologies and solutions for the Industrial Automation JAI2012.

Within the wide range of products and solutions offered by WEG, do segments are experiencing higher growth during the last years?

WEG has grown considerably in almost all areas, given that we work with all manufacturers of equipment such as pumps, fans, blowers, compressors, etc.

Depending on the geographical area, these manufacturers are more specialized in one area or another type, but focusing a little shot, we understand that the sector of oil, renewable and water may be our strong points.

Specifically, for the chemical sector, what leading solutions that can bring today WEG?

WEG can provide all products listed above, with design and construction suitable for the chemical and petrochemical sector. We also have certification of joint operation of motor+variador both in low and medium voltage in classified areas, which both system integrators as to customers, greatly facilitates you life.

Both manufacture according to IEC NEMA standard allows us to meet any specification, regardless of the target market.

"WEG adapts to the requirements of the chemical and oil industry manufacturing equipment ATEX or API"

Do important give at WEG values ever more present in our society such as sustainability, security, or the social responsibility?

WEG has several social responsibility programs, mainly for populations where the factories are located. This allows us to return some of our profits, and to collaborate in the community benefit society.

Business values are very settled and we work by the fact strengthen them.

Since when is the company in Spain present through WEG Iberia? What structure do you have?

WEG is present in Spain since 1998, coinciding this 2013 with the 15th anniversary.  We have a facility of approximately 1,000 m2, and 6,500 m2 of warehouse Office, allowing us to provide a service we believe that good enough to our customers.

From the organizational point of view, we have basically three business units replicating the generals, such as BT, energy and automation engines.

We count with highly qualified technical staff to study specifications, more and more complex, the equipment, and to provide the WEG solution that is best suited to them, covering commercially throughout Spain, and with offices in Bilbao, Barcelona and Seville, apart from our headquarters in Madrid.

At the same time, as an example of integration, we are working with quite a few Spanish companies when it comes to provide the power package for their international projects and a special presence in America.

Do they also range from this subsidiary the Portuguese market? And North Africa?

Portugal is serviced from our Portuguese subsidiary, and in addition we have there a factory of engines (one of the 20 available), which supplies a large part of our organization around the world.

We manage North Africa in function of the project and the company working on the project, from France or from Spain.

We would like to mention the great subsidiary we have in South Africa, which has the responsibility to cover both this country and some adjacent, and is able to design, install, start-up and maintenance of the equipment supplied to do. This is very important given that many Spanish companies have this country as a clear objective, and it is crucial to have a stable and competent partner in the area.

Anyway, WEG is working on projects around the world, regardless of the country of destination.

WEG already boasts a long experience in the design and manufacture of hybrid engines
WEG already boasts a long experience in the design and manufacture of hybrid engines.

How would rate the implementation that has today WEG in the Spanish market? How do you intended promote it?

WEG now has a name and well-known popularity in the industrial sector, and especially in the equipment manufacturers. Our position is pretty good, and we want to take it to the customers of our customers.

This will lead to apply a different media policy, which we are already developing, and also the work on the concept of project. These two pillars will make sure that our image will boost.

Finally, as a summary, how is the future for WEG to short, medium and long term?

We believe that the future, globally, is promising and motivating. We are optimistic.

Our growth plan will lead us to an excellent market position, and we believe we are a serious, reliable company with presence in the market for a long time.

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